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[SOLVED] Repair Item spell

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:52 pm
by meritamas
Hi everybody.

I was thinking of creating a 'Repair Item' spell effect that would open the inventory screen and the player could select which of his inventory items he would like to the repair spell to affect.

Perhaps the biggest challenge to me would be to implement a customized Inventory Window. Does anybody have any experience with such tasks? Would appreciate somebody pointing me in the right direction.

(I would also appreciate your thoughts on the right magicka cost of such effect or if you think such option should not be available, the reasons for it)

Re: Repair Item spell

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 10:51 pm
by Magicono43
"DaggerfallTradeWindow" is actually what handles the identify window as well technically. When you use the identify spell, it just uses that window essentially but removes the gold cost requirement. So from what you are asking, DaggerfallTradeWindow.cs is probably what you want to be looking at. I have not made any new spells myself, so I don't know how you would do that part, but the window part can be fairly simply overridden like I did in this recent mod: ... Gold-Shops

You may want to make your own new window though, instead of just overriding the currently existing one though, that's up to you though.

Re: Repair Item spell

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:28 am
by meritamas
Magicono43 wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 10:51 pm "DaggerfallTradeWindow" is actually what handles the identify window as well technically. When you use the identify spell, it just uses that window essentially but removes the gold cost requirement. So from what you are asking, DaggerfallTradeWindow.cs is probably what you want to be looking at. I have not made any new spells myself, so I don't know how you would do that part [...]
Thanks for the tip. I will.
I haven't really created any new spells myself either (just replaced built-in ones), but that part's on me... I hope I'll manage that. In creating the class itself, the window part will be most challenging. Apart from that, the effect needs to not only 'exist' but also some basic spells with it available for purchase. I'll take some work, but your suggestion is really what I was looking for here. Thanks again.

Re: [SOLVED] Repair Item spell

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:04 pm
by dj--alex
Im really annoy every 30 minutes goto Repair master .. 10 items im enchant and it brokes,,.brokes..brokes.
and repair leather cuirass , leather pauldrons, leather etc etc etc.

Item must broke in battle with strong enemies like Giants or Titans.

In might and magic 7 exist potion of hardened item who increase maximum durablity item 10 x times..

How to install your repair item spell to game?