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Bug Reports Cleanup

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:22 pm
by Interkarma
I've started cleaning up bug reports forum by moving closed issues into a Resolved sub-forum.

Some of the remaining topics have been resolved but are not marked as such. I'll work through these to mark resolved and move soon. Hopefully by the end of this process, we have a better picture of open issues with less clutter.

Re: Bug Reports Cleanup

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:52 am
by pango
That must have taken a lot of time, and is very much appreciated

Re: Bug Reports Cleanup

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:40 am
by Interkarma
Thank you, I was happy to do it. :) Several of the less critical bugs were getting buried by the more urgent stuff. It feels good to have done that little cleanup.

Re: Bug Reports Cleanup

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:57 am
by Hazelnut
Having spent quite some time recently wading through trying to see if there were any unresolved bugs I could investigate, I was quite pleased to see this. :)

Re: Bug Reports Cleanup

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 7:44 pm
by Interkarma
Now that we've trimmed back our Bug Reports forum, I'd like to try grouping bugs based on the system they relate to. I feel this will make it easier to avoid duplicates and for the developer most involved in that system to support their work.

To do this, I'm creating new subforums below Bug Reports. As new issues are created and confirmed, they will be moved into a subforum based on the system most related to that bug. Here's how I see the split so far.
  • Bug Reports (general and catch-all parent forum)
  • -Magic & Effects
  • -Quest System & Quests
  • -Physics & Movement
  • -Guilds & Services
  • -Formulas & Mechanics
  • -User Interface
  • -Mod System
  • -Resolved (bug has been fixed or closed)
Feedback is welcome if anyone wants to suggest refinements to the above.

Re: Bug Reports Cleanup

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:37 pm
by Midknightprince
I like this.

Re: Bug Reports Cleanup

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:58 pm
by Jay_H
I recommend preventing new topics in the master Bug Reports forum. This could be just a holding place for unsorted reports from the past. No one's going to look in the subforums unless they're obligated to, so you can save yourself some work by making it obligatory from the start.

Re: Bug Reports Cleanup

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 11:07 pm
by pango
I tried to classify the first page of bug reports, to put that system to the test:
So there's quite a few that I wouldn't be sure how to classify, and probably some cases that are debatable, maybe we should all try and see how many times we agree ;)

- shops quality text not appearing: user interface
- enemy spells launch PC in the air: magic&effects, physics&movement?
- dungeon map zoom and TAB key: user interface
- gauges not updated upon level up: user interface
- casting some spells while casting some spells: magic&effects, user interface?
- radius of touch spells: magic&effects
- sleeplessness victim turns hostile: quest system&quests
- modded soundclips not preloaded: catch all, mod system?
- stuck on broken floor: physics&movement
- duel quest bug: quest system&quests
- protect honored mage quest last 24 hours: quest system&quests
- protect honored mage reward item always fortitute on held: quest system&quests
- protect honored mage random guild: quest system&quests
- spells don't tick during rest: magic&effects, formulas&mechanics?
- letters don't appear on first use: quest system&quests, user interface?
- cloaks rendered behind robes: user interface
- "cast when held" on unequippable items: magic&effects, formulas&mechanics?
- revolving door: catch all, physics&movement
- paralyzation doesn't interrupt climbing: magic&effects, physics&movement?
- "guard the mages guild" enemies not spawning: quest system&quests
- town npcs flickering: catch all
- knight order quest "the princess": quest system&quests
- teleport to dungeon retains music: catch all, user interface?

Not sure if that can be helped with classifications; tagging would be a bit more flexible, but that doesn't look like an option with just forums.
Hope it helps.

Re: Bug Reports Cleanup

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:49 am
by Interkarma
I've decided against creating bug categories. This is more manageable now after a cleanup, and I feel the extra complexity isn't required. Will revisit this idea again in future if it seems warranted, but for now bug reports seem to have slowed down.

Thanks for your input everyone! Moving this back into general.