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Classes Expanded Mod

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 4:55 pm
by harbinger451

Adds 16 new Classes to choose from during Character Creation. Some taken from later TES games, adapted for Daggerfall and buffed, others are based on my fav custom classes.


Makes some PC and NPC classes from later TES games available to choose from during Character Creation, plus some others that represent my preferred custom classes. The new classes are as follows: Shadowblade, Druid, Wizard, Witch, Warlock, Pilgrim, Agent, Swashbuckler, Scout, Witchhunter, Crusader, Cleric, Bountyhunter, Necromancer, Pugilist and Courtesan. These are all fairly buffed, mostly to about the same level as the default classes in my Classes Redone mod. Some, to varying degrees, are a little more maxed out; though probably not as much as a true custom class would be. All the classes are balanced with appropriate disadvantages and leveling speeds. See DETAILS below.

Each of the new classes (added CLASS files 18-33) have appropriate descriptions (added text strings 2118-2133), background questions (added BIOG files 18-33) and histories (added text strings 4135-4149) that will appear during character creation or, in the case of the histories, will be accessible during the game. I had to add an extra CLASS file so the Custom class system can work without getting rid of the last CLASS file, that's why there is actually 17 new CLASS files in the download.

The BIOGs that provide the background questions for these new classes are mixed and matched from the default classes' questions and answers, then changed to suit where needed. They also include the same fixes/changes from my Background Question and History Fixes mod, but here applied to the new classes. The Witch, Warlock and Necromancer classes are asked to align with particular Oblivion/Daedra factions rather than those of a God or Goddess. The Histories are also adapted from the existing ones, but modified to fit the new Classes better.

Some people have reported a problem getting Classes Expanded working - it freezes/crashes straight after character creation when one of the new classes is picked. After much trial and error, I've discovered that this mod requires the Roleplay & Realism - Items mod. Specifically, the option "Skill Based Starting Equipment" MUST be enabled!

It must be something to do with when the game allocates items at the start of the game, it isn't expecting the new classes and doesn't know what to do with them and crashes/freezes. Somehow Roleplay Realism - Items overrides this mechanic with it's own script, and that means there is no crash... or something. I don't know tbh, BUT IT WORKS!


This mod uses BIOGs based on those in my Background Question And History Fixes mod. It is recommended that you use that mod with this so you get the same fixes in the new Histories. I suggest you have it load it before Classes Expanded (place it higher in the mod list).

These new classes are all more powerful than the default ones, but if you use my Classes Redone mod (that improves the defaults) the human enemy NPCs will be buffed to a similar extent and therefore won't be so easy to defeat as they would be with this mod alone. Things will be much more balanced if you use both. Not sure if load order makes a difference with this one, but probably load it after (put lower in the mod list than) my Background Question And History Fixes and Classes Expanded mods.

Some of the classes rely on you using Macadaynu's Language Skills Overhaul mod. It's not required (you can use this mod without it perfectly fine), but it is recommended, especially for the Druid, Warlock, Scout and Necromancer classes because that mod introduces specific Animal Training*, Silvan Tongue* and Necromancy* skills to the game by reworking some of the existing language skills. Load it after this one (place it lower in the mod list).

I also recommend the Daggerfall Enemy Expansion mod because it adds necromancer, bounty hunter and druid enemies to the game, among many others. Load it after this one (place it lower in the mod list), but probably before (higher than) the Language Skills Overhaul mod.


Version 1.0: Initial Release.

Version 1.1: Corrected a miscalculation of Leveling Speed in the Scout Class, refined some of the text strings (Witch, Agent, Crusader and Bountyhunter descriptions) for better reading, and updated the BIOGs to better match the latest version of my Background Question and History Fixes mod.

Version 1.2: Corrected a minor discrepancy in the Witch BIOG. Removed extraneous references in the Druid, Witch, Swashbuckler, Scout, and Witchhunter BIOGs that aren't used in the histories (they were in the default BIOGs that these are based on - probable left-overs from development that didn't end up being used).

