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Re: Modding Video Series 1: "Locked Loot Containers", From Start To Finish

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 11:04 pm
by Magicono43
Here is Part.20 where I:
- Trying to estimate room value/context with rays and physics overlap

Re: Modding Video Series 1: "Locked Loot Containers", From Start To Finish

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:09 pm
by Magicono43
Here is Part.21 where I:
- Creating cube objects in Unity editor as visual aid to view approximate size of physics overlaps
- Realizing some stuff about how DFU combines models
- Ways to potentially work around these combined models, at possible cost to performance
- What I'm likely going to do after realizing this limitations involving the "Room Context" generation mechanics

Re: Modding Video Series 1: "Locked Loot Containers", From Start To Finish

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 11:04 pm
by Magicono43
Here is Part.22 where I:
- Use the Unity Editor console for debugging what physics cubes are overlapping

Re: Modding Video Series 1: "Locked Loot Containers", From Start To Finish

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 11:04 pm
by Magicono43
Here is Part.23 where I:
- Explaining how strings and int types are different and why you might want one over the other
- Changing string values to ints for better use later in code

Re: Modding Video Series 1: "Locked Loot Containers", From Start To Finish

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 4:42 am
by Magicono43
Here is Part.24 where I:
- Adding in filtering process for billboard/flat objects, as well as enemy entities detected by physics overlap

Re: Modding Video Series 1: "Locked Loot Containers", From Start To Finish

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 11:28 pm
by Magicono43
Here is Part.25 where I:
- Combine multiple For-Loops into a single one, for more efficient use and filtering

Re: Modding Video Series 1: "Locked Loot Containers", From Start To Finish

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:06 pm
by Magicono43
Here is Part.26 where I:
- Filtering enemy types based on their career index value
- Using this to give ballpark value to our room value mod based on enemies hit by physics overlap

Re: Modding Video Series 1: "Locked Loot Containers", From Start To Finish

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:12 pm
by Magicono43
Here is Part.27 where I:
- Filtering billboard flats based on their archive number
- Using this to give ballpark value to our room value mod based on billboard theme within each archive

Re: Modding Video Series 1: "Locked Loot Containers", From Start To Finish

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 12:04 am
by Magicono43
Here is Part.28 where I:
- Filtering 3D models based on their model ID number as an int value
- Using this to give ballpark value to our room value mod based on what the model in question is
- Also adding some framework stuff so we can actually use our "totalRoomValueMod" to be used in generation formulas

Re: Modding Video Series 1: "Locked Loot Containers", From Start To Finish

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:48 am
by Magicono43
Here is Part.29 where I:
- Rolling dice to determine if a chest should generate in place of a loot-pile, taking room value into consideration
- Some planning for how chest and lock materials will be determined, with a "hat of tickets" approach of choosing