Settings.ini for a more "retro" look [0.8 or later required]

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Settings.ini for a more "retro" look [0.8 or later required]

Post by Interkarma »

If you'd like to make unmodded Daggerfall Unity more closely match classic Daggerfall, and shave down performance requirements at the same time, try replacing your settings.ini with one of the following configs. Don't forget to set your MyDaggerfallPath to whatever you were using before.

Most of the optional/QoL features such as crosshair, tooltips, mod system, proximity wagon access, info panel, near death alerts, advanced climbing, enemy vocalisations, advanced enemy AI, SDF fonts etc. have all been disabled to make the experience as close to classic as possible. Feel free to adjust settings as required to dial in your own preferences.

These settings take advantage of the new "retro rendering" option at 320x200 (RetroRenderingMode=1). You can also try 640x400 (RetroRenderingMode=2) for just a bit more pixel density while still being nice and crunchy. The latter doesn't have quite the same scaling relationships though, so you may need to also tune display resolution to suit.

"Gold" Retro Settings

The below settings are for users that have a display capable of 1600x1200 resolution (e.g. a 1920x1200 or UHD monitor). If you have a display like this, you can take advantage of a special relationship between 320x200 and 1600x1200 where output width is multiplied 5x and height 6x so that signal is 20% taller - exactly as Daggerfall was in the days of 4:3 CRT monitors. Pillarbox bars will be added either side on widescreen monitors to maintain correct aspect ratio.

Code: Select all

MyDaggerfallPath = <Set your path here>
MyDaggerfallUnitySavePath = 

ResolutionWidth = 1600
ResolutionHeight = 1200
VSync = True
Fullscreen = True
FieldOfView = 60
MainFilterMode = 0
QualityLevel = 5
ShadowResolutionMode = 0
UseLegacyDeferred = False
DungeonLightShadows = False
InteriorLightShadows = False
EnableTextureArrays = True
RandomDungeonTextures = 0
RetroRenderingMode = 1

SoundFont = 

PlayerNudity = False

ShowOptionsAtStart = True
GUIFilterMode = 0
VideoFilterMode = 1
Crosshair = False
SwapHealthAndFatigueColors = False
DimAlphaStrength = 0.5
FreeScaling = True
EnableToolTips = False
ToolTipDelayInSeconds = 0
ToolTipBackgroundColor = 404040D2
ToolTipTextColor = E6E6C8FF
ShopQualityPresentation = 0
ShopQualityHUDDelay = 4
ShowQuestJournalClocksAsCountdown = False
EnableInventoryInfoPanel = False
EnableEnhancedItemLists = False
EnableVitalsIndicators = False
EnableModernConversationStyleInTalkWindow = False
HelmAndShieldMaterialDisplay = 0
InteractionModeIcon = none
EnableArrowCounter = False
AccelerateUICopyTexture = False
SDFFontRendering = False
EnableGeographicBackgrounds = False
DungeonExitWagonPrompt = True

EnableSpellLighting = False
EnableSpellShadows = False

InvertMouseVertical = False
MouseLookSmoothing = True
MouseLookSensitivity = 1
HeadBobbing = False
Handedness = 0
WeaponAttackThreshold = 0.03
WeaponSensitivity = 1
MoveSpeedAcceleration = 10
ClickToAttack = False
CameraRecoilStrength = 3
SoundVolume = 0.4
MusicVolume = 0.7
InstantRepairs = False
AllowMagicRepairs = False
BowDrawback = False

AutomapNumberOfDungeons = 5
ExteriorMapDefaultZoomLevel = 8
ExteriorMapResetZoomLevelOnNewLocation = True
AutomapDisableMicroMap = False
AutomapRememberSliceLevel = False
AutomapAlwaysMaxOutSliceLevel = False

StartCellX = 109
StartCellY = 158
StartInDungeon = True

TerrainDistance = 3
TerrainHeightmapPixelError = 5
SmallerDungeons = False

LypyL_GameConsole = True
LypyL_ModSystem = False
AssetInjection = True
CompressModdedTextures = True
NearDeathWarning = False
AdvancedClimbing = False
AlternateRandomEnemySelection = False
DungeonAmbientLightScale = 1
NightAmbientLightScale = 1
PlayerTorchLightScale = 1
PlayerTorchFromItems = False
CombatVoices = False
EnemyInfighting = False
EnhancedCombatAI = False
MeshAndTextureReplacement = False

"Silver" Retro Settings

The below settings are identical to above except they use a 1280x960 resolution. This is the best resolution to use if you have a 1080p monitor. This resolution was derived by multiplying 320x200 first 4x (to 1280x800) then adding 20% to height (to 1280x960). The results are almost as good as the 1600x1200 settings with only some very minor vertical distortion, which is mainly visible in text. But it's still a solid outcome and works across the widest variety of displays.

