Classic quests in DFU

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Re: Classic quests in DFU

Post by Jay_H »

The region, sorry.

I've tentatively finished the Mages Guild, though I need to do some revision, as still is the case with the Fighters Guild.

-N0B00Y04, fixed 1045 failure message
-N0B00Y06, fine
-N0B00Y09, FAILED, Sleep spell
-N0B00Y09, fixed undefined variables which prevented quest functioning. Placed scholar in house2; likely not correct. Placed db in house1; not sure if correct. Repute exceeds task not yet functional; invitation always arrives.
-N0B00Y16, FAILED, Open spell

I'm giving a quick pass through each faction to get started, and then I want to muddle myself with the hard stuff. We can at least have a functional pool for each guild to begin with, I think.

If we're on to fixing house types, house3 just failed for me in Ilessan Hills. The game "found" a match but gave blank values for it. Also, all values from house5 to house8 were a crash for me, a long time ago when I was testing it. I can give it another go on request.
Last edited by Jay_H on Thu Mar 08, 2018 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Classic quests in DFU

Post by Hazelnut »

I'd like you to try house4 in any of these locations in Daggerfall region since they all contain blocks with house4, assuming I haven't screwed up:
"Castle Necromoghan",
"Ruins of Gaerhart Manor",
"Alabywyr's Gaol",
"The Agryn Prison",
"Dunore Laboratory",
"The House of Baron Garulaus",
"Chrystyna Cultus",
"Ruins of Hearthston Manor",
"Ruins of Old Gwynyrrya's Place",
"The Fortress of Gaersmith",
"The House of Vladingus",
"Theodyrick Laboratory",
"The Gold Fawn Tavern",
"The Alabane House of Correction",
"The Savage Chasm Pub",
"The Lucky Badger Hostel",
"The Bat and Jug Lodge",
"Castle Corroghar",
"Bedard Laboratory",
"The Dungeon of Peristair",
"The Bat and Griffin Inn",
"Ruins of Wicksmith Court",
"The Crypt of Garomaus",
"Gondyrick Laboratory",
"Garenor Hall",
"The Tristyrick Academy",
"Ruins of The Hawking Farmstead",
"Holmore Field",
"The Beaver and Dungeon Lodge",
"The Pit of Jubiamorgon",
"Ruins of Coppersmith Grange",
"Perynak Laboratory",
"The Convocation of Elona",
"Ruins of The Wicking Farmstead",
"The Dead Woodchuck Inn",
"Ruins of Old Barbona's Place",
"The Rusty Ogre Lodge",
"Grimworth Hall",
"Theodynak Laboratory",
"Ruins of Old Carololda's Farm",
"The Alabore Prison",
"Castle Vladimyth",
"The Aviary of Morarock",
"The Howling Bird Inn",
"Evelyrrya Cultus",
"Asmeusena's Den",
"Ripcester Wood",
"The Sashloth Web",
"The Crimson Giant Lodge",
"The Tomb of Garelaus",
"The Tomb of Baroghoth",
"The Lair of Gondyn",
"Yeten's Web",
"Ruins of Old Elyvyra's Shack",
"Wilderwood Rock",
"The Crypt of Lithivan",
"The Lair of Uthistair",
"Newwood Wood",
"Baaluchex's Den",
"The Sahoder Cavern",
"The Fortress of Mastersmith",
"The Citadel of Wickston",
"The Castle of Masterford",
"Peristair Laboratory",
"The Barrow of Stadivam",
"The Morgyn Coven",
"Fontville ",
"The Tower of Woodwing",
"The Fortress of Gaerfield",
"Ruins of Kingsly Grange",
"Dunyn Laboratory",
"Edworyan Laboratory",
"Ruins of Old Chrystyrrya's Farm",
"The Lair of Alabore",
"Agryn Laboratory",
"Grimtower Hall",
"The Coven of Elyzyn",
"The Demuchothulla Cave",
"Ruins of The Ashsmith Farmstead",
"The Stronghold of Greenhouse",
"The Druloten Nest",
"Ripgate Field",
"The House of Stadingan",
"The Community of Vannausa",
"Ruins of Kingham Manor",
"Bedyctor's Gaol",
"Ruins of Copperhart Orchard",
"Ruins of Gaersmith Orchard",
"The Jubanxia Cavern",
"Ruins of Moorford Manor",
"The Hole of Balul",
"The Hold of Mooring",
"Castle Vladivon",
"Theodyval Laboratory",
"The Circle of Gwynyssa",
"Stokworth Moor",
"Andynak Laboratory",
"Ruins of Wickston Manor",
"The Nest of Aneloth",
"The Castle of Wickham",
"Ruins of Kinghouse Grange",
"The Sepulcher of Darkenezzar",
"The Edwistair Asylum",
"The Castle of Copperfield",
"Grimidge Garden",
"The Den of Mordistyr",
"The Azargoth Web",
"The Nest of Vojgon",
"The Dancing Rascal Pub",
"Ruins of Masterston Palace",
"The Cabal of Elorya",
"Jubithiva's Den",
"Ruins of The Moorhart Farmstead",
"Ruins of Castle Gaerton",
"The Pig and Guard Inn",
"Penpath Derry",
"Horton Hamlet",
"The Lucky Jug Tavern",
"The Barrow of Verenus",
"Ruins of Gaersley's Hold",
"The Cavern of Maelula",
"Baalasunah Hollow",
"Ruins of Ashwing Manor",
"Andane Laboratory",
"The Den of Gondyctor",
"The Haunt of Lithoghan",
"The Penitentiary of Rodoryan",
"The Hearthhart Ruins",
"The Dungeon of Tristane",
"Greenfield's Hold",
"The Devil's Rascal Inn",
"The Haunt of Magnoghan",
"Aldingwick Hill",
"Grimidge Minster",
"Baalithiah Hollow",
"The Tower of Kinging",
"The Vannausa Coven",
"The Cairn of Vladivarar",
"The Citadel of Gaersley",
"The Green Dungeon Lodge",
"The Groladon Web",
"Gondistyr Laboratory",
"The Devil's Hedgehog Tavern",
"Hearthham's Hold",
"The Homunuchexa Hole",
"Longwich End",
"Masterham's Guard",
"The Cabal of Morgyrrya",
"Aldpath Hall"
See my mod code for examples of how to change various aspects of DFU:

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Re: Classic quests in DFU

Post by Jay_H »

The result of that experiment was interesting. Just for some background, the way houses are chosen is that you tend to set it as "remote HOUSETYPE", which means it'll look for that house type outside your current city.

