Prostitutes and Lovers Mod

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Prostitutes and Lovers Mod

Post by harbinger451 »


NOW: amorous assignations with prostitutes, commoners, nobles & courtesans PLUS sacred prostitution at the House of Dibella! SOON fight a nefarious prostitution ring - House Sanguine!


Prostitutes may now be recommended to you by commoners. If you visit those prostitutes (newly added by this mod), they will proposition you with an offer of sex for money. As your reputation grows they will at first start to charge you more, but once it reaches a certain level they may also gift you a freebie. Make sure you have enough gold though, for you may now have to answer to their procurers if you come up short.

Commoners (including the already existing prostitutes) may randomly proposition you directly, asking you to prostitute yourself (offering money for sex), or more likely prostituting themselves (offering sex for money), or they may simply offer their entirely "free" love and, as your rep grows, give you a trinket as a love token to remember them by.

Nobles may profess their love for you too, though at a higher rep than the commoners, and will start offering gemstone love tokens as your reputation grows. Beware... offending a noble now may cause them to call the guards. Nobles will not prostitute themselves (they've got standards... mostly, the courtesans are now the exception to this rule) but they'll have no qualms at all about asking you to prostitute yourself. On average, they should pay a little more for your services than the commoners will. New - a noble may now recommend a courtesan to you... but they are very expensive and if you try to short change them, they'll send for the guards.

Temple quest givers will give non-members the opportunity to have sacred sex by pointing you to a missionary of Dibella who will oblige for a donation to the House of Dibella. The quest givers at the House of Dibella itself will offer members the quests "Receive Dibella's Embrace", which gives access to sacred sex for free, and "Deliver Dibella's Embrace", which sends player members out to local devotees who are lacking love in their lives, giving you a chance to earn a quest fee for giving the ecstatic rite of sacred sex to a fellow member. A new quest has been added, "Reward a Benefactor" which sends you to a charitable noble... do not upset them, they may send for the guards.

Your various "conquests" will be logged in your journal (Dialogue Notes - Finished Quests) if you want to keep track of them. Rumors and gossip about your loves and loving will also appear in the "What's new" topic via the dialogue window.

All amarous encounters, except the "Sacred Sex" ones, come with the small chance of catching a disease... a hint of which, if you contract one, will be logged in your Journal when you finish the quest.

That's it. That's what this mod does. Nothing flash, there are no new guilds, items, enemies or locations - it just adds some (20 atm) very simple dialogue based quests to npcs that are already in the game. This is my first attempt at making quests for Daggerfall Unity and it has very much been a learning process.

In the next update I plan to tie prostitution to the Thieves Guild (something that was hinted at in the vanilla game but never really explored) and introduce a series of quests that deal with an evil and nefarious prostitution ring called House Sanguine for you to battle against, they are moving in on the Thieves Guild's prostitution racket and kidnapping npcs, forcing them into prostitution (or making them orgie fodder) in the name of the Daedra Prince of Lust.

Ultimately I had planned on instituting a benign (and joinable) new guild for prostitutes... the Red Lantern Guild, but atm it's beyond my technical capabilities and I'm not even sure it's needed or worth doing, especially seeing as there already is a prostitutes guild mod out there.


Version 1.4: Corrected a duplicate quest id number that would mean one of the "recommend a prostitute" quests probably wouldn't appear. Added one more House of Dibella quest. Added a courtesan quest to the nobles. Added the chance of having to deal with a prostitute's procurer (rogue) or a noble's guards (knights). Added a reputation penalty to backing out of a prostitution quest after being told the cost, and also one to letting a lover's quest or a prostitute yourself quest time-out (you have one ingame hour to do the deed). Added more responses to keep things interesting. Reduced the minimum rep for most quests so they might appear sooner. Reduced some of the prostitute yourself rewards slightly for balance. Made some minor spelling/punctuation corrections. Reverted back to a quest pack rather than a dfmod. One quest requires the Actions Framework mod for added functionality.

Version 1.3: Now packaged properly for VORTEX. This version adds some "Sacred Sex" quests based around the House of Dibella, adds a couple more "Prostitute Yourself" quests that are available at a higher rep and pay more, and adds the chance to visit prostitutes recommended by commoners. Because I've added more ways of making money from sex, I've removed the chance of prostitutes paying you for instruction, they just give freebies now when your rep is high.

Version 1.2: Quest Pack converted to a dfmod with minimum requirement of DFU 0.10.24. Balances the pricing a little by reducing (and randomizing) amount paid by NPCs if you prostitute yourself and increasing amount you pay NPCs that prostitute themselves. Increased some repute thresholds. Included a few minor refinements of text here and there, some spelling corrections and added some new responses to the mix.

Version 1.1: Adds a small(ish) chance of contracting a disease with each of the quests. Includes a major fix in one quest and a few refinements in the text of a couple more.

Version 1.0: Initial release.


I've used various snippets of unused dialogue on which to build these quests. The unused dialogue, and the fact that there is a prostitutes faction in the game at all, suggests that the developers of the original Daggerfall always intended to incorporate something like this before release but, for whatever reason, it was pulled or aborted.

The dialogue used is intentionally ambiguous regarding gender. Whether your player character is male or female, they can be propositioned by either male or female npcs ... like in real life you are free to say yes or no to any of these propositions according to the sexual proclivities of either yourself or the character you choose to play. I have written numerous responses for each stage of the quests so hopefully no two assignations should fully transpire the same ... at least, not very often anyway.

