Does anyone know what kind of work would be required to fix the no oceans bug in Interesting Terrains?

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Does anyone know what kind of work would be required to fix the no oceans bug in Interesting Terrains?

Post by Jarlyjarljarl »

I'm pretty new to Unity modding and I really want to play the game with this mod but the lack of oceans bug in the newest versions (the only ones that work properly) is a major issue and figured I would try to fix it myself, but really I have no clue where to start.

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Re: Does anyone know what kind of work would be required to fix the no oceans bug in Interesting Terrains?

Post by King of Worms »

I really hope this can be fixed, glad you made the thread, maybe it gets the attention it deserves and it helps the debug process

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Re: Does anyone know what kind of work would be required to fix the no oceans bug in Interesting Terrains?

Post by Daniel87 »

All you would need to get the oceans back is:

- Creating a mod and having the mod load your custom ITerrainTexturing script before game starts. Something along the lines of:

Code: Select all

using UnityEngine;
using DaggerfallWorkshop;
using DaggerfallWorkshop.Game;
using DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.Utility.ModSupport;
using DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.Utility.ModSupport.ModSettings;

namespace InterestingTerrainFix
	public class InterestingTerrainFixMod : MonoBehaviour
		static Mod mod;
		static ITTerrainTexturing itTexturing;

        	static Mod InterestingTerrainMod;
        	static bool InterestingTerrainModEnabled;

		[Invoke(StateManager.StateTypes.Start , 0)]
		public static void Init(InitParams initParams)
			mod = initParams.Mod;
			var modGameObject = new GameObject(mod.Title);
                         if (ModManager.Instance.GetModFromGUID("d08bb628-ff2e-4e2f-ae57-1d4981e61843") != null)
				InterestingTerrainMod = ModManager.Instance.GetModFromGUID("d08bb628-ff2e-4e2f-ae57-1d4981e61843");
				if (InterestingTerrainMod != null && InterestingTerrainMod.Enabled) {
					InterestingTerrainModEnabled = true;
                                        Debug.Log("Interesting Terrain Fix: Interesting Terrain Mod is active");

		void Start()
			itTexturing = new ITTerrainTexturing(
			DaggerfallUnity.Instance.TerrainTexturing = woTexturing;

			mod.IsReady = true;
			Debug.Log("Interesting Terrain Fix: Mod Initiated");
- Creating your own custom ITerrainTexturing script (in this case called ITTerrainTexturing.cs) and adding a rule for when to texture tiles with ocean and beach:

Code: Select all

// Project:         Daggerfall Tools For Unity
// Copyright:       Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Daggerfall Workshop
// Web Site:
// License:         MIT License (
// Source Code:
// Original Author: Gavin Clayton (
// Contributors:    Hazelnut

using UnityEngine;
using System;
using DaggerfallConnect.Arena2;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Collections;

namespace DaggerfallWorkshop
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates texture tiles for terrains and uses marching squares for tile transitions.
    /// These features are very much in early stages of development.
    /// </summary>
    public class ITTerrainTexturing : ITerrainTexturing
        // Use same seed to ensure continuous tiles
        const int seed = 417028;

        const byte water = 0;
        const byte dirt = 1;
        const byte grass = 2;
        const byte stone = 3;

        protected static readonly int tileDataDim = MapsFile.WorldMapTileDim + 1;

        protected static readonly int assignTilesDim = MapsFile.WorldMapTileDim;

        protected byte[] lookupTable;

        public DefaultTerrainTexturing()

        public virtual JobHandle ScheduleAssignTilesJob(ITerrainSampler terrainSampler, ref MapPixelData mapData, JobHandle dependencies, bool march = true)
            // Cache tile data to minimise noise sampling during march.
            NativeArray<byte> tileData = new NativeArray<byte>(tileDataDim * tileDataDim, Allocator.TempJob);
            GenerateTileDataJob tileDataJob = new GenerateTileDataJob
                heightmapData = mapData.heightmapData,
                tileData = tileData,
                tdDim = tileDataDim,
                hDim = terrainSampler.HeightmapDimension,
                maxTerrainHeight = terrainSampler.MaxTerrainHeight,
                oceanElevation = terrainSampler.OceanElevation,
                beachElevation = terrainSampler.BeachElevation,
                mapPixelX = mapData.mapPixelX,
                mapPixelY = mapData.mapPixelY,
            JobHandle tileDataHandle = tileDataJob.Schedule(tileDataDim * tileDataDim, 64, dependencies);

