Dungeon Map QOL improvement - WSAD controls

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King of Worms
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Dungeon Map QOL improvement - WSAD controls

Post by King of Worms »

When I play DFU (and I believe the majority of PC gamers as well) we use WSAD to move around.
Than I open the map in dungeon and to rotate it around, I have to switch from WSAD to the Directional Arrows.

Thats really inconvenient and not user friendly.
Can we please have the Dungeon map rotation bind on WSAD?

Or make it so both Directional Arrows and WSAD works and its up to player to use whatever he prefers?
Having "Q" and "E" bind as rotate left/right would be another logical step IMO
"Space" and "C" for up and down
But the WSAD is priority here.

I remember I asked for this back than somewhere, but it got buried Im afraid.

Thank you for considering it :)

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Re: Dungeon Map QOL improvement - WSAD controls

Post by pango »

Hi Kow,

You can experiment already by editing .../DaggerfallUnity_Data/StreamingAssets/Text/DialogShortcuts.txt. It's not permanent (will be overwritten the next time you reinstall DFU, unless you keep a backup around), but enough for experimenting...

Code: Select all

AutomapMoveForward,                                 W
AutomapMoveBackward,                                S
AutomapRotateCameraLeft,                            A
AutomapRotateCameraRight,                           D
But with 4 keys you can only navigate in a plane (in this example, horizontal plane).
Maybe WASD + mouse look (like levitation controls) could be interesting, but you can't achieve that with just keys rebinding
Mastodon: @pango@fosstodon.org
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Re: Dungeon Map QOL improvement - WSAD controls

Post by King of Worms »

Thank you Pango, I will take a look :)

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Re: Dungeon Map QOL improvement - WSAD controls

Post by King of Worms »

Take a look, try it and dont tell me its not more intuitive and user friendly :D

95% of controls are at your left hand now, you dont have to lift it from WSAD to switch to arrows and than back when u close the map and want to continue playing, even the "Ctrl" and "Shift" controls make much more sense this way and are easier to do and remember.

WSAD and QE for rotation is a scheme used for ages. Space for up, C for down - thats like thats since Descent 1 ;)
+ some changes to get the controls to the left side etc

Code: Select all

-- Automap
AutomapSwitchAutomapGridMode,                       X
AutomapResetView,                                   R
AutomapResetRotationPivotAxisView,                  Ctrl-R
AutomapSwitchFocusToNextBeaconObject,               Tab
AutomapSwitchToNextAutomapRenderMode,               Return
AutomapSwitchToAutomapRenderModeCutout,             F2
AutomapSwitchToAutomapRenderModeWireframe,          F3
AutomapSwitchToAutomapRenderModeTransparent,        F4
AutomapSwitchToAutomapBackgroundOriginal,           F5
AutomapSwitchToAutomapBackgroundAlternative1,       F6
AutomapSwitchToAutomapBackgroundAlternative2,       F7
AutomapSwitchToAutomapBackgroundAlternative3,       F8
AutomapMoveLeft,                                    A
AutomapMoveRight,                                   D
AutomapMoveForward,                                 W
AutomapMoveBackward,                                S
AutomapMoveRotationPivotAxisLeft,                   Ctrl-A
AutomapMoveRotationPivotAxisRight,                  Ctrl-D
AutomapMoveRotationPivotAxisForward,                Ctrl-W
AutomapMoveRotationPivotAxisBackward,               Ctrl-S
AutomapRotateLeft,                                  Q
AutomapRotateRight,                                 E
AutomapRotateCameraLeft,                            Shift-A
AutomapRotateCameraRight,                           Shift-D
AutomapRotateCameraOnCameraYZplaneAroundObjectUp,   Shift-S
AutomapRotateCameraOnCameraYZplaneAroundObjectDown, Shift-W
AutomapUpstairs,                                    Space
AutomapDownstairs,                                  C
AutomapIncreaseSliceLevel,                          Ctrl-Space
AutomapDecreaseSliceLevel,                          Ctrl-C
AutomapZoomIn,                                      KeypadPlus
AutomapZoomOut,                                     KeypadMinus
AutomapIncreaseCameraFieldOfFiew,                   KeypadMultiply
AutomapDecreaseCameraFieldOfFiew,                   KeypadDivide

Extended same logic to exterior automap

Code: Select all

ExtAutomapFocusPlayerPosition,                           Tab
ExtAutomapResetView,                                     R
ExtAutomapSwitchToNextExteriorAutomapViewMode,           Return
ExtAutomapSwitchToExteriorAutomapViewModeOriginal,       F2
ExtAutomapSwitchToExteriorAutomapViewModeExtra,          F3
ExtAutomapSwitchToExteriorAutomapViewModeAll,            F4
ExtAutomapSwitchToExteriorAutomapBackgroundOriginal,     F5
ExtAutomapSwitchToExteriorAutomapBackgroundAlternative1, F6
ExtAutomapSwitchToExteriorAutomapBackgroundAlternative2, F7
ExtAutomapSwitchToExteriorAutomapBackgroundAlternative3, F8
ExtAutomapMoveLeft,                                      A
ExtAutomapMoveRight,                                     D
ExtAutomapMoveForward,                                   W
ExtAutomapMoveBackward,                                  S
ExtAutomapMoveToWestLocationBorder,                      Shift-A
ExtAutomapMoveToEastLocationBorder,                      Shift-D
ExtAutomapMoveToNorthLocationBorder,                     Shift-W
ExtAutomapMoveToSouthLocationBorder,                     Shift-S
ExtAutomapRotateLeft,                                    Q
ExtAutomapRotateRight,                                   E
ExtAutomapRotateAroundPlayerPosLeft,                     Alt-Q
ExtAutomapRotateAroundPlayerPosRight,                    Alt-E
ExtAutomapUpstairs,                                      C
ExtAutomapDownstairs,                                    Space
ExtAutomapZoomIn,                                        KeypadPlus
ExtAutomapZoomOut,                                       KeypadMinus
ExtAutomapMaxZoom1,                                      Ctrl-PageUp
ExtAutomapMinZoom1,                                      Ctrl-PageDown
ExtAutomapMinZoom2,                                      Ctrl-KeypadPlus
ExtAutomapMaxZoom2,                                      Ctrl-KeypadMinus
Btw there is a bug at Exterior Automap, to counter that bug I had to set up like this:
ExtAutomapUpstairs, C
ExtAutomapDownstairs, Space
Upstairs means UP aka increase the distance from the map. But ingame it works the other way.
So I had to remap Space (up) to (Downstairs)...

If you will bug fix it, let me know pls so I can adjust the controls accordingly.

If it was for me, I would change it even further. Imagine if pressing "W" would mean just simple Forward movement towards the point you are looking at. And "S" for backward. That might allow free flight thru the map. And using mouse for free look. Full Descent movement basically. It would need some experimentation and testing ofc.

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Re: Dungeon Map QOL improvement - WSAD controls

Post by pango »

I'll give it a try this evening; One thing against changing that file before those mappings become true settings is that the WASD cross for example is tied to Qwerty layout; On my Azerty layout for example, it translates to ZQSD; So it must be easy to adjust and stay permanent...
Mastodon: @pango@fosstodon.org
When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.
-- Charles Goodhart

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