Enhancements to original version

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Enhancements to original version

Post by legion »

Hi, I used to play Daggerfall decades ago. I remember being frustrated at the squandered potential of the game.
I just discovered Daggerfall Unity and its like a dream come to true.
My question is: what has been added to the game that wasn't implemented in the original?
So far, I've noticed draw distance which is phenomenal, and the ability to change containers for visual customization, as well as creature knockbacks. What else should I look for?

If its possible, I would love to take customization a step further and make it so you can attach any icon in the game to a "container" and then drop it into the world environment. That way we could really decorate our ships/houses.

It would also be great to have many additional character portraits to choose from.

I am very impressed with what you folks have accomplished.

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Re: Enhancements to original version

Post by King of Worms »

Welcome! ... lots of thing have been improved, more than I can name here. "Quality of life" like improved inventory with more space, where mouse scrolling actually works and you can see item stats. Horses can run. Map is 100x better. Weather is improved. New quests/guilds, grass shaders and folliage, where grass and bushes are greener and taller at summer, different at fall etc, plants grow at the ponds, birds fly on the sky...just try it.. or browse forums more :)

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Re: Enhancements to original version

Post by Interkarma »

Welcome to the forums legion. :)

The primary goal of Daggerfall Unity is to recreate classic Daggerfall in a new engine with quality of life enhancements and mod support. The base experience is very closely matched to classic but is overall more comfortable to play. There are no substantial gameplay additions or changes by default, and quality of life improvements must not dramatically change the overall sense of the game.

However, Daggerfall Unity has powerful mod support already, including an integrated runtime C# compiler so it works like a platform all to itself. Using a free copy of the Unity editor, you can build standalone mod packages containing scripts, textures, audio, etc. that run even when the end-user does not have Unity. Possibly one of the most advanced uses of the modding system so far is Hazelnut's guild system where he adds an entire new guild (The Archaeologists) with ranks and advancement, adds new NPCs and decorations to buildings, new quests, and even a locator device for dungeon navigation that's part of the guild system. This is very impressive stuff!

As an entry point to modding, it's also possible just to inject new textures, audio, and models into the game by dropping loose files into a folder. No Unity required. Likewise, you can import entire new quest packs with custom quests for any group like the Fighters or Mages. About quests - they use a text-based scripting language that's compiled at runtime, no more offline compiling QRC/QBN files. You can write new quests and test them in game even while the game is running.

All of this, along with an open source code base, makes Daggerfall Unity highly receptive to changes by the community. While the default experience is intended to be "Classic Daggerfall Plus", the power and flexibility of the mod system makes a great many things possible, and The capabilities of mod system will only continue to grow over time.

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