            // Assign tile data to terrain
            NativeArray<byte> lookupData = new NativeArray<byte>(lookupTable, Allocator.TempJob);
            AssignTilesJob assignTilesJob = new AssignTilesJob
                lookupTable = lookupData,
                tileData = tileData,
                tilemapData = mapData.tilemapData,
                tdDim = tileDataDim,
                tDim = assignTilesDim,
                march = march,
                locationRect = mapData.locationRect,
            JobHandle assignTilesHandle = assignTilesJob.Schedule(assignTilesDim * assignTilesDim, 64, tileDataHandle);

            // Add both working native arrays to disposal list.

            return assignTilesHandle;

        #region Marching Squares - WIP

        // Very basic marching squares for water > dirt > grass > stone transitions.
        // Cannot handle water > grass or water > stone, etc.
        // Will improve this at later date to use a wider range of transitions.
        protected struct AssignTilesJob : IJobParallelFor
            public NativeArray<byte> tileData;
            public NativeArray<byte> lookupTable;

            public NativeArray<byte> tilemapData;

            public int tdDim;
            public int tDim;
            public bool march;
            public Rect locationRect;

            public void Execute(int index)
                int x = JobA.Row(index, tDim);
                int y = JobA.Col(index, tDim);

                // Do nothing if in location rect as texture already set, to 0xFF if zero
                if (tilemapData[index] != 0)

                // Assign tile texture
                if (march)
                    // Get sample points
                    int tdIdx = JobA.Idx(x, y, tdDim);
                    int b0 = tileData[tdIdx];               // tileData[x, y]
                    int b1 = tileData[tdIdx + 1];           // tileData[x + 1, y]
                    int b2 = tileData[tdIdx + tdDim];       // tileData[x, y + 1]
                    int b3 = tileData[tdIdx + tdDim + 1];   // tileData[x + 1, y + 1]

                    int shape = (b0 & 1) | (b1 & 1) << 1 | (b2 & 1) << 2 | (b3 & 1) << 3;
                    int ring = (b0 + b1 + b2 + b3) >> 2;
                    int tileID = shape | ring << 4;

                    tilemapData[index] = lookupTable[tileID];
                    tilemapData[index] = tileData[JobA.Idx(x, y, tdDim)];

        protected struct GenerateTileDataJob : IJobParallelFor
            public NativeArray<float> heightmapData;

            public NativeArray<byte> tileData;

            public int hDim;
            public int tdDim;
            public float maxTerrainHeight;
            public float oceanElevation;
            public float beachElevation;
            public int mapPixelX;
            public int mapPixelY;

            // Gets noise value
            private float NoiseWeight(float worldX, float worldY)
                return GetNoise(worldX, worldY, 0.05f, 0.9f, 0.4f, 3, seed);

            // Sets texture by range
            private byte GetWeightedRecord(float weight, float lowerGrassSpread = 0.5f, float upperGrassSpread = 0.95f)
                if (weight < lowerGrassSpread)
                    return dirt;
                else if (weight > upperGrassSpread)
                    return stone;
                    return grass;

            // Noise function
            private float GetNoise(
                float x,
                float y,
                float frequency,
                float amplitude,
                float persistance,
                int octaves,
                int seed = 0)
                float finalValue = 0f;
                for (int i = 0; i < octaves; ++i)
                    finalValue += Mathf.PerlinNoise(seed + (x * frequency), seed + (y * frequency)) * amplitude;
                    frequency *= 2.0f;
                    amplitude *= persistance;

                return Mathf.Clamp(finalValue, -1, 1);

            public void Execute(int index)
                int x = JobA.Row(index, tdDim);
                int y = JobA.Col(index, tdDim);

                // Height sample for ocean and beach tiles
                int hx = (int)Mathf.Clamp(hDim * ((float)x / (float)tdDim), 0, hDim - 1);
                int hy = (int)Mathf.Clamp(hDim * ((float)y / (float)tdDim), 0, hDim - 1);
                float height = heightmapData[JobA.Idx(hy, hx, hDim)] * maxTerrainHeight;  // x & y swapped in heightmap for TerrainData.SetHeights()
                // Ocean
                if (height/1.05f <= oceanElevation) {
                        tileData[index] = water;
                // Beach line
                // Adds a little +/- randomness to threshold so beach line isn't too regular
                if (height/1.05f <= beachElevation + (JobRand.Next(-50000000, -25000000) / 10000000f)) {
                        tileData[index] = dirt;

                // Get latitude and longitude of this tile
                int latitude = (int)(mapPixelX * MapsFile.WorldMapTileDim + x);
                int longitude = (int)(MapsFile.MaxWorldTileCoordZ - mapPixelY * MapsFile.WorldMapTileDim + y);

