Chill out with thread locking, u start to behave downright hostile

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Re: Chill out with thread locking, u start to behave downright hostile

Post by numidium3rd »

I read the thread in question. The guy was saying that a folder didn't exist after Interkarma told him where it was. I looked for the folder he mentioned myself just to be sure and lo and behold it was there! He then proceeded to rant about how the project is run poorly when he himself couldn't follow simple instructions.

He was clearly the hostile one here. He can gripe about how hard he worked on his "improvements" but that does not mean that anyone here owes him a damn thing. I'm frankly stunned by the arrogance.

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Re: Chill out with thread locking, u start to behave downright hostile

Post by Ferital »

The guy was arrogant and had a childish behavior. He was just not capable to understand some very simple points, yet he was acting in a totally uncivil way. Unable to admit he was wrong, he was criticizing Interkarma about his coding practice even if he's not a developer at all... What else to do except locking a useless thread? KoW, I think you misunderstood the problem there.

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Re: Chill out with thread locking, u start to behave downright hostile

Post by Interkarma »

I think it's clear to everyone in hindsight that moderator action was justified.

Just to reinforce the message: if you disturb the peace, your topic will be locked. If you continue to to disturb the peace, you will not be welcome on these forums. All you have to do is be civil and show respect to other people. This just how good communities work. If you can't do that, then you have no place here.

I still have no idea what caused KoW to flare up like this. This whole situation had nothing to do with him. Unfortunately he's made some comments and accusations towards me in this topic that are totally unwarranted and out of character. Hopefully this was just a misunderstanding and we can all look beyond this and continue on from here. My PMs will remain open if KoW wants to contact me.

I'm locking this topic now because it has run its course.
