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Famous Quests of the Iliac Bay

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 4:53 am
by nicksta1310
I would love to see a quest pack for the unique NPCs that are enabled by Famous Faces of the Iliac Bay, preferably gated by reputation prerequisites (e.g. if the Thieves Guild doesn't like you, then the famous faces associated with the Thieves Guild won't offer unique quests). It would be great to see this play out with the politics of Lainlyn: for example, completing a unique quest for Lord Kain would cause a massive drop in reputation with Baron Shrike, thus ruling out his quest offers.

I also imagine that this mod could be available in two optional parts:

1. New Faces: unique quests for the NPCs that have no involvement in the main quest; they would also include rumours that provide clues to the available quests when the player asks for news.

2. Familiar Faces: unique quests for players who disabled the main quest with another mod. They could even repurpose the optional subplots from the main quest (e.g. the succession crisis in Wayrest, the missing prince of Sentinel, etc.), add more depth to the subplots and apply consequences to the player's reputation accordingly.