Create a release archive on GitHub

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Create a release archive on GitHub

Post by Shatur »

It would be great to create a release archives on GitHub. This would simplify the creation of packages for Linux distributions. For example, I could create a package for ArchLinux in AUR.

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Re: Create a release archive on GitHub

Post by Interkarma »

Welcome to the forums. :)

I've considered doing this, but would like to wait until the project is further along (most likely post 1.0). Right now we're cycling through updates very rapidly and I prefer to have the releases available through Unity Cloud Build for their short lifetime.

I would also like to prepare a fully standalone build to simplify setup for end users, solve a few problems created by relying on end user data, and make mods easier to install. This is also something I'll be looking into post 1.0.

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Re: Create a release archive on GitHub

Post by Shatur »

Thanks for reply!
Well, I'll wait for the release :) Because to add the package to AUR, I need a direct link to release.

By the way, I can make git-version package now. This is a package that automatically clone repo and build project with the last commit from git. Tell me, please, where can I read the compilation instructions?

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Re: Create a release archive on GitHub

Post by Interkarma »

The project needs to be built with either the Unity editor locally or Unity Cloud Build.

If you clone the project repo to your computer and open it with Unity 2018.1.2f1 (or closest Linux version available), you can build with Unity in the usual way.

Fundamentally there won't be any difference to just downloading the latest build from my Live Builds page, and you have the benefit of me curating builds in line with features and bug fixes. My releases will always be in a more stable condition than building from master at some random point. ... ve-builds/

I issue new builds about every week or two.

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Re: Create a release archive on GitHub

Post by Shatur »

Thank you!

Yes, I understand that your releases will be more reliable. Unfortunately, in order to add the package to AUR with your latest build, I need a direct link to the archive with it. The package in AUR is a script that automatically downloads the game, makes a package from it and installs it. But I can not automatically download from Sloud Unity3D, because there is a temporary link to download :(

That's why I suggested you post the builds on GitHub :)

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Re: Create a release archive on GitHub

Post by daggerfallman »

I too was looking for stable download URLs to package the game so it can be made available to easily install by more people. Unity cloud build URLs unfortunately have a temporary auth token in them rendering them unusable for that purpose.

If providing stable download URLs for the download binary is not something you'd consider at this time, another option is to tag your git repo with releases e.g. `git tag 0.5.411 && git push origin --tags` or you could create proper 'github releases' if you want to fiddle with the github UI or github's API, Proper github releases are effectively just regular git tags but additionally show up in the github UI under the release tab on the github project page. By simply pushing version tags when you create a release, package maintainers can automate pushing out new releases to people e.g. via AUR or similar package systems.

Without those options, package maintainers could either manually find the git commit associated with the release (precisely what git tags makes simple) or insert a step for the end-user to visit the unity cloud build page in their browser to manually download the build. That is, if the package manager system even supports those things -- some don't.

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