New to Daggerfall Unity, a few questions

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New to Daggerfall Unity, a few questions

Post by mkontrov »

So I just found about this today and what an amazing project! Hats off to all the devs. I was a bit confused at a couple points though and wanted to give some feedback, though not bugs per se.

I booted up the game and started as a spellsword but there were no default spells. Every character I've ever started in Daggerfall seems to have a few spells so that was odd to me (I would have thought a spellsword would at least have shock).

As I proceeded around Privateer's Hold I noticed a few strange things. Mostly notably enemy placement seemed off in a few spots (rats where there should be archers) and the loot was off the charts (+11 Elven breastplate, lots of +3 or +4 armor). I'm actually pretty new to Daggerfall in general but I've run PH a good dozen or more times now and this playthrough didn't really match any others in those two regards. I didn't see anything about item drops still being a WIP on the roadmap so I was a bit confused. Anyone else have a similar experience?

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Re: New to Daggerfall Unity, a few questions

Post by Interkarma »

Welcome to the forums. :)

Magic is still in progress and new characters won't be granted default spells until this is closer to completion. However, you can use the spellmaker to create custom spells with the magic system while it's under development. Just join the Mages Guild and construct spells the usual way. About 60% of magic effects are currently available for the spellmaker. Potions, magic items, and the ability to buy spells are still in progress on the roadmap. I'm aiming for 100% of spell effects by end of August, then building out remaining features.

There are two types of enemies in Daggerfall's dungeons - fixed and random. All fixed enemies are placed exactly the same as classic every layout. Random enemies use the same encounter tables and levelled selection algorithm as classic, but have a different seed when starting a new character. These random enemies are shuffled around even in classic - you just need to leave Privateer's Hold and return later and they will be generated differently. So you'll really only notice it in Privateer's Hold when you start a new character.

Loot tables are matched to classic but levelled loot is slightly generous right now. This is partly to help compensate for the melee-heavy gameplay prior to magic being available. If you're curious where tuning this falls on the roadmap, it's part of "continue fixing bugs and refining systems" in alpha & beta. Although, I imagine this is something that will likely continue even after we reach 1.0.

Thank you for the feedback, I hope you enjoy playing Daggerfall Unity. :)

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Re: New to Daggerfall Unity, a few questions

Post by mkontrov »

Thanks for the info, that all makes sense. You've done an amazing job and I can't wait to see what the future brings. I'm not a programmer but I wonder if there are any opportunities to assist in the alpha/beta process?

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Re: New to Daggerfall Unity, a few questions

Post by Interkarma »

It's always possible to help through testing and feedback, and reporting bugs. Even outside of the main game features, our mod community also needs people to play their mods and offer feedback.

What seems to work well for others is just playing the game normally with any current limitations in mind, and report problems found. If something is obviously a bug, throw it into the Bug Reports forum. If not sure, or it's more of a general help quest, ask in Help & Support.

It can be hard sometimes to work out what's finished, in progress, or completed but still limited in some way (e.g. waiting on another system). The best way to get a feel for that is to play the game as it evolves. There are several people that have been here since the beginning (around 2014-2015) and have a really good grasp of this. They can help with questions as well. On the whole, we're a friendly little community and quite open to feedback that helps improve the game.

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