Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by Cliffworms »

I forgot to reply that I indeed needed the update from Handpainted model replacement project. Turns out I downloaded the previous version the day before the new one released. :)

I'll also add that I like the new temple quests so far. It's nice to have simple duties that do not involve dungeon crawling for this faction, which the default quests mostly do. I find that most of the Temple quests would fit better for their Knightly Order.

Maybe you've already implemented one, but a quest about collecting donations from several people in a town would be interesting. Kind of how Morrowind did it in the Imperial Cult, the NPCs could or could not give you money. You could pay off the quest giver with your own money instead of running around or you could also say (lie) that you did not gather any. :twisted:

Another duty I could think of could be specific to each Temple. For exemple, the Order of Arkay could be requested to perform funeral rites with a random chance of the deceased coming back from the dead or waking up from what was not death at all. I don't know if it's possible, but this quest could take place in city's graveyard, making at last use of these places.

A priest of Mara could be tasked with helping in childbirth or wed a couple, a priest of Zenithar to perform a blessing at a shop that just got a new owner, a priest of Stendarr to bring food to families in need, etc.

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by Jay_H »

Good! Thanks for the update about the fixed mod.

These are good ideas. There are some limitations in the quest engine about some of them, but part of the fun in this is learning to work around them.

We have a quest prompt thread where others and I store concepts for quests. That way, anyone has easy access to write them :) If you have any more, be sure to add them there.

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by theJF »

Just wanted to thank Jay for this excellent quest pack. I had previously (and incorrectly) presumed that the quests themselves were nothing more than cosmetic window-dressing for the dungeon crawls and "trying to find the right house" side-quests. Having tried a few of these new ones I see that I was clearly mistaken - these do add quite a lot to the game, especially if you've gone through the vanilla quests a few times over. This is one of my must-have mods now. Thanks Jay!

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by Jay_H »

That is a big compliment :) Thank you! I've tried hard to make sure my quests aren't just duplicates of classic quests. I don't want people getting bored with shovelware. There's still tons to do, so we'll have to see what other ideas come out.

I will mention that some of them are quite imbalanced. There's one for the Thieves Guild that I disabled this weekend since it just didn't meet my standards; it's one where you have to hold on to a stolen object and hide from mobs every several hours. Another was a Knight quest to fight off a daedric invasion inside a palace, which was just too unfair to include anymore. I'm quite certain other quests will be unfair too, so give me any feedback you want and I'll change them.

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by King of Worms »

Question to Jay
Ive downloaded latest version of quests from git
there are 2 folders PQP, QP1
but in the older version Ive found on my disk there are 3 folders PQP, QP1, QP2

So... was the QP1 and QP2 merged in the latest version?

Thank you :)

PS: What is that RealisticRoleplay mod on the git?

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by Jay_H »

Yeah, I decided to mod Pack 1 (merchant and innkeepers) and Pack 2 (guild quests) into one, since there was no demand to keep them separate and I didn't see a point. People can still delete any folder from the quest packs they don't want to use.

I don't see a realistic roleplay mod on there. I have one called Reactive Factions that would require some engine changing on DFU. The idea is that if you get really low with a faction (like -30 reputation), they'll start sending angry people to kill you, and if you get to like -100, really bad things will happen :) Right now I can only track minimum reputation to 0, so I can't do anything with the mod yet.

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by King of Worms »

Oh I see so its merged, cool.
Thanks for explanations!
Found the Roleplay Realism here btw: https://github.com/JayH2971/dfunity-mods

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by Jay_H »

Oh yeah, that's Hazelnut's. That's just linked onto my github for show. I don't know the details about that one.

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by theJF »

Hi J,
In the quest to search a town to find and kill a necromancer I found that if you save inside a building in that town before you've killed the necromancer, then you re-load and leave the building you get a message that you broke your oath to never leave the town. I have a save file should that help.
I had another issue with quests erroring as soon as they begin but it was not reproducible. I have the log file, just in case.

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Re: Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack #1

Post by Jay_H »

Yeah, I'm worried that there's a difficulty in that quest condition. It's supposed to trigger when you leave the settlement, but I've noticed it happens when you leave buildings too. I've changed it to be time-based rather than location-based for now. Thanks for catching it.

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