Version 1.3: Removed the references to the Language Skills Overhaul mod from the standard BIOGs and instead provided an alternate set of BIOGs for use with that mod that changes the text in the relevant answers to match the new skills. DFmod is the same as v1.2.

Version 1.4: Updated the method of adding text to the game so as to be compatible with DFU 0.15.4a and above. Also made some minor corrections to one of the new class descriptions and a couple of the new histories.

Version 1.5: Added two new Classes (Pugilist and Courtesan), removed references to the Language Skills Overhaul mod from the main dfmod and BIOG files and provided alternate versions of the dfmod and some BIOGs with appropriate text for use with that mod. DFU 0.16.1!


From NEXUS, click on FILES and download the latest version here...!


This mod cannot be installed using VORTEX! You must paste the CLASS files into your original Daggerfall game's ARENA2 folder, then paste the dfmod file into your Daggerfall Unity's StreamingAssets/MODs folder and the BIOG files into StreamingAssets/BIOGs folder. Overwrite as required. Make sure the dfmod is enabled and play. Obviously, because this mod affects character creation, it requires a new character in a new game.

If you are using the Language Skills Overhaul mod, use the alternate dfmod and BIOG files provided and paste them directly into the MODs and BIOGs folders after you've followed the instructions above, overwriting the main mod's files as prompted.


Just un-enable the dfmod and/or delete all the files.


This will conflict with any mod that adds CLASS and BIOG files or text strings that use the same numbers as I use, though I don't know of any that do so. I've built this mod to be fully compatible with both my Classes Redone and Background Question And History Fixes mods. These three mods are designed to compliment each other, but can be used separately if you so wish.

If you have problems with this mod, please experiment with load orders before reporting a bug.


18 Shadowblade / 2118/4134. The Emporer's secret and heroic champion spy, responsible for killing the traitorous Battlemage Jaga Tharn. A good all-rounder: martial, magical, sly and shrewd; they have a charmed life. (As the history for this class I used a previously unused one that was meant for a character imported into Daggerfall from Arena - a feature that didn't make it into the released game).
Base Attributes: Str/60, Int/45, Wil/60, Agi/45, End/45, Per/50, Spe/50, Luc/45.
Primary: Long Blade, Mysticism, Stealth.
Major: Archery, Alteration, Dodge.
Minor: Backstabbing, Critical Hit, Illusion, Destruction, Thaumaturgy, Mercantile.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus]:
Bonus To Hit - Animal, Humanoid, Daedra and Undead (they fear nothing) [+21]
Expertise in Archery and Long Blade (giving their two weapon skills more bite) [+4]
Increased Magery - Int x3 (plenty to work with) [+10]
Regenerate Health - General (charmed life... and to make up for missing Restoration) [+14]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Low Tolerance - Disease (easiest to deal with) [-4]
Darkness Powered Magery - Lower in daylight (full magery only needed inside dungeons anyway) [-7]
Forbidden Shields - Kite and Tower (they limit the loot you can carry anyhow) [-2]
Forbidden Weapons - Axe, Blunt and Hand-to-Hand (who needs them) [-6]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 18 [+10]
Skill Advancement Points = 40 (max possible)
Leveling Speed = x(1 + (40/20) = x3 (slowest possible, but very powerful)

19 Druid / 2119/4135. Dedicated to a life connected to and stewarding the natural world; they are adept magic users and spell casters that value the cycle of life and death, so are not averse to the odd human sacrifice for their cause.
Base Attributes: Str/50, Int/55, Wil/55, Agi/40, End/50, Per/60, Spe/45, Luc/45.
Primary: Blunt, Mysticism, Thaumaturgy.
Major: Alteration, Destruction, Spriggan (Animal Training*).
Minor: Centaurian (Silvan Tongue*), Dragonish, Giantish, Harpy, Illusion, Restoration.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus]:
Bonus to Hit - Undead (hate them for they go against natural order of life and death) [+6]
Expertise in Blunt (giving their main weapon skill more bite) [+2]
Increased Magery - Int x2 (plenty to work with) [+8]
Rapid Healing - General (it's all them natural remedies) [+4]
Resist - Frost (outdoorsie types can take the cold) [+5]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Forbidden Armor - Chain and Plate (they prefer natural leather) [-7]
Forbidden Material - Adamantium and Silver (don't corrode, in defiance of life/death cycle) [-11]
Forbidden Shields - Kite and Tower (too heavy) [-2]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 14 [+6]
Skill Advancement Points = 11
Leveling Speed = x(1 + (11/20) = x1.55 (slowish)