I tried "remote house4," and on the first try got sent to Daggerfall City, to some very luxury-type house south of Daggerfall Castle. The quest worked perfectly. I then tried it again, and got the blank values bug. DFU stalled very visibly while attempting it that time. Interkarma mentioned that it'll stall for awhile when trying to find a proper match, and then it just appears to output anything if the match didn't work properly. This is the result:


As you can see, there are blank spots where the city and residence names need to be. The quest timer also calculates to zero.

I then tried running a "local house4" quest within a couple of the cities you mentioned, which means it'll do it inside your current city, but they failed to initialize. The error I'm getting from the player log is this:

Code: Select all

Exception: Tried to assign resource scholar to Place without at least 1x spawn and 1x item marker.
  at DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.Questing.Place.AssignQuestResource 
I notice that a high number of the values in your list are actually dungeons; easily 2/3, if not more.

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Re: Classic quests in DFU

Post by Hazelnut »

Jay_H wrote:I notice that a high number of the values in your list are actually dungeons; easily 2/3, if not more.
That probably means I screwed it up then. :oops:
See my mod code for examples of how to change various aspects of DFU:

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Re: Classic quests in DFU

Post by Jay_H »

Interkarma, I'm running across a variable that's defined differently in DFU than in DF. When an enemy name is preceded by =, like =knight_, in DF it displays a name. In DFU it displays the race. Here's a screenshot of L0B40Y04:

UESP wrote:"I just knew you could not resist this one. Fair warning, your target, (noble's name) is no pampered princeling. The client is also one of the royal family, worried that (noble's name) is going to worm a way to the throne. And from what I've heard, (he/she) has the power to do just that. Our client wants (him/her) extinct in (time limit) days. We will give you that time to account and return to make your report. May Mephala walk with you, (player's first name)."
What I've done up until now is create a dummy duplicate NPC and feed in the dummy name where the = name would be placed. Do you want me to do that for the classic quests too, or is this something to be resolved in the system?

Also, the Vampire in L0B10Y03 uses a mummy name instead of a humanoid one.

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Re: Classic quests in DFU

Post by Interkarma »

Jay_H wrote: What I've done up until now is create a dummy duplicate NPC and feed in the dummy name where the = name would be placed. Do you want me to do that for the classic quests too, or is this something to be resolved in the system?
Looking at this quickly, the =symbol_ macro for a Foe resource should output a display name, but I've made a mistake and it's emitting the wrong text. I'll get this fixed up as a priority.

Edit: Two mistakes, actually. The name generation for Foe resources was still unfinished, and I'm emitting the wrong text. Will fix this up along with the problem below in L0B10Y03. I'm just going to use local climate to select namebank as with other NPC names, unless any objections? I should also be able to fix the indeterminate gender of spawned humanoid foes at the same time.

Jay_H wrote: Also, the Vampire in L0B10Y03 uses a mummy name instead of a humanoid one.
There's no mummy name as such - monstrous Foe resources draw from a different name bank than humanoid resources. I can see it would make sense for a vampire to use a regular name bank though. Easy enough to fix.

Edit: Thanks for confirming vampires in classic also use monster namebank. No changes needed then.

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Re: Classic quests in DFU

Post by Jay_H »

I'll give it a shot in a little bit. Just finished all the Dark Brotherhood quests :)

-L0A01L00, FAILED, needs action support at mixing poison and decanter. Fixed undefined QG location. Set quest timers as fixed 14 and 30 days to allow completion. Set 30 day timer to stop when 14 day timer begins for fairness.
-L0B00Y00, fine
-L0B00Y01, fixed undefined informant location. Enemy name is undefined.
-L0B00Y02, various undefined names. Quest timer is tight due to multiple remote locations.
-L0B00Y03, enemy mage has no defined name.
-L0B10Y01, enemy bard has no defined name.
-L0B10Y03, fixed place names. Fixed instant reward glitch. Quest timer is tight due to multiple remote locations.
-L0B20Y02, fine
-L0B30Y03, fine
-L0B30Y09, fine
-L0B40Y04, changed =knight_ to _knight_ in dialogue.
-L0B50Y11, fine
-L0B60Y10, added instant reward fix.

I'm assuming the DB quests were written last of all, since they almost all have the instant reward glitch fixed.
Last edited by Jay_H on Fri Mar 09, 2018 4:00 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Classic quests in DFU

Post by Jay_H »

Well, uh, I was wrong about the vampire name thing :lol: In classic the vampire is named Dispilon, Morkul, and so on. Shows what I know!

Do you still want me to test humanoid names in general, or is this what you were looking for?

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Re: Classic quests in DFU

Post by Interkarma »

Thanks for letting me know! :)

No problems for testing names anymore, I'll just make this follow climate like other humanoid NPC names, unless any objections? I've edited post above now.

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Re: Classic quests in DFU

Post by Jay_H »

You're the captain. No objections :)

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