Closing The Loop On Quests

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Re: Closing The Loop On Quests

Post by Interkarma »

Nah, that would be insane even for me. :)

Quest scripts are generated by Template V1.11, a quest compiler/decompiler written by Donald Tipton back in the day. I settled on that for a bunch of reasons. Some of my earlier devlogs on quest system have more details.

I just wrote some command line tools to batch decompile the QBN/QRC files and format for Daggerfall Unity.

Oh, and then I had to reimplement the entire quest system into a new engine without any source code or internal documentation to work from. That's still kind of insane I guess. :|

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Re: Closing The Loop On Quests

Post by Jay_H »

It is insane, I don't want to downplay it in any way. I just wanted to see if you had actually done all 261 quests by hand, which would have just been... I dunno, no words.

The best part about this text format is that it only requires a little effort for me to begin creating new quests with minimal effort. I look at a quest with elements I want to use, I copy them, I change texts, and then I troubleshoot. If this were the only thing that came from Daggerfall Unity I'd still call it a huge victory :)

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Re: Closing The Loop On Quests

Post by Interkarma »

Cheers. And I'm happy to hear someone else is diving into the quest system. :) I think after a while, more people will cotton on to how great it is to write quests in plain text while the game is running. I've also put in hooks for modders to register custom quest actions, so the script language should be reasonably extensible too.

All these things will probably take a while to really get adoption though. Hopefully we start to see some clever and totally unique quests down the road that really stretch the systems.

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