Can a quest pack be set to a particular build or later without doing a dfmod?

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Can a quest pack be set to a particular build or later without doing a dfmod?

Post by harbinger451 »

So I'm working on an update for my Prostitutes and Lovers mod, but having difficulty getting the latest Unity version going so I can make it a dfmod (my computer is rapidly running out of space and just won't seem to run Unity 2019.4.40f1). It was previously just a quest pack back in 2020, but due to the early builds of DaggerfalUnity (0.10.23 or earlier) calling up child NPCs as quest givers, they were entirely innappropriate for this mod. To key it to version 0.10.24 or later I converted the quest pack into a dfmod even though the child quest giver problem was resolved in that build by removing them from the commoner quest giver pool.

I doubt anyone is still using DFUnity 0.10.23 or earlier these days seeing as we're now up to 0.14.5, but you never know I suppose, so I was wondering if there's a way of keying a quest pack to a later build somehow ... perhaps a quest action that was introduced after build 0.10.24 that won't work in earlier builds? Bit of a stretch I know but releasing it as a quest pack again would make things so much easier for me atm.

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