The Quest Prompt Thread

For all talk about quest development - creation, testing, and quest system.
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The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Jay_H »

Hi everyone, now that custom quests are at even the layman's fingertips (that is, me), I've made this topic as a resource for people to share writing prompts for new quests. They can contain as much or as little information as you want. I intend to write new quests, and once I'm out of ideas this would be a great way to keep them going. If it gets successful, we could call it, "Workshop Forum Quests, Vol. 1" or something. I'll start with some of the ones I've thought of in the past, and either edit or reply with more, depending on whether others post.

Riddle quest: A miscellaneous quest could let the character answer five trivia questions about the Iliac Bay or other facets of Daggerfall life. Success TBD. If the character fails, a curse is put on the character, with such negative outcomes as causing a hostile imp or werewolf to appear near the character every six hours for a few days or being followed by Grizzly Bears for ten days, teleporting the character into a random dungeon or directly in front of Medora Direnni, losing 10 luck permanently, or contracting the Plague. (COMPLETED)

Knight quest: Orcs in the region are planning an assassination on a noble. The character must reach a palace in the region and wait there during the nighttime for three Orc Sergeants or otherwise leveled Orcs. Similar to Mage's Guild night watch quest. (COMPLETED)

Innkeeper quest: Some months ago the merchant failed a serious obligation/desecrated a memorial and is now haunted by skeletons. The character is asked to accompany the merchant to a dungeon, where he/she can right the wrong and end the matter. Skeletons will appear periodically while the merchant is with the character. (COMPLETED)

Knightly Order quest: The PC is to resolve a series of murders occurring in and around a shop within the city. Some hint is given that an occupant may be a daedra or daedra accomplice using illusion spells. (COMPLETED)

Fighters Guild quest: For the last twenty-four hours the city has had a rash of attacks by atronachs or gargoyles within various stores. After eliminating the threat within one building, the character will be informed by courier to move on to another location, and so on for up to six buildings. (COMPLETED)

Knightly Order quest: News has spread throughout the region of a nest of dragonlings within a dungeon of a certain breed that the monarch wishes to protect. The Order has been requested to send a skilled knight to the dungeon to slay any poachers who enter, but not kill any of the dragonlings. (COMPLETED)

Fighters Guild quest: A rural home in the region has been assaulted by a family of fairly aggressive wild animals, and has hired the Guild to eliminate them. (COMPLETED)

Mages Guild quest: The Guild requests that the character eliminate an atronach with a puzzling new characteristic planted in an innocent citizen's home. The creature will multiply itself in two upon death repeatedly, and the character must endure to its final death. (COMPLETED AND ARCHIVED)

Knightly Order quest: The character is asked to voluntarily accept a magicka-obliterating curse from a wizard who has suffered from it for several months. The character may end the curse by going into a dungeon and destroying the lich who cast it. Magicka will remain at zero until that time.

Noble quest: Certain debts the noble considers illegitimate are required by a particularly noxious band of collectors. The noble requests that you meet the collectors and either eliminate them or pay the sum out of your own pocket. (AVAILABLE)

Noble quest: The ruler requests your aid in dispossessing a home of its current owner, as a previous agreement has not been honored. (COMPLETED)

Noble quest: The Dark Brotherhood has failed in making a certain person disappear, and now both the would-be assassin and the target must be eliminated. (COMPLETED)

Noble quest: The noble's child has been offered a piece of jewelry as a birthday gift from another noble, but it appears suspicious. In the role of a courier you will accept the item and test any curse it contains on yourself before delivering it. (AVAILABLE)

Fighters Guild quest: A merchant carrying very valuable merchandise has paid the guild to be escorted to two regional cities. Due to his fame he expects interference from brigands and/or competing merchants. (COMPLETED)

Fighters Guild quest: A regional city has contracted the guild to help with a group of criminals who have been roughing up and extorting local merchants. The character is asked to either persuade or strike down the outlaws, who can be found within a residence. (AVAILABLE)

Mages Guild quest: The guild has been troubled by the recent malicious campaign of a former member. Using a variety of illusion spells, he/she has attacked various people and groups out in the wilderness, and must be stopped. The character is sent to a dungeon to find this enemy, but it will be impossible to know what form he/she has taken until found. (COMPLETED)

Mages Guild quest: A mid-level Mages Guild quest could send the character to terminate a known Necromancer in a residence of another town. When the first hit on the enemy is struck, several undead could be summoned (skeletons, wraiths, etc) to attack the character. (COMPLETED)
Last edited by Jay_H on Thu Feb 07, 2019 12:20 am, edited 24 times in total.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Ziune Wolf »

I know this can't be added just yet, but once functionality is added, it might be interesting to add as a Mages Guild Quest.

Basically, the quest giver has been creating new potions and wants you to test one out. But when you test it out, you get a disease instead. After noticing this, the quest giver attempts to alleviate your ailment with another potion, which just results in another disease. The quest giver then sends you to find a professional alchemist or healer, whom he trusts would be better able to cure you. Once you go to the healer, get the requisite diseases cured, and go back to the quest giver, he gives you a reward for being the guinea pig. Perhaps gold, or maybe one of his more successful potion ideas.

