Matchmaker/Bodyguard Quest problem

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Matchmaker/Bodyguard Quest problem

Post by antiquatedlace »

I'm not sure if these quests are fully implemented yet, but I've been having issues with these two in particular-- upon arriving to the specified location, a pop-up dialogue from the questgiver takes over the screen as usual. When I try to click past it, however, it continuously generates over and over, locking me in place and making me incapable of moving or leaving the location.

The first time this happened was during a Matchmaker quest-- upon arriving at the house of the betrothed, the questgiver wouldn't stop telling me how happy he was that we had arrived. I ended up using the console to teleport out the house. (What was really fun about that one was, when I went back to the tavern, I found an npc half in a wall-- it was the quest objective guy! Of course, upon arriving at the chapel, I was unable to finish the quest because the groom was so excited to be there.)
The reason I bring this up now is because I am currently trapped in a house with a guy who wants me to kill a burglar, and I can't remember when I saved last, haha

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Re: Matchmaker/Bodyguard Quest problem

Post by Interkarma »

Hey there, welcome to the forums! :)

Many of the side quests still have kinks to be ironed out. Not just on our end either, some of them were quite buggy in classic as well. This will keep improving over time as the community and developers work back and forth to fix problems.

By any chance could you provide me a zipped copy of that save game? It will help me reproduce problem immediately and find a solution so nobody else has to deal with it in future.

Now, here's how you fix it:
  1. Open quest debugger using shift + tab. This will open an overlay of all the running quests.
  2. Use [ and ] keys to cycle through quests to find the one causing the problem. If you're not sure, just take a guess and reload your game again if it was the wrong one.
  3. Open the console using the backquote key ` (on tilde on US-styled keyboards)
  4. Type enddebugquest and hit enter. This will terminate the quest currently shown by debugger. After that things should return to normal.
Let me know how you go!

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Re: Matchmaker/Bodyguard Quest problem

Post by antiquatedlace »

Sure, I'll email it over using the email linked in the Bug Report Guideline. I ended up closing the game and playing a bit further, so please let me know if you need me to get a save right after the problem occurs.
Actually, where I just saved, I'm currently having a weird issue talking to NPCs, but that's not really important since we're just talking about questing right now.

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Re: Matchmaker/Bodyguard Quest problem

Post by Interkarma »

It would be ideal if I had a save with the problem directly, but if that's all you have it's definitely better than nothing. I'll see if I can reproduce later. Cheers! :)

I'm aware of a couple of problematic interactions between the quest system and talk window. Basically the quest system is capable of feeding bad data to the talk window, usually when quest can't compile properly for some reason. When this happens the talk window sort of "crashes" and still moves around with mouselook until you use escape to close it again. It this what's happening?

I'm looking at ways to improve the quest compilation process to both fix some of these bugs and provide more feedback to other systems. It might be a while before I get to that though, as I'm currently up to my eyeballs in work on the magic system.

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Re: Matchmaker/Bodyguard Quest problem

Post by antiquatedlace »

If that would be more helpful, I can definitely take a minute here and get back into the stuck state. I'll send over a more accurate savestate within the hour.

And yep, that's the problem exactly. I'm hoping that just exiting and starting the game again will solve it, but no biggie if it doesn't-- that's the fun of an alpha (beta?) game!

EDIT: Whoops! The dialogue problem unfortunately worms its way into every save, including new saves, so I can't get to the problem again. Oh well! haha

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