Random Encounters

Talk about the mods you'd like to see in Daggerfall Unity. Give mod creators some ideas!
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Random Encounters

Post by NikitaTheTanner »

Pretty sure most people have thought of such feature or mod, the idea is very simple - add some more fun to the vast world of Daggerfall. While there are some random encounters in the original game, I want to improve the system and make it more varied.

First of all, I believe random encounters should happen in three cases:
1) While you are sleeping in the wilds (you already can be attacked, I wish for more possibilities)
2) While you are fast travelling (especially if you decide to move recklessly and stay outside at night, chances should be higher)
3) While you are exploring the world (just randomly appearing as cells load)

I also believe that random encounters could best be classified into three categories:
Negative - most simple, usually involve enemies attacking you or some other unfortunate events
Positive - also quite simple, usually something good happening to the player
Neutral - a situation which is either just peculiar or a situation in which the outcome is dependant on player's actions

The type of the encounter should depend on player's Luck, current location, time of the day, reputation, guild standing, etc.
I am pretty sure people will come up with some brilliant ideas, especially since we are not limited by the need to voice act each conversation.

Some basic ideas for encounters:
Highwayman on the Road - robber asks for money, attacks if you don't give it, unless persuaded not to.
Ambush - a lonely woman or a child beckon player to come, once player initiates dialogue enemies ambush player from all sides.
Regular attacks - just some enemy attacking the player.

Hidden Treasure - dead adventurer and a treasure map to find the treasure
Travelling Mercenary - allows to pick a new bounty quest.
Wandering Merchant - can sell or buy various merchandise.

Vampire Encounter - vampire NPC found at night in the graveyard or on the streets of the city, offers joining his clan if player is strong enough.
Daedra with a Puzzle - Daedra Lord encountered in the wilds, offers player to solve some puzzles and rewards for the right answers or attacks for the wrong ones.

These are just some examples I've thought of, there could be hundreds if not thousands of different encounters. It would be especially cool if their outcome will depend on a lot of factors and could be different each time.

Think of Skyrim random encounters or Witcher side activities, but with more depth and detail, as well as more possibilities. I hope it can be done as either a mod or a new feature, so later modders could add more and more types of encounters.

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Re: Random Encounters

Post by Jay_H »

A very agreeable idea. I relate it immediately to Baldur's Gate, where traveling for too long greatly increases the chance of being waylaid (though not guaranteed). One minor drawback is the lack of natural roads in Daggerfall's world, so you'll end up meeting civilized NPCs out in the middle of nowhere, but that's unavoidable and hardly a matter.

This could also open up quest triggers, where you receive the quest in the wilderness, and then the NPC tells you to later meet him/her in a tavern or shop within the region after you're finished. That can assimilate both the surprise offer and the conclusion into the gameplay seamlessly.

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Re: Random Encounters

Post by Interkarma »

I would love to see this. There's so much potential for little set-piece encounters along your travels.

I also like your mechanic of using reckless travel as a potential trigger for fast-travel encounters, while cautious could be used to avoid them. Reminds me of Fallout 1/2 how you could use the Outdoorsman skill to avoid random encounters.

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