Might be annoying to play in game, but it's an idea.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Jay_H »

It's more variety, and a clever surprise for people who try it for the first time :) Once disease functionality is added I would expect this would be just as simple as a series of yes/no prompts and a trip to the temple.

Now, disease-based quest triggers are a great new idea...

EDIT: I've written a base dialogue for it.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Ziune Wolf »

Yeah, disease-based triggers would be interesting. I wish there was a way to add lycanthropy or vampirism (the disease version, not the full version) to a character. So that if you let it go through, it gave you access to more quests in the future. Especially lycanthropy. You didn't get access to additional quests for being a lycanthrope in the original game, other than the less-than-desired "being hunted down" quest. There may be a way to add these diseases, but from what I skimmed of the quest-making guide, it's not as simple as just the 'add disease' command.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Interkarma »

Lots of great ideas in there Jay.

Agree that disease-based triggers could make for all sorts of interesting twists. Remind me once diseases are in. They're not on the roadmap yet, but should work in with the spell/effect system.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Ziune Wolf »

Jay_H wrote: EDIT: I've written a base dialogue for it.
I love that dialogue. Reminds me of another Mages Guild quest dialogue where the quest giver offers hundreds of thousands of gold pieces for you to ward of a "daedra army", where the rewards are obviously blown out of proportion.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Deathcrush »

Tealy Wolf wrote:
Jay_H wrote: EDIT: I've written a base dialogue for it.
I love that dialogue. Reminds me of another Mages Guild quest dialogue where the quest giver offers hundreds of thousands of gold pieces for you to ward of a "daedra army", where the rewards are obviously blown out of proportion.
Utilizing this format could make for a high level Mage's Guild quest. The questgiver could say something, "%name, there's been some misrepresentation of our foes in the past. But this time, the threat of a Daedra Army is very real. You have a day to prepare before they assault this building." Following this, enemies such as Frost Daedra, Seducers, or Daedra Lords could come into the building in waves (and would be followed by a very handsome reward upon completion of the quest).
"Excuse the gloom, but none may know of this meeting."

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Jay_H »

I'm imagining a Baltam Greyman-style "sequel" quest where, after 30 days or so and being rank 6+, you get that prompt via a letter. So the idea would be to split the quest so you have to do the "rat" part first, and then the second time would be the "daedra" one. And if you run away from the daedra part, your reputation would drop like a rock :)

I'm only basing this off of what I currently know of Daggerfall's quests, in that one randomly generated quest can't unlock another randomly generated quest. So if it were directly triggered off of it (and perhaps at a percentage, like 33% of the time), that would provide this effect.

New quest idea: Some quests would ask you to forego an ordinary reward, but would increase your reputation more quickly with the guild, perhaps +6 or +7 instead of the ordinary +5.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Feralwarlord »

Here's a quest idea
Hostile Takeover: a town or city in the region has been taken over by a sizeable band of bandits(maybe 10-30 or so), you are required to go to the town/city and kill them all(they'd ideally spawn in the streets), after which in a town the bandit leader come after you or in a city you have to go the palace to hunt down the leader and his elite guards.

a possible reward would be a large amount of gold and a large reputation gain with the town/city and the faction that gave you the quest and possibly a magic item.

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Re: The Quest Prompt Thread

Post by Jay_H »

Shopkeeper quest: The owner is going to have a meeting with the business' investor, and they usually agree to hire a security guard. 66% chance of a few burglars or rangers appearing in the building, 33% chance of nothing happening. (AVAILABLE)

It's similar to the Mages Guild defense quest, but I want to have quests for lots of narrative angles, to allow more options for all kinds of backgrounds and alignments about how they're going to spend their time. So the more quests, the better! :)

Fighters Guild quest: The local ruler needs to send an important missive to a noble which means a serious threat of violence. The guild accepted this job for monetary reasons and expects opponents on the way. (DELAYED)

Shopkeeper quest: The shopkeeper has attempted to intimidate a potential rival through speech and writing, but nothing has worked so far. The PC must deliver a broken finger to the rival's residence as a final warning.

Mages Guild quest: An apprentice needs to harvest a particular form of matter off an atronach's corpse, but is not so well-versed in combat and dungeon exploration as to accomplish it. For a sum of gold the PC can escort the apprentice and kill the atronach. (COMPLETE)

Mages Guild quest: The guild hall has been plagued by a series of attackers who arrive through teleportation. One of the advanced members of the guild has determined the location and may teleport you there to eliminate the spellcaster orchestrating the assault. You will have to find the ringleader and get out on your own afterwards. (COMPLETED)

Shopkeeper quest: A local ruffian has mercilessly mocked and vandalized the local populace and area, and needs to be taught a lesson. Where the guards refuse to step in, the PC could for a sum of money. (AVAILABLE)

Mages Guild quest: The questgiver asks for your help with investigating an artifact recently retrieved from a ruin. The artifact teleports you into a random dungeon with zero magicka. The quest gives a reward of gold once you return to the questgiver. (COMPLETED)
Last edited by Jay_H on Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:14 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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