                // Set texture tile using weighted noise
                float weight = 0;
                weight += NoiseWeight(latitude, longitude);
                // TODO: Add other weights to influence texture tile generation
                tileData[index] = GetWeightedRecord(weight);

        // Creates lookup table
        void CreateLookupTable()
            lookupTable = new byte[64];
            AddLookupRange(0, 1, 5, 48, false, 0);
            AddLookupRange(2, 1, 10, 51, true, 16);
            AddLookupRange(2, 3, 15, 53, false, 32);
            AddLookupRange(3, 3, 15, 53, true, 48);

        // Adds range of 16 values to lookup table
        void AddLookupRange(int baseStart, int baseEnd, int shapeStart, int saddleIndex, bool reverse, int offset)
            if (reverse)
                // high > low
                lookupTable[offset] = MakeLookup(baseStart, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 1] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 2] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 3] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 4] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 5] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 6] = MakeLookup(saddleIndex, true, false); //d
                lookupTable[offset + 7] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 8] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 9] = MakeLookup(saddleIndex, false, false); //d
                lookupTable[offset + 10] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 11] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 12] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 13] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 14] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 15] = MakeLookup(baseEnd, false, false);
                // low > high
                lookupTable[offset] = MakeLookup(baseStart, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 1] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 2] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 3] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 4] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 5] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 6] = MakeLookup(saddleIndex, false, false); //d
                lookupTable[offset + 7] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 8] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 9] = MakeLookup(saddleIndex, true, false); //d
                lookupTable[offset + 10] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 11] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 12] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 13] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 14] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 15] = MakeLookup(baseEnd, false, false);

        // Encodes a byte with Daggerfall tile lookup
        byte MakeLookup(int index, bool rotate, bool flip)
            if (index > 55)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Index out of range. Valid range 0-55");
            if (rotate) index += 64;
            if (flip) index += 128;

            return (byte)index;

- Load the InterestingTerrainFixMod AFTER InterestingTerrain in the Mod Loadout.

This should give you back the oceans but you will lose the stone faces on steep mountain sides. For this you will have to either copy my algorithm for finding the steepness in heightmap or write up your own and then asign the stone texture on these tiles similar to how its done for the ocean and beach in the script above. Good luck!
Last edited by Daniel87 on Tue Apr 27, 2021 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
In Julianos we Trust.

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Re: Does anyone know what kind of work would be required to fix the no oceans bug in Interesting Terrains?

Post by Daniel87 »

Basically, when you have the DFU unity project running, you first create a folder for your mod in "Assets/Game/Mods/". Name it something like "InterestingTerrainFixMod".

In this folder, you create a subfolder (to keep our project tidy) for the scripts called "Scripts".
In there you dump the two scripts (InterestingTerrainFixMod.cs & ITTerrainTexturing.cs.
Now we are ready to setup our mod in Unity.

In Unity, go to Daggerfall Tools at the top and pick Mod Builder.
Here you enter a Mod Title (Interesting Terrain Fix), Mod Version (1.0), Mod Creator (Jarlyjarljarl) and DFUnity Version (Current is 0.11.3).
In the Project window in Unity (bottom left in my Editor, might be different in yours) you navigate to the script folder and highlight both scripts.
With both highlighted, go to the Mod Builder Window and click Add Selected Asset(s).
Then check StandalonWindows, StandaloneLinux64 and StandaloneMac.
Then you only need to click the Build Mod button. You will find the dfmod files in the folder you see under "Build Path".

Before building the mod, you can also simply test it by clicking Play on the top center of the Unity Editor. For the game to start, you need to have opened the right Scene. In Project view, go to Assets/Scenes and double click on DaggerfallUnityStartup. It should open this scene now. Now you can click on Play and check the Mods in Daggerfall Unitys Main Menu. Does your Mod appear there? If so, go on and test the game. Don't forget to also add Interesting Terrain to your daggerfall unity project into the Asset/StreamingAssets/Mods folder and place this Mod AFTER Interesting Terrain.

Let me know if it worked.
In Julianos we Trust.

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Re: Does anyone know what kind of work would be required to fix the no oceans bug in Interesting Terrains?

Post by Jarlyjarljarl »

Daniel87 wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:37 pm Basically, when you have the DFU unity project running, you first create a folder for your mod in "Assets/Game/Mods/". Name it something like "InterestingTerrainFixMod".

In this folder, you create a subfolder (to keep our project tidy) for the scripts called "Scripts".
In there you dump the two scripts (InterestingTerrainFixMod.cs & ITTerrainTexturing.cs.
Now we are ready to setup our mod in Unity.