20 Wizard / 2120/4136. A rare breed, they live and breathe magicka, they even absorb it from spells cast at them. Their skill with weapons is not to be sniffed at either, making them very dangerous opponents indeed.
Base Attributes: Str/50, Int/60, Wil/60, Agi/45, End/45, Per/50, Spe/45, Luc/45.
Primary: Long Blade, Alteration, Destruction.
Major: Blunt, Thaumaturgy, Mysticism.
Minor: Archery, Daedric, Dodging, Illusion, Restoration, Stealth.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus]:
Expertise in Blunt and Long Blade (to give lower levels more of a fighting chance) [+4]
Increased Magery - Int x3 (they are wizards after all) [+10]
Regenerate Health - General (wizards are very robust and healthy) [+14]
Spell Absorption - General (they thrive on magicka) [+14]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Forbidden Armor - Leather, Chain, Plate (why would a wizard need armor) [-8]
Forbidden Shields - Buckler, Kite, Round and Tower (again, not needed) [-4]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 12 [+4]
Skill Advancement Points = 34
Leveling Speed = x(1 + (34/20) = x2.7 (very slow, but very powerful)

21 Witch / 2121/4137. Dedicated to the study of arcane lore; worshiping ancient gods and Daedra they are often cast in a bad light, but are undoubted masters of both destructive and restorative magic.
Base Attributes: Str/40, Int/60, Wil/65, Agi/50, End/45, Per/45, Spe/50, Luc/45.
Primary: Short Blade, Destruction, Restoration.
Major: Blunt, Daedric, Mysticism.
Minor: Alteration, Critical Strike, Illusion, Medical, Stealth, Thaumaturgy.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus]:
Expertise in Blunt and Short Blade (to give lower levels a fighting chance) [+4]
Increased Magery - Int x2 (enough to be working with) [+8]
Rapid Healing - General (they're good at healing) [+4]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Forbidden Armor - Plate [-5]
Forbidden Shields - Kite and Tower [-2]
Forbidden Weaponry - Axe and Long Blade [-4]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 12 [+4]
Skill Advancement Points = 9
Leveling Speed = x(1 + (9/20) = x1.45 (quite slowish)

22 Warlock / 2122/4138. Dedicated to learning and exploiting the perverted practices of dark cults and profane sorceries in the hope of gaining insight, knowledge and power for their own nefarious purposes.
Base Attributes: Str/50, Int/60, Wil/50, Agi/50, End/45, Per/55, Spe/45, Luc/45.
Primary: Daedric, Long Blade, Stealth.
Major: Alteration, Destruction, Nymph (Necromancy*).
Minor: Backstabbing, Critical Hit, Dodging, Mysticism, Short Blade, Thaumaturgy.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus]:
Bonus To Hit - Daedra and Undead (a little knowledge goes a long way) [+12]
Expertise in Long and Short Blade (added to give more of a fighting chance with their only weapon skills) [+4]
Increased Magery - Int x2 (enough to work with) [+8]
Rapid Healing - in Darkness (Cultist thrive in the dark) [+3]
Spell Absorption - in Darkness (As above, so below) [+12]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Darkness Powered Magery - reduced magery in daylight (spend most of their time in the dark anyway) [-7]
Forbidden Shields - Kite and Tower [-2]
Forbidden Weapons - Axe and Blunt [-4]
Low Tolerance - Disease (because its easy to deal with) [-4]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 16 [+8]
Skill Advancement Points = 30
Leveling Speed = x(1 + (30/20) = x2.5 (Slow but powerful)

