Buried Town

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Buried Town

Post by Deathcrush »

I tried looking around this board to see if I could see anything similar, but I didn't catch anything.

Anyways, stumbled upon this for the first time in the latest build. Has this been addressed yet? I should also note that no doors in this town would open.
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Re: Buried Town

Post by Interkarma »

Thank you for the report. Please check the Bug Reports Guidelines for some tips on making good bug reports. It's very helpful in your subject line to include the build number, and in the post body include any mods you were running at the time of problem. Just saying "latest build" unfortunately doesn't provide much information. New builds come out every few weeks, and devs have no way of knowing which build you consider to be the latest one. That's why it's important to state it precisely. :)

I can see the enhanced sky in that shot. Are you running distant terrain or any other mods? Did closing and restarting the game solve the problem?

If you can, please attach or email a full copy of your output.log (see guidelines or manual) from the time error happened. This can help determine if there were any exceptions during the game that might account for issue. If you've already run the game again since then, that's OK. But if you can, grab a copy of the log right away if the problem happens again.

If you can reproduce and provide more information, please don't hesitate to log in Bug Reports again with additional detail.


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Re: Buried Town

Post by Channel1 »

Were you using speed cheats? e.g. "set_runspeed x" or similar, because apparently that can cause issues like this.

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Re: Buried Town

Post by Feralwarlord »

Interkarma wrote:and in the post body include any mods you were running at the time of problem.
Guess I should remember to do that next time I submit a bug report
Interkermit wrote:Were you using speed cheats? e.g. "set_runspeed x" or similar, because apparently that can cause issues like this.
I believe there was another thread on the topic that amounted to that

found it.
VMblast wrote:Btw....something awesome has happened in DFU......a land slide? loool :lol:

I have to say, it looks quite interesting to see towns in a different terrain configuration (aka "following" the terrain). This is also something to think about.


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Re: Buried Town

Post by Interkarma »

Yeah, super-speed is definitely one cause for desync issues like this. It can depend on the system performance a lot as well. A low-spec system will suffer more desync issues than a high-spec one. At normal movement speeds, it should be very rare if PC is within spec.

And something which stalls I/O at the exact wrong moment (e.g. disk quiesce for shadowcopy backup kicking in just as new terrain tile needs to load) might cause it as well.

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