In Unity, go to Daggerfall Tools at the top and pick Mod Builder.
Here you enter a Mod Title (Interesting Terrain Fix), Mod Version (1.0), Mod Creator (Jarlyjarljarl) and DFUnity Version (Current is 0.11.3).
In the Project window in Unity (bottom left in my Editor, might be different in yours) you navigate to the script folder and highlight both scripts.
With both highlighted, go to the Mod Builder Window and click Add Selected Asset(s).
Then check StandalonWindows, StandaloneLinux64 and StandaloneMac.
Then you only need to click the Build Mod button. You will find the dfmod files in the folder you see under "Build Path".

Before building the mod, you can also simply test it by clicking Play on the top center of the Unity Editor. For the game to start, you need to have opened the right Scene. In Project view, go to Assets/Scenes and double click on DaggerfallUnityStartup. It should open this scene now. Now you can click on Play and check the Mods in Daggerfall Unitys Main Menu. Does your Mod appear there? If so, go on and test the game. Don't forget to also add Interesting Terrain to your daggerfall unity project into the Asset/StreamingAssets/Mods folder and place this Mod AFTER Interesting Terrain.

Let me know if it worked.
I've followed your instructions but I'm getting the following errors:

Assets\Game\Mods\InterestingTerrainFixMod\Scripts\InterestingTerrainFixMod.cs(36,22): error CS1729: 'ITTerrainTexturing' does not contain a constructor that takes 1 arguments

Assets\Game\Mods\InterestingTerrainFixMod\Scripts\InterestingTerrainFixMod.cs(38,48): error CS0103: The name 'woTexturing' does not exist in the current context

Assets\Game\Mods\InterestingTerrainFixMod\Scripts\ITTerrainTexturing.cs(37,16): error CS1520: Method must have a return type

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Re: Does anyone know what kind of work would be required to fix the no oceans bug in Interesting Terrains?

Post by Daniel87 »

Alright, let me have a quick look at the code.
I didn't test it yet, so there might be errors.
In Julianos we Trust.

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Re: Does anyone know what kind of work would be required to fix the no oceans bug in Interesting Terrains?

Post by Daniel87 »

Try this:
This should work.


Code: Select all

// Project:         Daggerfall Tools For Unity
// Copyright:       Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Daggerfall Workshop
// Web Site:
// License:         MIT License (
// Source Code:
// Original Author: Gavin Clayton (
// Contributors:    Hazelnut

using UnityEngine;
using System;
using DaggerfallConnect.Arena2;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Collections;

namespace DaggerfallWorkshop
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates texture tiles for terrains and uses marching squares for tile transitions.
    /// These features are very much in early stages of development.
    /// </summary>
    public class ITTerrainTexturing : ITerrainTexturing
        // Use same seed to ensure continuous tiles
        const int seed = 417028;

        const byte water = 0;
        const byte dirt = 1;
        const byte grass = 2;
        const byte stone = 3;

        protected static readonly int tileDataDim = MapsFile.WorldMapTileDim + 1;

        protected static readonly int assignTilesDim = MapsFile.WorldMapTileDim;

        protected byte[] lookupTable;

        public ITTerrainTexturing()

        public virtual JobHandle ScheduleAssignTilesJob(ITerrainSampler terrainSampler, ref MapPixelData mapData, JobHandle dependencies, bool march = true)
            // Cache tile data to minimise noise sampling during march.
            NativeArray<byte> tileData = new NativeArray<byte>(tileDataDim * tileDataDim, Allocator.TempJob);
            GenerateTileDataJob tileDataJob = new GenerateTileDataJob
                heightmapData = mapData.heightmapData,
                tileData = tileData,
                tdDim = tileDataDim,
                hDim = terrainSampler.HeightmapDimension,
                maxTerrainHeight = terrainSampler.MaxTerrainHeight,
                oceanElevation = terrainSampler.OceanElevation,
                beachElevation = terrainSampler.BeachElevation,
                mapPixelX = mapData.mapPixelX,
                mapPixelY = mapData.mapPixelY,
            JobHandle tileDataHandle = tileDataJob.Schedule(tileDataDim * tileDataDim, 64, dependencies);

            // Assign tile data to terrain
            NativeArray<byte> lookupData = new NativeArray<byte>(lookupTable, Allocator.TempJob);
            AssignTilesJob assignTilesJob = new AssignTilesJob
                lookupTable = lookupData,
                tileData = tileData,
                tilemapData = mapData.tilemapData,
                tdDim = tileDataDim,
                tDim = assignTilesDim,
                march = march,
                locationRect = mapData.locationRect,
            JobHandle assignTilesHandle = assignTilesJob.Schedule(assignTilesDim * assignTilesDim, 64, tileDataHandle);