I've flagged all these quests as ADULT (X) though they are just a bit of fun meant to break the monotony and add some role playing spice and colour to chatting with npcs ... they may be a little saucy here and there but are not explicit. They are more humorous than anything, but if this sort of thing offends your sensibilities, don't download it. To play this mod you must make sure Player Nudity is ticked on!


To play the new quest pack version (v1.4) unzip file directly into the StreamingAssets folder (Vortex should do this automatically) or cut and paste manually into the StreamingAssets folder. The file path should end up as "StreamingAssets/QuestPacks/Harbinger451/ProstitutesAndLovers Quests". There is NO dfmod to be enabled and NO console command required.
Delete or un-enable any old dfmod versions before you play.

These quests are added to the pool of quests that come up naturally when talking to NPCs... the taverns and inns are probably a good place to start. Talk to everyone.

To play version 1.2 or 1.3, simply download, unzip and paste the dfmod into Daggerfall Unity's "StreamingAssets/Mods" folder. Make sure the mod is enabled then play the game... though I've had some feedback that these dfmod versions no longer work in the latest build of DFU.

Version 1.1 or earlier is no longer available or supported.


If you come across any problems or mistakes please leave a comment on the appropriate Nexus or Daggerfall Workshop Forums page. Ask yourself whether it can be considered a feature before reporting it as a bug.

It shouldn't conflict with other mods, even if someone creates a prostitute's guild mod (although future versions of this mod may do that, so they might then conflict) it should run side by side with this one just fine. At the moment the only possible conflict would be with other new quests that use the same id numbers, i.e. the 11 Commoner quest ids 89 to 99, the 5 nobility quest ids 90 to 94, and the 4 temple quest ids 90 to 93.

This mod is not meant as a commentary on the real world legality or morality of prostitution, of sexual promiscuity, of same-sex relationships, or of any other aspect of gender politics. This is just a mod for a fantasy game set in a world without hang-ups regarding sex, sexuality and prostitution. I'm not promoting or denigrating any particular lifestyle or sexuality with this, I'm just trying to make a fun game even more so.

Last edited by harbinger451 on Fri Jan 06, 2023 7:53 pm, edited 14 times in total.

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Re: Prostitutes and Lovers Quest Pack

Post by harbinger451 »

Unfortunately, due to the random nature of the quest mechanics in this game, using this quest pack means that there is a slight chance that a child NPC will proposition the Player Character at some point. At the moment there is nothing I can do, as far as I know, to exclude the children faction (a subset of the commoners) from the commoner quests in this pack. If anyone does know of a way, PLEASE let me know. Remember you can always say no to any proposition.

Is a warning of this possibie outcome on the description page and in the readme file sufficient, or should the quest pack be pulled until a time when the problem can be addressed?

This issue has now been resolved ... or will be as of build 0.10.24 - see topic here: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3855
Last edited by harbinger451 on Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Prostitutes and Lovers Quest Pack

Post by pango »

Children questors is often broken even with just classic quests: boys asking you to rescue their child kidnapped by the Dark Brotherhood, for example.
Can you really get quests from children in classic? I tried in a few towns and couldn't get any quest (but maybe i've been unlucky).
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Re: Prostitutes and Lovers Quest Pack

Post by Allerka »

I was actually going to ask about that after getting a couple of propositions from kids (teenaged boys asking a female PC I could kinda see, but definitely not the little ones that are clearly 13 and under). I agree with Pango, it's just dang weird getting most quests from kids (I'm sure you totally own a business, or have a house that's going to be ransacked, or a child of your own that's been kidnapped, etc.). I honestly don't remember if I ever got any quests from kids in classic. Since most quests just don't make any sense coming from a kid anyway, disabling them as quest givers with this mod seems like a viable solution to me.

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Re: Prostitutes and Lovers Quest Pack

Post by harbinger451 »

Thanks for the replies guys.

I'm only just learning how to do quests and have no experience of creating a dfmod file ... but, if I was to package these quests as a dfmod, would it be possible to put in a script that excludes the children as questors? I wouldn't know where to start with this, but it'd give me a goal to work toward.

Or, considering that the children's status as questors is mostly broken and out-of-place and immersion breaking (even without this quest pack), is it something that could be requested as a feature within the daggerfall Unity base game... essentially turning off the children as quest givers.

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Re: Prostitutes and Lovers Quest Pack

Post by pango »

Probably something like that (untested): ... m-questors

But I'd really like to know what classic does...
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Re: Prostitutes and Lovers Quest Pack

Post by harbinger451 »

Thanks for that pango, though I have to admit its all a bit over my head at the moment. I've got a lot to learn about c# scripting.

I'm fairly sure the children in classic were also questors ... but it is a long time since I played classic, so can't be sure 100%..

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Re: Prostitutes and Lovers Quest Pack

Post by Ferital »

You're right harbinger, there is absolutely no check in classic concerning children NPCs, they are all able to give commoner quests. More than that, the Children faction is not used at all in the original game data, but I'm planning to change this as a runtime patch.

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Re: Prostitutes and Lovers Quest Pack

Post by harbinger451 »

More than that, the Children faction is not used at all in the original game data, but I'm planning to change this as a runtime patch.
In what way, change it ... and are you talking about the original game or DFUnity?

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Re: Prostitutes and Lovers Quest Pack

Post by Ferital »

harbinger451 wrote: Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:13 pm
More than that, the Children faction is not used at all in the original game data, but I'm planning to change this as a runtime patch.
In what way, change it ... and are you talking about the original game or DFUnity?

I'm talking about the original game data (BLOCKS.BSA in particular), which is used by classic as well as DFU. Another simpler way to detect children flats would be to rely on texture archives and records.

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