23 Pilgrim / 2123/4139. Travelers that seek rare tomes and artifacts as well as truth and enlightenment. They Fortify themselves for road and wilderness with arms, magic, and experience of the world. They are shrewd in commerce and persuasion.
Base Attributes: Str/40, Int/50, Wil/45, Agi/45, End/65, Per/60, Spe/50, Luc/45.
Primary: Mercantile, Short Blade, Streetwise.
Major: Archery, Restoration, Stealth.
Minor: Dodging, Etiquette, Hand-to-Hand, Illusion, Lockpicking, Thaumaturgy.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus]:
Athleticism (to buff somewhat) [+4]
Expertise in Archery and Short Blade (to give more of a fighting chance) [+4]
Increased Magery - Int x1.5 (should be enough for their purposes) [+4]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Forbidden Armor - Chain and Plate (less heavy armor, more loot) [-7]
Forbidden Shields - Kite and Tower (ditto) [-2]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 12 (up from 8) [+4]
Skill Advancement Points = 7
Leveling Speed = x(1 + (7/20) = x1.35 (kinda slow)

24 Agent / 2124/4140. Agents are operatives skilled in deception and avoidance, but trained in self-defense and the use of deadly force. Self-reliant and independent, they are experts in subterfuge and espionage on behalf of a paying patron or simply for themselves.
Base Attributes: Str/50, Int/50, Wil/40, Agi/60, End/45, Per/60, Spe/50, Luc/45.
Primary: Etiquette, Short Blade, Stealth.
Major: Archery, Dodging, Streetwise.
Minor: Backstabbing, Critical Hit, Illusion, Lockpicking, Mercantile, Climbing.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus]:
Acute Hearing (they can often be found listening at doors and eaves-dropping) [+1]
Athleticism (added to buff somewhat) [+4]
Expertise in Archery and Short Blade (buffing their two weapon skills) [+2]
Increased Magery - Int x1 (for their illusion skill)[+2]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Forbidden Armor - Chain and Plate [-7]
Forbidden Shields - Kite and Tower [-2]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 14 [+6]
Skill Advancement Points = 6
Leveling Speed = x(1 + (6/20) = x1.3 (a little slow)

25 Swashbuckler / 2125/4141. Showy and adventurous sword fighters, oriented toward the more buccaneering side of criminal schemes and escapades. They are athletic, quick footed and quick witted when needed; capable of laying on the charm nice and thick if required.
Base Attributes: Str/50, Int/40, Wil/45, Agi/60, End/50, Per/50, Spe/60, Luc/45.
Primary: Dodging, Long Blade, Critical Hit.
Major: Etiquette, Short Blade, Swimming.
Minor: Climbing, Jumping, Lockpicking, Running, Streetwise, Thaumaturgy.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus]:
Adrenaline Rush (for that last minute triumph against the odds) [+4]
Athleticism (they are fit and know it) [+4]
Expertise - Long and Short Blade (they love that flashing blade) [+4]
Increased Magery - Int x1 (for the calm and charm spells) [+2]
Rapid Healing - General (it's nought but a scratch) [+4]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Forbidden Armor - Plate (hard to show off when constricted by armor) [-5]
Forbidden Shields - Kite and Tower (ditto) [-2]
Forbidden Weapons: Blunt and Missile (blunt has no flashing blade and the bow is a coward's weapon) [-4]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 16 [+8]
Skill Advancement Points = 15
Leveling Speed = x(1 + (15/20) = x1.75 (pretty slow)

