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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:44 pm
by BadLuckBurt
King of Worms wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:33 pm I feel like I dont really want to put it in my body
I've used that stuff when I spent a month in Indonesia to prevent malaria, it's horrible stuff. I stopped using it after a week because it would've ruined my stay there otherwise. I just read that it can cause this: which actually happened to me a few years ago and the doctors said they didn't know the cause. Well, I do now.

Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 7:41 pm
by Baler
oh wow, thank you for sharing Burt, that's a heavy thing to share.
I honestly didnt know it was that 'old' of a chemical.just goes to show how ill informed I am :oops:

Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:52 pm
by BadLuckBurt
Baler wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 7:41 pm oh wow, thank you for sharing Burt, that's a heavy thing to share.
I honestly didnt know it was that 'old' of a chemical.just goes to show how ill informed I am :oops:
I should add that it healed so it's not a big deal for me to share really. I'm bad at remembering what year I did what in but I think I went there in 2011, the eye thing happened a couple years later. The way I looked at it after taking the medicine for a week was that it must make your blood so toxic hardly anything survives it. I'd take it in the morning feeling fine and within 15 minutes I'd feel like shit every time so I decided it wasn't worth it and took the chance. I was covered in deet that whole time too which probably didn't help but when I stopped taking the 'medicine' I felt better in no time. Even did a jungle trek and only got stung once the whole time I was there, still no malaria.

In any case, when it comes to COVID, I still wouldn't take it but I'm not in a 'risk' group so that's for everyone to decide for themselves if and when this becomes the supposed cure.

Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:16 pm
by Ommamar
Baler wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 4:57 pm Your quote is factual I did say people have been testing blood transfers in relation to covid. :ugeek:

I don't have an atricle I fabricated it out of thin air to control your mind with my (insert poltical party) mentality so I could devalue you believes in order to establish a reshieme of complete idocracy.

All I said was people been testing blood transfers in relation to covid :arrow:

How do any of you feel about the medicine hydroxychloroquine :?:
Oh too bad about the article I am a sponge when it comes to finding them about scientific studies.

As for the hydroxychloroquine I took it on a deployment to Somalia. I didn't like it I had no lasting effects but the whole time my skin seemed to be on fire and was scratching constantly, like to the point where it would interrupt tasks or conversations. I would be hesitate to take it again, I didn't get malaria but it might of been dumb luck or other precautions I took in addition to the prescribed dose. It was suppose to be an optional thing whether you take it or not but in the US Army most optional things aren't really optional. It takes a lot of fortitude to resist the pressure to comply with things and I was only 19 at the time so I put my trust in leadership but now I don't have to follow that path and it is unclear how effective that actually is for COVID-19.

Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 8:33 am
by King of Worms
There is something rotten in this whole situation, I just cant say what it is now. I dont believe the official narration anymore. Id like to say "time will tell" but that doesnt apply to these kinds of situations. Time will not tell. Because there is something which is supposed to stay hidden.

Yes, maybe the virus is real... but it has been misused and this whole situation is going downhill fast towards the totality and designed disaster.

I think it will be escalating. Not in a way of virus. Some other events will happen soon. Im not a prophet, I dont know what it will be. I just smell shit in a room, its there. I just dont know where yet.

Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 8:59 am
by BadLuckBurt
What is rotten is the overreaction and mass hysteria fueled by the media. This isolation stuff doesnt happen when theres a normal flu epidemic and people with bad health die from that too, this is no different but the reaction society has is much more severe because you cant turn on your tv or radio without this being thrown in your face.

Its pretty much a global control experiment at this point. You will know when its in full effect once the military gets involved

Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 9:35 am
by King of Worms
Yes and the media are owned and controlled by a small group of ppl. Its centralized. So this narration is not by a accident but by a plan. Thats why I have a feeling its a designed disaster. The situation is a total mess and its hard to navigate from a start till now. I have no idea what the endgoal is, if it is just a test, or what is going on - but it has a foul motives. What I feel is, that the REALITY is different than what we are being told. Its a mass manipulation. And the result is like a 6 billion ppl locked at their homes waiting on what the government will do for them, while the world is falling apart around us. Our rights have been taken overnight. Phones are monitored, so if they get a info from a system, that 3 phone numbers are too close to each other for too long and its not in a family, police will come there. Its happening.

I think my main point is, that the situation is being misused, ppl are being misinformed and there is something foul behind it. Yea, vague as hell, sry :)

Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 9:48 am
by BadLuckBurt
This virus, climate change and so on is all just to push a system where they have total control eventually.

People should realise the government doesnt have their best interest in mind with the decisions they make. I wouldnt be surprised that when they have a ' vaccine' they will try to force it on everyone and demonise anyone who refuses to take it. They already do that with kid vaccinations too.

Most of the people feeding the mass hysteria also just think they are doing their job, like the saying goes: left hand doesnt know what the right hand is doing.

Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 2:55 pm
by King of Worms
Same opinion 100%

But Im crazy... so.. the life was boring as f in the old world. So this maybe will make it feel more like life again, eventho it might be thru negative experiences at 1st.

The old world sucked in many aspects. Here we have a chance to make it better. Or worse.

There was really NOT any option to keep it the old way for long anyway! Thet stuff was destined to end. It was too insane.

Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:10 pm
by Ommamar
Months before this virus popped up I had a feeling that a revolution in some form would be coming within the next few years. Maybe this is the spark that will cause the whole crazy thing to finally ignite.
I have heard and read a lot of comparisons to the 1918 flu pandemic but since information is so widespread and nearly immediate I think it is a lot different. What is interesting is that it might be a case of literally to much information where people don't pay attention as things develop until we are in a crisis situation that combined with the media and programming that occurs everyday.

A lot of people point to the media which plays a huge part but then they dismiss the programming they see as they watch the popular television series or movies. I referenced both the West Wing and Criminal Minds in another forum that people didn't seem to grasp.

In the first case it is about the heroes who serve as staff for powerful elected officials in the US government. Most people don't realize how many people that they had no say in selecting or appointing are involved in the control of power within the country. This show that is very well produced with great actors makes that seem OK as you watch you heroes weekly advert disaster and protect you from trauma.

In Criminal Minds they get to throw out the phrase lets deliver the profile like second rate copies of a Scooby Do episode. Then they get to trample all over suspects rights because we have been shown they are the bad guys which of course means everyone investigating knows that too. So the assumption is that the FBI is all knowing so if you see their involvement it must mean they are champions of are rights and justice but the reality is they are as human as the rest of us but given a gun and the power to intimidate citizens into compliance.

I digress, anyway it does make me sad to watch and think about the deterioration of Government that has occurred and is still occurring while I have watched. This separation that citizens have in the US in their thought process between themselves and the government has bothered me for a long time. I believe the intent of the founders was that as a self governed society there be no separation. But the reality is that people are willing to sit back to allow those chosen by a majority no matter how small to handle things for them. The problem is that the people who get in those position spend much more time trying to stay in those positions then actually doing the position they hold.

The only steps I can see to logically take in this current situation is to develop as much self reliance and independence as you can. This will be a struggle though as many of you have pointed out as tracking and interference of all citizens is on the rise for the foreseeable future.