Daggerfall Remastered Music Project (Released)

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Re: Daggerfall Remastered Music Project (Released)

Post by Jay_H »

I moved the Sound folder over from my 146 install to 147, and 147 isn't playing custom music. I dunno :?

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Re: Daggerfall Remastered Music Project (Released)

Post by ByteMixer »

Odd, I didn't have any issues with the files playing with the 0.7.32 update either. I also have Pango's updated sound effects (the .wav files) in the same folder with my .OGG song files, and everything seems to be working.

Could the DFUnity zip become corrupted during download? Maybe try downloading it again fresh, and doing a reinstall? I don't think there's any dfmods that do anything with the sound player right now, and mine are just loose files.

Sorry I couldn't be more help!
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Re: Daggerfall Remastered Music Project (Released)

Post by King of Worms »

works for me as well in 0.7.32 with other mods running...

I recommend uploading the log so we can see more.

Log is located here:
C:\Users\*your account name*\AppData\LocalLow\Daggerfall Workshop\Daggerfall Unity

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Re: Daggerfall Remastered Music Project (Released)

Post by Jay_H »

Problem solved! I accidentally named the folder Sounds instead of Sound. It works now.

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Re: Daggerfall Remastered Music Project (Released)

Post by johnwax »

I am running several characters, both DFU and imported classic. I reinstalled the mod and now it works. Have no idea why it didn't before. Something glitched, but no the mod.

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Re: Daggerfall Remastered Music Project (Released)

Post by King of Worms »

Hi ByteMixer,

Im playing with the idea of creating a DFMOD from your music and using it as a default DREAM mod musical score.
Link to D.R.E.A.M - viewtopic.php?f=27&t=1168

Ofcourse I would never do it without your approval!

Only thing I can offer is a Music Composer (or whatever title you want to use) entry in the Dream Team Credits
Also Your name in the DFMOD author package and the contact info (if you wish) at both places, be it your soundcloud, site, or the band you are playing at, its up to you.

I would be quite happy to make this cooperation happen at more official level than just recommending your mod in the Dream release notes.

Thank you for considering it :)

Be well!!

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Re: Daggerfall Remastered Music Project (Released)

Post by ByteMixer »

I don't mind if you include the music files.

For credits, in this case I suppose the closest thing (even though it's just my self and my own vision) would be producer, since I did a little bit of everything: judging the sound of the compositions, following the original intent of the composer, but embellishing the overall sound/instrument types/articulations where needed, and shaping the sound while making sure everything is cohesive. Music Producers do a little bit of everything, but they work more on the art/creative side of the field, whereas audio engineers are much more technical and practical, working the mixer, dealing with microphone placements, and setting equipment up to try to achieve the vision of the artist and producer, but also dealing heavily with the mixing/mastering processes.

But really, Music Producer, Sound Designer, or Audio Engineer would all fit with the work I did to bring the project to fruition.
I'd say, put a link to the Soundcloud showcase in information for the music section. That way people can hear some of the work before deciding to enable that part of the dfmod. I have other links on the Soundcloud page they can follow if they want to check out the other stuff.

Of course, I'll leave the loose files up for people to grab from ModDB or the Drive link if they just want those.
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Re: Daggerfall Remastered Music Project (Released)

Post by ByteMixer »

Also, sorry for the late response. House buying process has moved faster than we anticipated. We're making an offer and filling out documentation currently. We were very interested in a property we saw last Sunday, and mentioned it to the realtor. I didn't expect her to go talk to the seller agent already. But yeah the ball is rolling, and we're making an offer. Anticipating closing in June if everything goes smoothly.
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Re: Daggerfall Remastered Music Project (Released)

Post by King of Worms »

Hi Byte, no worries, RL comes 1st, grats on moving to new house soon!

You made me genuinely happy with your reply, thanks a lot. I will follow your notes and create the credits and the mod description in the way its most suitable. I will ofc let you know about the results. It will be great to have your work as a official Dream soundtrack, its a honor

Today is a bit gloomy to me, as my grandmother passed away, so this is a welcomed possitive distraction to me, thank you!
Be well, stay strong, make some art :)

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Re: Daggerfall Remastered Music Project (Released)

Post by ByteMixer »

Yeah, keeping our fingers crossed for a smooth process. Apparently another offer was made while we were signing the documents. :P Anyway, offer was submitted yesterday afternoon. So, keeping our fingers crossed they are willing to counter and don't think it's too low-ball, lol!

I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother, my condolences. My wife's grandparents died a few years ago. My own grandmother is still alive and kicking at 105. My wife's grandfather died of septicemia after having a kidney stent. After the procedure he ran a high enough fever to hallucinate. Doctors found out he was septic, and gave him a 50/50 chance if he'd pull through or not. It was very fast, and very sudden. I still miss having watercolor painting lessons with him. Her grandmother died after her dementia progressed further. That is a process that lingers for months, and it puts a real strain on the family and the caretakers. But her death was more or less expected. The decline was pretty obvious.

Ach, but that's all depressing stuff. On a brighter note, don't worry, we are making some art. Er at least our band is. I uploaded a couple clips from past shows on my personal youtube page, just search for Blackjack Rose, should show up in the video titles. I don't know if you use facebook, and it's perfectly understandable if you don't, but if you do, look for BlackJackRoseBand. We posted/shared some clips from tonight's performance, including a "drum cam" haha! Hmmm, that might have turned into a shameless plug! Whoopsie!
"Whatever you do, make good art." - Neil Gaiman

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