26 Scout / 2126/4142. Scouts rely on speed and stealth to survey routes and opponents, using ranged weapons and skirmish tactics when forced to fight. They travel light and in combat tend to be cautious and methodical.
Base Attributes: Str/45, Int/50, Wil/45, Agi/55, End/60, Per/40, Spe/60, Luc/45.
Primary: Archery, Running, Stealth.
Major: Dodging, Medical, Short Blade.
Minor: Centaurian (Silvan Tongue*), Climbing, Giantish, Jumping, Orcish, Swimming.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus]:
Acute Hearing (all the better to hear what's hiding ahead or around them) [+1]
Athleticism (they're not easily fatigued) [+4]
Expertise in Archery and Short Blade (buffing their fighting skills) [+4]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Forbidden Armor - Chain and Plate (too heavy and noisy for scouting) [-7]
Forbidden Shields - Kite and Tower (the two heaviest sheild types) [-2]
Forbidden Weapons - Blunt (tend to be heavy... and not needed) [-2]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 18 [+10]
Skill Advancement Points = 8
Leveling Speed = x(1 + (8/10) = x1.4 (quite slow)

27 Witchhunter / 2127/4143. Dedicated to rooting out and destroying the perverted practices of dark cults and profane sorcery. They train for martial, magical, and stealthy war against vampires, witches, warlocks, and necromancers.
Base Attributes: Str/50, Int/65, Wil/45, Agi/60, End/45, Per/40, Spe/50, Luc/45.
Primary: Blunt, Mysticism, Stealth.
Major: Archery, Dodging, Thaumaturgy.
Minor: Alteration, Backstabbing, Climbing, Restoration, Running, Short Blade.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus]:
Bonus to Hit - Undead (they are unholy abominations) [+6]
Expertise in Archery and Blunt (their principle weapons of choice) [+4]
Increased Magery - Int x2 (enough to be effective) [+8]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Forbidden Armor - Chain and Plate (they're not very stealthy) [-7]
Forbidden Shields - Kite and Tower (ditto) [-2]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 14 [+6]
Skill Advancement Points = +15
Leveling Speed = x(1 + (15/20) = x1.75 (slow but fairly powerful)

28 Crusader / 2128/4144. Heavily armored holy fighters with spell-casting powers. Warriors of the Light, they fight for a good cause; hunting monsters and the undead, as well as plain old villains, they get rich by plunder while ridding the world of evil.
Base Attributes: Str/60, Int/45, Wil/55, Agi/60, End/50, Per/45, Spe/40, Luc/45.
Primary: Destruction, Long Blade, Mysticism.
Major: Alteration, Blunt, Restoration.
Minor: Archery, Critical Hit, Dodging, Dragonish, Daedric, Thaumaturgy.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus]:
Bonus to Hit - Humanoid and Undead (they hate villains, monsters and the undead) [+12]
Increased Magery - Int x3 (maxed to counter light powered magery) [+10]
Spell Absorption - in Daylight (light gives them power) [+8]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Forbidden Armor - Leather and Chain (to fit the idea of heavily armored) [-3]
Forbidden Material - Daedric (it's considered to be touched by evil) [-2]
Forbidden Shields - Buckler and Round (to fit the idea of heavily armored warrior) [-2]
Light Powered Magery - Lower in Darkness (the light is good for this class, darkness is bad) [-10]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 20 [+12]
Skill Advancement Points = +25
Leveling Speed = (1 + (25/20)) = x2.25 (slow but powerful)

29 Cleric / 2129/4145. Religious zealots solely dedicated to a chosen Divine and opposed to any force contrary to their devotion. Through force of will, arms and a mastery of mysticism they seek to increase and strengthen their particular deity's sphere of influence.
Base Attributes: Str/50, Int/45, Wil/60, Agi/45, End/50, Per/60, Spe/45, Luc/45.
Primary: Blunt, Mysticism, Thaumaturgy.
Major: Alteration, Archery, Restoration.
Minor: Dodging, Etiquette, Medical, Mercantile, Short Blade, Streetwise.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus Pts]:
Bonus to Hit - Daedra and Undead (they hate them with a passion) [+9]
Expertise in Blunt (so primary weapon skill more effective) [+2]
Increased Magery - Int x2 (should be enough) [+8]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Forbidden Armor - Plate [-5]
Forbidden Material - Daedric [-2]
Forbidden Shield - Tower [-1]
Forbidden Weapon - Axe and Long Blade [-4]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 14 [+6]
Skill Advancement Points = 13
Leveling Speed = x(1 + (13/20) = x1.65 (slow)