            // Add both working native arrays to disposal list.

            return assignTilesHandle;

        #region Marching Squares - WIP

        // Very basic marching squares for water > dirt > grass > stone transitions.
        // Cannot handle water > grass or water > stone, etc.
        // Will improve this at later date to use a wider range of transitions.
        protected struct AssignTilesJob : IJobParallelFor
            public NativeArray<byte> tileData;
            public NativeArray<byte> lookupTable;

            public NativeArray<byte> tilemapData;

            public int tdDim;
            public int tDim;
            public bool march;
            public Rect locationRect;

            public void Execute(int index)
                int x = JobA.Row(index, tDim);
                int y = JobA.Col(index, tDim);

                // Do nothing if in location rect as texture already set, to 0xFF if zero
                if (tilemapData[index] != 0)

                // Assign tile texture
                if (march)
                    // Get sample points
                    int tdIdx = JobA.Idx(x, y, tdDim);
                    int b0 = tileData[tdIdx];               // tileData[x, y]
                    int b1 = tileData[tdIdx + 1];           // tileData[x + 1, y]
                    int b2 = tileData[tdIdx + tdDim];       // tileData[x, y + 1]
                    int b3 = tileData[tdIdx + tdDim + 1];   // tileData[x + 1, y + 1]

                    int shape = (b0 & 1) | (b1 & 1) << 1 | (b2 & 1) << 2 | (b3 & 1) << 3;
                    int ring = (b0 + b1 + b2 + b3) >> 2;
                    int tileID = shape | ring << 4;

                    tilemapData[index] = lookupTable[tileID];
                    tilemapData[index] = tileData[JobA.Idx(x, y, tdDim)];

        protected struct GenerateTileDataJob : IJobParallelFor
            public NativeArray<float> heightmapData;

            public NativeArray<byte> tileData;

            public int hDim;
            public int tdDim;
            public float maxTerrainHeight;
            public float oceanElevation;
            public float beachElevation;
            public int mapPixelX;
            public int mapPixelY;

            // Gets noise value
            private float NoiseWeight(float worldX, float worldY)
                return GetNoise(worldX, worldY, 0.05f, 0.9f, 0.4f, 3, seed);

            // Sets texture by range
            private byte GetWeightedRecord(float weight, float lowerGrassSpread = 0.5f, float upperGrassSpread = 0.95f)
                if (weight < lowerGrassSpread)
                    return dirt;
                else if (weight > upperGrassSpread)
                    return stone;
                    return grass;

            // Noise function
            private float GetNoise(
                float x,
                float y,
                float frequency,
                float amplitude,
                float persistance,
                int octaves,
                int seed = 0)
                float finalValue = 0f;
                for (int i = 0; i < octaves; ++i)
                    finalValue += Mathf.PerlinNoise(seed + (x * frequency), seed + (y * frequency)) * amplitude;
                    frequency *= 2.0f;
                    amplitude *= persistance;

                return Mathf.Clamp(finalValue, -1, 1);

            public void Execute(int index)
                int x = JobA.Row(index, tdDim);
                int y = JobA.Col(index, tdDim);

                // Height sample for ocean and beach tiles
                int hx = (int)Mathf.Clamp(hDim * ((float)x / (float)tdDim), 0, hDim - 1);
                int hy = (int)Mathf.Clamp(hDim * ((float)y / (float)tdDim), 0, hDim - 1);
                float height = heightmapData[JobA.Idx(hy, hx, hDim)] * maxTerrainHeight;  // x & y swapped in heightmap for TerrainData.SetHeights()
                // Ocean
                if (height/1.05f <= oceanElevation) {
                        tileData[index] = water;
                // Beach line
                // Adds a little +/- randomness to threshold so beach line isn't too regular
                if (height/1.05f <= beachElevation + (JobRand.Next(-50000000, -25000000) / 10000000f)) {
                        tileData[index] = dirt;

                // Get latitude and longitude of this tile
                int latitude = (int)(mapPixelX * MapsFile.WorldMapTileDim + x);
                int longitude = (int)(MapsFile.MaxWorldTileCoordZ - mapPixelY * MapsFile.WorldMapTileDim + y);

                // Set texture tile using weighted noise
                float weight = 0;
                weight += NoiseWeight(latitude, longitude);
                // TODO: Add other weights to influence texture tile generation
                tileData[index] = GetWeightedRecord(weight);

