[0.11.1] Climbing speed follows walk/run speed at time climb is initiated

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[0.11.1] Climbing speed follows walk/run speed at time climb is initiated

Post by GenZo »

1. Climbing

The speed at which you move before you start climbing determines your speed at which you will move while on the wall.
Running into wall will make you climb fast, sneaking will cause you to be slow.
Works same way with or without advanced climbing.

Climbing bug video:

2. Buoyancy

Seemingly same bug with swimming while you have buoyancy active.

Buoyancy bug video:

3. Swimming

Swimming without buoyancy doesnt affect speed(or at least I can't tell) but I noticed the sound of it is quieter if im sneaking before I start swimming.
Might be some relation.

Swimming sound video:

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Re: [0.11.1] Bugged classic/advanced climbing + buoyancy speed

Post by Interkarma »

Hey, welcome to the forums. :)

I can confirm your report with climbing, good observation. I'll move this to bug reports to resolve in future.

I'll look at swimming at the same time and see if this is a related issue or something else.

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Re: [0.11.1] Climbing speed follows walk/run speed at time climb is initiated

Post by GenZo »

I don't think I have even used any kind of forums ever before. :D

Also not sure if this is good place for a suggestion but to me it felt like climbing is too risk free and leveling the skill doesnt do much besides you climbing faster correct?

I think adding a fail rate or having a stamina gauge type of thing for hanging on, would spice things up and make leveling it more meaningful.
Maybe both so instead of falling off if you fail a check, you could just lose a larger chunk of the stamina you have and improving your skill would help with the checks.

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