Daggerfall Imaging - Interactive Preview support?

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Daggerfall Imaging - Interactive Preview support?

Post by Taemos »

I didn't know where else to place this, so I figured this section was the most relevant.

I understand it would probably be a fair amount of work for little payoff and thus don't expect this to come to fruition, but I was wondering if support for the Interactive Preview's files could be added to Daggerfall Imaging. I've tried AndyPic and DagPicG to open the Interactive Preview's files with varying degrees of success. The Interactive Preview has additional creature animations (at least in the menu) that were cut from the final game and I wanted to see if they could be moved over to vanilla Daggerfall. I suspect that the game doesn't "look" for any more animations than it's coded for and so this probably won't even work, but at the very least there may be some graphics that have yet to be uncovered.

This also may all be covered under TCRF's Daggerfall prototype page... :)

Anyway, thought I'd at least ask.

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Re: Daggerfall Imaging - Interactive Preview support?

Post by Interkarma »

I haven't looked at the interactive preview in a lot years, but you might be able to get away with the below.

1. Go to folder %appdata%\DaggerfallImaging2 and delete all contents, including thumbnails folder. This location contains an index and thumbnails pre-built for the release version of Daggerfall.

2. Open Daggerfall Imaging 2 again and this time browse to the Arena2 folder of the Interactive Preview. The program should then re-index using whatever compatible files it can find.

Give it a shot and let me know how it works out. :)

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Re: Daggerfall Imaging - Interactive Preview support?

Post by Taemos »

Thanks for the suggestion, Interkarma. Unfortunately that didn't quite fix it. I get an Unhandled Exception error; copy/pasted the part I thought was perhaps relevant:

Code: Select all

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Manina.Windows.Forms.ImageListView.ImageListViewItemCollection.AddInternal(ImageListViewItem item)
   at Manina.Windows.Forms.ImageListView.ImageListViewItemCollection.AddRange(ImageListViewItem[] items)
   at DaggerfallImaging2.MainForm.LibraryThumbnails_RunWorkerComplete(Object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
   at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnRunWorkerCompleted(RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
   at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.AsyncOperationCompleted(Object arg)
Textures and RCI files "load" sometimes, as in I can see a set of red squares. It's clearly reading some part of the files but I figure the image formats have changed between the time of the demo and the full release.

I'm not holding my breath for an update (and would rather see energy spent on DFTFU anyway); this was really just a curiosity. It may be that the TCRF folks have already dug through all that is interesting. I was really curious as to if there is any data remaining of the world outside of the provided dungeon, but I would be surprised if there was. The screenshots included with the demo were what got me excited about Daggerfall as a kid and I would've loved to play "that" Daggerfall (assuming it was ever actually functional).

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Re: Daggerfall Imaging - Interactive Preview support?

Post by Interkarma »

Nuts, I really hoped that would get you most of the way there. I'm sorry mate. :(

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Re: Daggerfall Imaging - Interactive Preview support?

Post by Taemos »

No worries! Thanks for trying. :)

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