        // Creates lookup table
        void CreateLookupTable()
            lookupTable = new byte[64];
            AddLookupRange(0, 1, 5, 48, false, 0);
            AddLookupRange(2, 1, 10, 51, true, 16);
            AddLookupRange(2, 3, 15, 53, false, 32);
            AddLookupRange(3, 3, 15, 53, true, 48);

        // Adds range of 16 values to lookup table
        void AddLookupRange(int baseStart, int baseEnd, int shapeStart, int saddleIndex, bool reverse, int offset)
            if (reverse)
                // high > low
                lookupTable[offset] = MakeLookup(baseStart, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 1] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 2] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 3] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 4] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 5] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 6] = MakeLookup(saddleIndex, true, false); //d
                lookupTable[offset + 7] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 8] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 9] = MakeLookup(saddleIndex, false, false); //d
                lookupTable[offset + 10] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 11] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 12] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 13] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 14] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 15] = MakeLookup(baseEnd, false, false);
                // low > high
                lookupTable[offset] = MakeLookup(baseStart, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 1] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 2] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 3] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 4] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 5] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 6] = MakeLookup(saddleIndex, false, false); //d
                lookupTable[offset + 7] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 8] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 9] = MakeLookup(saddleIndex, true, false); //d
                lookupTable[offset + 10] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 11] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 12] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 13] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 14] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 15] = MakeLookup(baseEnd, false, false);

        // Encodes a byte with Daggerfall tile lookup
        byte MakeLookup(int index, bool rotate, bool flip)
            if (index > 55)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Index out of range. Valid range 0-55");
            if (rotate) index += 64;
            if (flip) index += 128;

            return (byte)index;


Code: Select all

using UnityEngine;
using DaggerfallWorkshop;
using DaggerfallWorkshop.Game;
using DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.Utility.ModSupport;
using DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.Utility.ModSupport.ModSettings;

namespace InterestingTerrainFix
	public class InterestingTerrainFixMod : MonoBehaviour
		static Mod mod;
		static ITTerrainTexturing itTexturing;

        	static Mod InterestingTerrainMod;
        	static bool InterestingTerrainModEnabled;

		[Invoke(StateManager.StateTypes.Start , 0)]
		public static void Init(InitParams initParams)
			mod = initParams.Mod;
			var modGameObject = new GameObject(mod.Title);
                         if (ModManager.Instance.GetModFromGUID("d08bb628-ff2e-4e2f-ae57-1d4981e61843") != null)
				InterestingTerrainMod = ModManager.Instance.GetModFromGUID("d08bb628-ff2e-4e2f-ae57-1d4981e61843");
				if (InterestingTerrainMod != null && InterestingTerrainMod.Enabled) {
					InterestingTerrainModEnabled = true;
                                        Debug.Log("Interesting Terrain Fix: Interesting Terrain Mod is active");

		void Start()
			itTexturing = new ITTerrainTexturing();
			DaggerfallUnity.Instance.TerrainTexturing = itTexturing;

			mod.IsReady = true;
			Debug.Log("Interesting Terrain Fix: Mod Initiated");
In Julianos we Trust.

Posts: 64
Joined: Sat Aug 01, 2020 6:37 am

Re: Does anyone know what kind of work would be required to fix the no oceans bug in Interesting Terrains?

Post by Jarlyjarljarl »

Daniel87 wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 6:31 pm Try this:
This should work.


Code: Select all

// Project:         Daggerfall Tools For Unity
// Copyright:       Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Daggerfall Workshop
// Web Site:
// License:         MIT License (
// Source Code:
// Original Author: Gavin Clayton (
// Contributors:    Hazelnut

using UnityEngine;
using System;
using DaggerfallConnect.Arena2;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Collections;

namespace DaggerfallWorkshop
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates texture tiles for terrains and uses marching squares for tile transitions.
    /// These features are very much in early stages of development.
    /// </summary>
    public class ITTerrainTexturing : ITerrainTexturing
        // Use same seed to ensure continuous tiles
        const int seed = 417028;

        const byte water = 0;
        const byte dirt = 1;
        const byte grass = 2;
        const byte stone = 3;

        protected static readonly int tileDataDim = MapsFile.WorldMapTileDim + 1;

        protected static readonly int assignTilesDim = MapsFile.WorldMapTileDim;

        protected byte[] lookupTable;

        public ITTerrainTexturing()

