Option to add new dreams based on important ingame events/main quests

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Re: Option to add new dreams based on important ingame events/main quests

Post by Jay_H »

Sure, the action is simple. First you have to have a folder called /Movies/ under /StreamingAssets in the DFU install. In there, you put any movie files you want to add to the game with the name ANIM####. I called that one ANIM0019.webm, just a random number (Linux doesn't run MP4 in DFU for some reason).

Then the quest file is just like this:

Code: Select all


--	Quest start-up:
    play video 19
    end quest
The game automatically searches for ANIM0019 based on the 19 number I gave it. It could be any other number, so I think it's unlimited.

If we do this for entry to Direnni Tower, then it would be something like:

Code: Select all


Place _direnni_ permanent DirenniTowerEntry

--	Quest start-up:
    pc at _direnni_ do _playmovie_

_playmovie_ task:
    play video 19
    end quest
All very simple stuff, as you can see ;) The question is in which quest file that command would get inserted, since no quest actually tells you to ever go to Direnni Tower; you're just sort of expected to go there once Lhotun tells you about it. But that's a lesser matter.

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