30 Bountyhunter / 2130/4146. Trained and versatile fighters that primarily make their living hunting the most dangerous game of all, those with a bounty on their heads. Fast, strong and skilled in an array of martial techniques, they also possess some skill in magic.
Base Attributes: Str/60, Int/45, Wil/45, Agi/50, End/50, Per/45, Spe/60, Luc/45.
Primary: Archery, Long Blade, Alteration.
Major: Axe, Dodging, Thaumaturgy.
Minor: Backstabbing, Critical Hit, Climbing, Mercantile, Running, Swimming.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus]:
Bonus to Hit - Humanoid (its what they do) [+6]
Expertise in - Archery and Long Blade (they're trained fighters after all) [+4]
Increased Magery - Int x1 (limited, but should be enough to work with) [+2]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Forbidden Armor - Plate (would slow them down) [-5]
Forbidden Shield - Kite and Tower (ditto) [-2]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 18 [+10]
Skill Advancement Points = +15
Leveling Speed = (1 + (15/20)) = 1.75 (slow)

31 Necromancer / 2131/4147. Practitioners of dark and forbidden necromantic sorceries. Obsessed with creating and controlling undead creatures; often seeking to become undead themselves by consorting with liches and vampires in order to learn the secrets of undeath.
Base Attributes: Str/50, Int/55, Wil/55, Agi/40, End/50, Per/60, Spe/45, Luc/45.
Primary: Destruction, Mysticism, Nymph (Necromancy*).
Major: Blunt, Thaumaturgy, Etiquette.
Minor: Alteration, Daedric, Dodge, Illusion, Short Blade, Stealth.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus]:
Bonus To Hit - Undead (necromancers know the undead's weaknesses intimately) [+6]
Expertise in Blunt and Short Blade (a forbidden calling in life means they've had to fight to survive) [+4]
Increased Magery - Int x3 (more than enough to work with, even in daylight) [+10]
Rapid Healing - in Darkness (the darkness sooths and heals them) [+3]
Resistance - Disease (messing with corpses has built a resistance) [+5]
Spell Absorption - in Darkness (the darkness feeds their power) [+12]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Darkness Powered Magery - reduced magery in daylight (spend most their time in crypts and dungeons anyway) [-7]
Forbidden Armor - Plate [-5]
Forbidden Shields - Kite and Tower [-2]
Forbidden Weapons - Axe and Long Blade [-4]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 16 [+8]
Skill Advancement Points = 30
Leveling Speed = x(1 + (30/20) = x2.5 (very slow but also powerful)

32 Pugilist / 2132/4148. Street-fighters and brawlers dedicated to hand-to-hand combat and refining their physical prowess at the expense of mastering the manipulation of magic and the use of martial weapons.
Base Attributes: Str/60, Int/35, Wil/50, Agi/55, End/60, Per/35, Spe/60, Luc/45.
Primary: Critical Stike, Dodging, Hand-to-Hand.
Major: Backstabbing, Jumping, Running.
Minor: Climbing, Lock-picking, Pickpocket, Stealth, Streetwise, Swimming.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus]:
Adrenaline Rush (for that last minute triumph against the odds) [+4]
Athleticism (they are dedicated athletes) [+4]
Expertise in Hand-to-Hand (their fists are lethal weapons) [+4]
Rapid Healing - General (they need a boost) [+4]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Forbidden Shields - Buckler, Round, Kite and Tower (they need both hands free) [-4]
Light-powered no Magic (no magic in darkness) [-14]
Darkness-powered no Magic (no magic in daylight) [-10]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 24 [+16]
Skill Advancement Points = 4
Leveling Speed = x(1 + (4/20) = x1.2 (barely slow at all)