        public virtual JobHandle ScheduleAssignTilesJob(ITerrainSampler terrainSampler, ref MapPixelData mapData, JobHandle dependencies, bool march = true)
            // Cache tile data to minimise noise sampling during march.
            NativeArray<byte> tileData = new NativeArray<byte>(tileDataDim * tileDataDim, Allocator.TempJob);
            GenerateTileDataJob tileDataJob = new GenerateTileDataJob
                heightmapData = mapData.heightmapData,
                tileData = tileData,
                tdDim = tileDataDim,
                hDim = terrainSampler.HeightmapDimension,
                maxTerrainHeight = terrainSampler.MaxTerrainHeight,
                oceanElevation = terrainSampler.OceanElevation,
                beachElevation = terrainSampler.BeachElevation,
                mapPixelX = mapData.mapPixelX,
                mapPixelY = mapData.mapPixelY,
            JobHandle tileDataHandle = tileDataJob.Schedule(tileDataDim * tileDataDim, 64, dependencies);

            // Assign tile data to terrain
            NativeArray<byte> lookupData = new NativeArray<byte>(lookupTable, Allocator.TempJob);
            AssignTilesJob assignTilesJob = new AssignTilesJob
                lookupTable = lookupData,
                tileData = tileData,
                tilemapData = mapData.tilemapData,
                tdDim = tileDataDim,
                tDim = assignTilesDim,
                march = march,
                locationRect = mapData.locationRect,
            JobHandle assignTilesHandle = assignTilesJob.Schedule(assignTilesDim * assignTilesDim, 64, tileDataHandle);

            // Add both working native arrays to disposal list.

            return assignTilesHandle;

        #region Marching Squares - WIP

        // Very basic marching squares for water > dirt > grass > stone transitions.
        // Cannot handle water > grass or water > stone, etc.
        // Will improve this at later date to use a wider range of transitions.
        protected struct AssignTilesJob : IJobParallelFor
            public NativeArray<byte> tileData;
            public NativeArray<byte> lookupTable;

            public NativeArray<byte> tilemapData;

            public int tdDim;
            public int tDim;
            public bool march;
            public Rect locationRect;

            public void Execute(int index)
                int x = JobA.Row(index, tDim);
                int y = JobA.Col(index, tDim);

                // Do nothing if in location rect as texture already set, to 0xFF if zero
                if (tilemapData[index] != 0)

                // Assign tile texture
                if (march)
                    // Get sample points
                    int tdIdx = JobA.Idx(x, y, tdDim);
                    int b0 = tileData[tdIdx];               // tileData[x, y]
                    int b1 = tileData[tdIdx + 1];           // tileData[x + 1, y]
                    int b2 = tileData[tdIdx + tdDim];       // tileData[x, y + 1]
                    int b3 = tileData[tdIdx + tdDim + 1];   // tileData[x + 1, y + 1]

                    int shape = (b0 & 1) | (b1 & 1) << 1 | (b2 & 1) << 2 | (b3 & 1) << 3;
                    int ring = (b0 + b1 + b2 + b3) >> 2;
                    int tileID = shape | ring << 4;

                    tilemapData[index] = lookupTable[tileID];
                    tilemapData[index] = tileData[JobA.Idx(x, y, tdDim)];

        protected struct GenerateTileDataJob : IJobParallelFor
            public NativeArray<float> heightmapData;

            public NativeArray<byte> tileData;

            public int hDim;
            public int tdDim;
            public float maxTerrainHeight;
            public float oceanElevation;
            public float beachElevation;
            public int mapPixelX;
            public int mapPixelY;

            // Gets noise value
            private float NoiseWeight(float worldX, float worldY)
                return GetNoise(worldX, worldY, 0.05f, 0.9f, 0.4f, 3, seed);

            // Sets texture by range
            private byte GetWeightedRecord(float weight, float lowerGrassSpread = 0.5f, float upperGrassSpread = 0.95f)
                if (weight < lowerGrassSpread)
                    return dirt;
                else if (weight > upperGrassSpread)
                    return stone;
                    return grass;

            // Noise function
            private float GetNoise(
                float x,
                float y,
                float frequency,
                float amplitude,
                float persistance,
                int octaves,
                int seed = 0)
                float finalValue = 0f;
                for (int i = 0; i < octaves; ++i)
                    finalValue += Mathf.PerlinNoise(seed + (x * frequency), seed + (y * frequency)) * amplitude;
                    frequency *= 2.0f;
                    amplitude *= persistance;

                return Mathf.Clamp(finalValue, -1, 1);

            public void Execute(int index)
                int x = JobA.Row(index, tdDim);
                int y = JobA.Col(index, tdDim);

