My changes keep reverting

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My changes keep reverting

Post by Uncanny_Valley »

This could be a bug with Unity 5 but I keep getting a strange bug where sometimes when I start Unity5 and load the project, all scripts and scenes resets to the way the where when I first installed DaggerFallTools. Scripts that I create myself never revert, it only happens with the things that came bundles with DaggerFall Tools. When this happens I get the an error saying "Scene was changed externally" or similar, but regardless if I press "Apply changes" or "Ignore", the outcome is the same. I have never experienced this problem with any other project and it's getting quite annoying to have to set things up all the time.
Any one else that have experienced this or might now why this happens?

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Re: My changes keep reverting

Post by Interkarma »

Here are a few ideas that might help.
  • If using Unity 5, be sure to use the latest Developer Preview 1.3 version. This can apparently happen when using a .assetpackage created by an older version of Unity (which would be the case with any 1.2 version).
  • Check your project is on a fixed disk, not USB. See this link.
  • Try recreating the project and reimporting latest .assetpackage. If importing from a Git download to a non-versioned project, be sure to dump the .meta files (cd project dir / del *.meta /s).
  • Ensure that Visible Meta Files are enabled for your project (Edit > Project Settings > Editor). I find this always creates more consistent scenes.
Now that I think about it, you might be encountering an issue if you imported straight from Git but haven't set your scene up for external version control. Probably just removing my .meta files and enabling your own Visible Meta Files will fix the problem. Failing that, try recreating project and importing latest .assetpackage.

Good luck! Let me know how you get on.

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Re: My changes keep reverting

Post by Uncanny_Valley »

I was able to fix it. I noticed that every time that I opened the project there was a brief moment when it said "Decompressing Package", as if it automatically opened the unity package that DaggerFall Tools came with and automatically overwrote everything. So I made a disc clean and now it works perfectly,
My theory is that I opened the DaggerFallTolls Unity package directly from within the zip file it came with, so the content was probably loaded into some windows temp folder, where it remained and was for some reason reopened and re-imported every time I opened the project. It does seems like a strange behavior from Unitys part, but that is my best guess to what happened.

Anyway, thanks for the help! Now I can continue to do stuff with less aggravation.

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Re: My changes keep reverting

Post by Interkarma »

Awesome, glad you were able to sort it. :)

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