33 Courtesan / 2133/4149. Individuals who gain advancement through charm and manipulation, using personal relationships and the weaknesses of others to attain their goals and to better themselves and their situation in life.
Base Attributes: Str/40, Int/50, Wil/50, Agi/55, End/45, Per/65, Spe/50, Luc/45.
Primary: Etiquette, Streetwise, Thaumaturgy.
Major: Dodging, Mercantile, Short Blade.
Minor: Hand-to-Hand, Illusion, Lockpicking, Medical, Pickpocket, Stealth.
Advantages [Skill Advancement Bonus]:
Athleticism (the fitter the body the better in this line of work) [+4]
Expertise in Short Blade (boosting their main weapon skill) [+4]
Increased Magery - Int x1 (for their thaumaturgy and illusion skills)[+4]
Disadvantages [Skill Advancement Penalty]:
Forbidden Armor - Plate (too cumbersome) [-5]
Forbidden Shields - Kite and Tower (too heavy) [-2]
Forbidden Weaponry - Blunt and Axe (too unwieldy) [-4]
Max Hit Points Per Level [Skill Advancement Bonus]: 14 [+6]
Skill Advancement Points = 7
Leveling Speed = x(1 + (7/20) = x1.35 (a little slow)

Re: Classes Expanded Mod

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 8:19 pm
by Jay_H
Wow, this is fantastic. Excellent work figuring this out. This is a big expansion of Daggerfall's character creation.

Re: Classes Expanded Mod

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 11:21 pm
by harbinger451
Got most of it working, but I'm having problems with the Witch Class (something wrong with the BIOG file) and the Bountyhunter Class (not sure whats wrong there, you get through Character Creation OK but the game refuses to start) ... so still needs some ironing out before I can release it. :roll:

Re: Classes Expanded Mod

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 12:52 pm
by Kab the Bird Ranger
Any chance this mod interferes with mods relying on custom enemies, such as Daggerfall Enemy Expansion?
If there's no conflict, I could also help show how to use DEX to add new enemies based on your classes, with just text files.

Re: Classes Expanded Mod

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 5:06 pm
by harbinger451
I have no idea how it will interact with Daggerfall Enemy Expansion or mods reliant on it. I know the default human enemies refer to the default CLASS files, but the expansion ones don't, as far as I know they are independent of the CLASS files so shouldn't conflict. It would be nice to have enemies based on my new Classes, but I think there would be some overlap with the Enemy Expansion mod - Druids and Necromancers for example. I have no experience of adding new enemies so any help would be gratefully received.

Can report I've solved the Witch problem, but am still working on getting the Bountyhunter to work. When I figure it out I'll upload the initial release to NEXUS.

Re: Classes Expanded Mod

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 8:46 pm
by harbinger451
Okay ... I sorted the couple of niggling problems and the Initial Release is now up on NEXUS. Have updated the OP to reflect this - with download link.

Re: Classes Expanded Mod

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 7:39 am
by MrFlibble
Nice, congrats on the release! The new classes sound intriguing.

I've never heard of the unused bio for characters imported from Arena before.

Re: Classes Expanded Mod

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 1:02 pm
by harbinger451
I came upon the unused BIO in the text strings when doing my Background Question And History Fixes mod. After a little research I found this on the UESP: ... _Character along with a list of other unused text strings - a few of which I edited for use in that mod.

Re: Classes Expanded Mod

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 7:13 pm
by harbinger451
Uploaded version 1.1 to NEXUS: Corrected a miscalculation of Leveling Speed in the Scout Class, refined some of the text strings (Witch, Agent, Crusader and Bountyhunter descriptions) for better reading, and updated the BIOGs to better match the latest version of my Background Question and History Fixes mod.

Updated OP to reflect this.

Re: Classes Expanded Mod

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 1:16 pm
by harbinger451
Uploaded Version 1.2 to NEXUS: Corrected a minor discrepancy in the Witch BIOG. Removed extraneous references in the Druid, Witch, Swashbuckler, Scout, and Witchhunter BIOGs that aren't used in the histories (they were in the default BIOGs that these are based on - probable left-overs from development that didn't end up being used).

Updated the OP to reflect this... along with some advice on load order.