Code: Select all

MyDaggerfallPath = <Set your path here>
MyDaggerfallUnitySavePath = 

ResolutionWidth = 1280
ResolutionHeight = 960
VSync = True
Fullscreen = True
FieldOfView = 60
MainFilterMode = 0
QualityLevel = 5
ShadowResolutionMode = 0
UseLegacyDeferred = False
DungeonLightShadows = False
InteriorLightShadows = False
EnableTextureArrays = True
RandomDungeonTextures = 0
RetroRenderingMode = 1

SoundFont = 

PlayerNudity = False

ShowOptionsAtStart = True
GUIFilterMode = 0
VideoFilterMode = 1
Crosshair = False
SwapHealthAndFatigueColors = False
DimAlphaStrength = 0.5
FreeScaling = True
EnableToolTips = False
ToolTipDelayInSeconds = 0
ToolTipBackgroundColor = 404040D2
ToolTipTextColor = E6E6C8FF
ShopQualityPresentation = 0
ShopQualityHUDDelay = 4
ShowQuestJournalClocksAsCountdown = False
EnableInventoryInfoPanel = False
EnableEnhancedItemLists = False
EnableVitalsIndicators = False
EnableModernConversationStyleInTalkWindow = False
HelmAndShieldMaterialDisplay = 0
InteractionModeIcon = none
EnableArrowCounter = False
AccelerateUICopyTexture = False
SDFFontRendering = False
EnableGeographicBackgrounds = False
DungeonExitWagonPrompt = True
AutomapNumberOfDungeons = 5

EnableSpellLighting = False
EnableSpellShadows = False

InvertMouseVertical = False
MouseLookSmoothing = True
MouseLookSensitivity = 1
HeadBobbing = False
Handedness = 0
WeaponAttackThreshold = 0.03
WeaponSensitivity = 1
MoveSpeedAcceleration = 10
ClickToAttack = False
CameraRecoilStrength = 3
SoundVolume = 0.4
MusicVolume = 0.7
InstantRepairs = False
AllowMagicRepairs = False
BowDrawback = False

AutomapNumberOfDungeons = 5
ExteriorMapDefaultZoomLevel = 8
ExteriorMapResetZoomLevelOnNewLocation = True
AutomapDisableMicroMap = False
AutomapRememberSliceLevel = False
AutomapAlwaysMaxOutSliceLevel = False

StartCellX = 109
StartCellY = 158
StartInDungeon = True

TerrainDistance = 3
TerrainHeightmapPixelError = 5
SmallerDungeons = False

LypyL_GameConsole = True
LypyL_ModSystem = False
AssetInjection = True
CompressModdedTextures = True
NearDeathWarning = False
AdvancedClimbing = False
AlternateRandomEnemySelection = False
DungeonAmbientLightScale = 1
NightAmbientLightScale = 1
PlayerTorchLightScale = 1
PlayerTorchFromItems = False
CombatVoices = False
EnemyInfighting = False
EnhancedCombatAI = False
MeshAndTextureReplacement = False

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Re: Settings.ini for a more "retro" look [0.7.32]

Post by Jay_H »

Hooray! I was messing around with the old retro settings and trying to make them compatible to this version. Thank you for saving some time with this! :D

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Re: Settings.ini for a more "retro" look [0.8 or later required]

Post by Interkarma »

I have updated retro settings.ini above with both "gold" and "silver" variants, depending on your monitor type. These configs take advantage of the new "retro rendering mode" option available in 0.8 and later.

Both of these settings configurations try to hit that classic look and aspect ratio as closely as possible. Feel free to enable other optional and QoL settings to dial in your preferences.

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Re: Settings.ini for a more "retro" look [0.8 or later required]

Post by MaxiM »


Now if we could just stretch that fat horse a bit and get that retro shading/palette it would be (dare I say it?)... pixel perfect ;)
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

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Re: Settings.ini for a more "retro" look [0.8 or later required]

Post by Interkarma »

You're right, the horse needs aspect corrected - it's drawn in the UI layer which remains at display resolution. This one needs some additional work to support. Will see if I can get it in before Friday's builds.

At this time, I have no plans to simulate the palette rotation shading classic uses. This isn't a trivial item to execute perfectly, although it could be simulated in a few ways that are probably "good enough". This will be something to revisit much later.

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Re: Settings.ini for a more "retro" look [0.8 or later required]

Post by Interkarma »

I'm moving this to forum topic below.