                // Height sample for ocean and beach tiles
                int hx = (int)Mathf.Clamp(hDim * ((float)x / (float)tdDim), 0, hDim - 1);
                int hy = (int)Mathf.Clamp(hDim * ((float)y / (float)tdDim), 0, hDim - 1);
                float height = heightmapData[JobA.Idx(hy, hx, hDim)] * maxTerrainHeight;  // x & y swapped in heightmap for TerrainData.SetHeights()
                // Ocean
                if (height/1.05f <= oceanElevation) {
                        tileData[index] = water;
                // Beach line
                // Adds a little +/- randomness to threshold so beach line isn't too regular
                if (height/1.05f <= beachElevation + (JobRand.Next(-50000000, -25000000) / 10000000f)) {
                        tileData[index] = dirt;

                // Get latitude and longitude of this tile
                int latitude = (int)(mapPixelX * MapsFile.WorldMapTileDim + x);
                int longitude = (int)(MapsFile.MaxWorldTileCoordZ - mapPixelY * MapsFile.WorldMapTileDim + y);

                // Set texture tile using weighted noise
                float weight = 0;
                weight += NoiseWeight(latitude, longitude);
                // TODO: Add other weights to influence texture tile generation
                tileData[index] = GetWeightedRecord(weight);

        // Creates lookup table
        void CreateLookupTable()
            lookupTable = new byte[64];
            AddLookupRange(0, 1, 5, 48, false, 0);
            AddLookupRange(2, 1, 10, 51, true, 16);
            AddLookupRange(2, 3, 15, 53, false, 32);
            AddLookupRange(3, 3, 15, 53, true, 48);

        // Adds range of 16 values to lookup table
        void AddLookupRange(int baseStart, int baseEnd, int shapeStart, int saddleIndex, bool reverse, int offset)
            if (reverse)
                // high > low
                lookupTable[offset] = MakeLookup(baseStart, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 1] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 2] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 3] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 4] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 5] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 6] = MakeLookup(saddleIndex, true, false); //d
                lookupTable[offset + 7] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 8] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 9] = MakeLookup(saddleIndex, false, false); //d
                lookupTable[offset + 10] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 11] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 12] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 13] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 14] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 15] = MakeLookup(baseEnd, false, false);
                // low > high
                lookupTable[offset] = MakeLookup(baseStart, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 1] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 2] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 3] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 4] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 5] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 6] = MakeLookup(saddleIndex, false, false); //d
                lookupTable[offset + 7] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, true, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 8] = MakeLookup(shapeStart, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 9] = MakeLookup(saddleIndex, true, false); //d
                lookupTable[offset + 10] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 11] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, false, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 12] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 1, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 13] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, false, false);
                lookupTable[offset + 14] = MakeLookup(shapeStart + 2, true, true);
                lookupTable[offset + 15] = MakeLookup(baseEnd, false, false);

        // Encodes a byte with Daggerfall tile lookup
        byte MakeLookup(int index, bool rotate, bool flip)
            if (index > 55)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Index out of range. Valid range 0-55");
            if (rotate) index += 64;
            if (flip) index += 128;

            return (byte)index;


Code: Select all

using UnityEngine;
using DaggerfallWorkshop;
using DaggerfallWorkshop.Game;
using DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.Utility.ModSupport;
using DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.Utility.ModSupport.ModSettings;

namespace InterestingTerrainFix
	public class InterestingTerrainFixMod : MonoBehaviour
		static Mod mod;
		static ITTerrainTexturing itTexturing;

        	static Mod InterestingTerrainMod;
        	static bool InterestingTerrainModEnabled;

		[Invoke(StateManager.StateTypes.Start , 0)]
		public static void Init(InitParams initParams)
			mod = initParams.Mod;
			var modGameObject = new GameObject(mod.Title);
                         if (ModManager.Instance.GetModFromGUID("d08bb628-ff2e-4e2f-ae57-1d4981e61843") != null)
				InterestingTerrainMod = ModManager.Instance.GetModFromGUID("d08bb628-ff2e-4e2f-ae57-1d4981e61843");
				if (InterestingTerrainMod != null && InterestingTerrainMod.Enabled) {
					InterestingTerrainModEnabled = true;
                                        Debug.Log("Interesting Terrain Fix: Interesting Terrain Mod is active");

		void Start()
			itTexturing = new ITTerrainTexturing();
			DaggerfallUnity.Instance.TerrainTexturing = itTexturing;

			mod.IsReady = true;
			Debug.Log("Interesting Terrain Fix: Mod Initiated");
This works! Thanks mate!

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Re: Does anyone know what kind of work would be required to fix the no oceans bug in Interesting Terrains?

Post by Daniel87 »

You're welcome :)
Glad I could help.
In Julianos we Trust.

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