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Darker chainmail and alternate torch icons - What from?

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 2:46 pm
by The Ravager
So I went and updated a few of the mods I've been using and I very likely borked something. Previously for one reason or another, the texture of chainmail armor was a much nicer darker color rather than the bright gray default (this included the variant of leather greaves with a bit of chain as well as the weird metal plates on leather boots). This is now gone, and I can't for the life of me figure out which mod was even doing it.

The other thing which I imagine is connected is the inventory visual for torches. I vaguely recall the default in DFU being the standing skull torch which they are now being displayed as once more. Something or other was changing it to the more fitting wall torch texture.

Apologies in case the question is silly and the answer was something obvious, and if nothing else for the painfully specific issue. I've poked around primarily with Roleplay & Realism - Items since I wager that's where the darker chain texture comes from originally, but I can't seem to find a way to bring it back.

Re: Darker chainmail and alternate torch icons - What from?

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 1:00 pm
by Hazelnut
did you change your arena2 data files at all?