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Re: (NSFW Mod) Prostitution

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 8:55 am
by Al-Khwarizmi
The Daggerfall game itself has mature content and has been rated as such, so I suppose the whole forums should be assumed to be 18+ by default, if you believe in that sort of thing. If someone who cares about these things is letting their child access these forums about a game with nudity, violence, etc., they're doing it wrong regardless of which post they click.

Oops, almost simultaneous post.

Re: (NSFW Mod) Prostitution

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:26 pm
by Bender
Kepling, you have won me over with your argument. It makes sense to me now. You should still consider attaching quests to the brothel though. For example, one quest might be you have to sleep with a whore to get information on a critical character only to have the side effect of getting an std. That might slightly comical quest. Being able to extort a important character because of their dealings with the brothel would be fun.

Re: (NSFW Mod) Prostitution

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:55 am
by RH666
Kepling wrote:
RH666 wrote:I'd love a mod like this. Perhaps even add a couple of custom holy prostitution quests to the House of Dibella too.
I thought about that too, but I couldn't find anything lore-friendly outside of that one DiBella priestess in Skyrim. Though there is some crossover between the two, being a DiBella follower doesn't automatically mean your a prostitute and vise versa. How the two factions interact with both quests and reputation could be considered.
Yeah, I phrased that poorly. I was remembering Morrowind and Oblivion where "erotic instruction" was mentioned. So, the temple of Dibella would have it phrased that the quest is to give the target (probably hands on) sex ed lessons. Also, yes, it would be interesting to see how the two factions get along. :)

Re: (NSFW Mod) Prostitution

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:30 am
by Arl
Hazelnut wrote:Having prostitution in for flavour only, with no gameplay impact beyond being a money sink,
Haha, and also of fatigue.

Maybe the only way to justify the use of brothels is to add a bar of "hornyness" that will cap your magic abilities the higher it gets, and services like prostitution will ease your tension and restore your focus to perform spells properly.

Hilarious stuff.

Re: (NSFW Mod) Prostitution

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:18 pm
by Feralwarlord
RH666 wrote:Maybe not magical healing, but I could see rest healing like a night in the Inn. That plus a message like "She smiles at you and holds out her hand. You go to the courtesan with a smile and spend the rest of the night in her arms. You wake up the next morning feeling refreshed."
perhaps it could be you stay for a few hours and hp and magicka get fully restored and fatigue is restored to 90%

Re: (NSFW Mod) Prostitution

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 11:20 pm
by AshSlave
Arl wrote:
Hazelnut wrote:Having prostitution in for flavour only, with no gameplay impact beyond being a money sink,
Haha, and also of fatigue.

Maybe the only way to justify the use of brothels is to add a bar of "hornyness" that will cap your magic abilities the higher it gets, and services like prostitution will ease your tension and restore your focus to perform spells properly.

Hilarious stuff.
While it is, indeed, hilarious, it might also be a good idea. Such bars with mundane and believable troubles might add personality to characters. Even more decent bars such as "pain" and "lonelyness" could justify the use of brothels. I don't know if copying The Sims is appropriate here, but I have a feeling that it wouldn't be completely out of place in a game like Daggerfall.

Re: (NSFW Mod) Prostitution

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 11:29 pm
by RH666
Though I'd probably put that on the character sheet rather than in the UI. Probably don't want too many things on the screen at once.

Re: (NSFW Mod) Prostitution

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 11:58 pm
by AshSlave
Yes, I like how illness is shown to player in Daggerfall, compared to later games, and would prefer those new bars to be treated similarly. Maybe even to the point of having their own governing skill that decides how quickly you can notice such things, before they can become a real problem, and how susceptible you are to them.

Re: (NSFW Mod) Prostitution

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 12:20 pm
by Al-Khwarizmi
I wouldn't like having prostitution be a requirement to play optimally.

However, it would be nice if the possibility of having love and sexual relationships outside of prostitution were also added to the mod.

That way, the player would decide (according to the personality they're roleplaying) if their character will seek relief by trying to seduce someone of the opposite sex, be it for a one-night stand or a longer-term relationship, maybe even marriage (this is something I always thought was lacking from Daggerfall, if you can buy houses and stuff, you should be able to marry); or if they prefer to just resort to prostitution.

tl;dr: it would be great to have the prostitution mod integrated into a more general love and sex mod.

Re: (NSFW Mod) Prostitution

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 9:21 pm
by NikitaTheTanner
I am always for variety and think that mods that would add more places, people and activities will make the world more believable. After all, prostitution is heavily hinted and nudity is present, can't see a reason it couldn't exist in a game like Daggerfall, at least for the reason of role-playing. Might be not worth adding actual brothels, no point in changing city layout for something this small, but courtesans can probably be placed in taverns around the world.

As for rewards, it's hard to say, there should be some benefit, though catching some diseases should be possible as well. If it was XP based RPG, I would say some amount of XP would've been nice as a reward, especially if it was only provided once per week or something. Daggerfall works on skills though, so it isn't that easy.

Perhaps give slight increase to skill growth, like 5-10%? That will make it worthwhile the risk of disease and money spent.

I would also consider offering similar services at some temples, e.g. Dibella's. These could be more expensive, but relief player's illnesses or give blessings with their love. Something more pure, yet materialistic, to highlight pagan nature of the religion.

P.S. Of course, relationship mod would be even better. It would be great addition to the game, to be able to make long-term friends, enemies, start a family, etc. Though it would be much bigger scope, but I can imagine game keeping info on some of the characters you interact with and giving you quests/events based on it.