Problem with edits made to TEXT.RSC showing up in game.

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Problem with edits made to TEXT.RSC showing up in game.

Post by harbinger451 »

I recently released my Background Question And History Fixes mod that involved editing the BIOGs files in DFU and the TEXT.RSC file in the original Daggerfall games. The BIOGs edits work fine, but the TEXT.RSC edits aren't showing in game. I used the DFRSCEDT editor, available as part of the old DFTools-v310-20190126 comp from the UESP site. The edits appear when you open TEXT.RSC in the editor, but in the game, despite overwriting the original file in the Daggerfall install, it's still the old text strings that appear, not the edited ones. What's going on?

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Re: Problem with edits made to TEXT.RSC showing up in game.

Post by harbinger451 »

Okay ... I basically figured the reason for this myself - Daggerfall Unity stopped using the TEXT.RSC file from the original Daggerfall game some time ago as the source for all those old text strings, not sure exactly when, and all the text is now implemented through the DFU install itself. So edits to any of those original text strings now have to be scripted and packaged as a dfmod. So that's what I have to try and do. I should be able to write the script okay... it's the packaging as a dfmod that might be the problem. My new install of Unity isn't letting me get a free Private License, so I can't run it atm. I've sent them my log file so hopefully they will sort it some time soon.

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