Starting Dungeon Randomizer

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Starting Dungeon Randomizer

Post by Jay_H »

WARNING!! Try using Magicono's Random Starting Dungeon mod before trying this! It is better!


Tired of seeing Privateer's Hold?

Try the Daggerfall Unity Starting Dungeon Randomizer.

It'll send your new character to one of ten randomly chosen regions at the start of the game, into a dungeon within.

For now the system usually plants your character at the dungeon entrance. If I could change that I would, but this is how it's working for now.


To install, extract the folder contents to /DaggerfallUnity_Data/StreamingAssets/QuestPacks.

To disable, delete the randomizer's folder from /DaggerfallUnity_Data/StreamingAssets/QuestPacks.

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Re: Starting Dungeon Randomizer

Post by BoneofMalkav »

Awesome, hope that this concept gets expanded to the point of being Daggerfall Unity's answer to Skyrim's Alternate Start: Live Another Life mod :D

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Re: Starting Dungeon Randomizer

Post by Jay_H »

Yeah, it's pretty basic. But if you don't care how your story starts out, you can get pretty creative about who you are and what you're doing :)

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Re: Starting Dungeon Randomizer

Post by jedidia »

Couldn't you move the player to a random quest location inside the dungeon? That would be perfectly awesome in combination with that permadeath mod that came out lately.

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Re: Starting Dungeon Randomizer

Post by Jay_H »

I can't. It uses a dual teleport action, which plants the character at the dungeon entrance when it fires the second time. That's necessary if it's in a different region.

However, my first iteration allowed me to put the player deep into Castle Wayrest, Sentinel Palace, or Castle Daggerfall. Getting out of those places alive is impossible! I nixed that version.

If your character spawns in Daggerfall, it's very likely they'll be deep inside some dungeon. Otherwise the behavior will put you at the entrance.

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Re: Starting Dungeon Randomizer

Post by jedidia »

I can't. It uses a dual teleport action, which plants the character at the dungeon entrance when it fires the second time. That's necessary if it's in a different region.
I don't know the mechanics at work here, so I'm probably just saying something you already thought of and discarded, but can't you catch the end of the second teleport and do a third one?
There's probably something obvious preventing this when one knows what actually happens, but for now I'm shrouding myself in blissful ignorance... :D
However, my first iteration allowed me to put the player deep into Castle Wayrest, Sentinel Palace, or Castle Daggerfall. Getting out of those places alive is impossible! I nixed that version.
Yeah no, at level 1 that sounds more like "Daggerfall: Very short survival horror edition" :lol:

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Re: Starting Dungeon Randomizer

Post by Jay_H »

From my experimenting in the past:

First teleport: Land on quest location in dungeon
Second teleport: Land at dungeon entrance
Third teleport: Land at dungeon entrance
And so on. I haven't tested going many teleports deep but I doubt they'll be any different. The start of a new game is a little jarring since you first see Privateer's Hold, then something like Shedungent or Llugwych Castle, and then the dungeon where you end up.

The exception is that if you land in Daggerfall region, you'll be in a deep dungeon. That could be a preferential version.

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Re: Starting Dungeon Randomizer

Post by Jay_H »

I updated it. Now there are two zip files: one to plant you deep in a random dungeon in Daggerfall, and one to put you at the entrance to a random dungeon in the world. I can't offer more than those two, but it's more capability.

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Re: Starting Dungeon Randomizer

Post by Jay_H »

Actually, I was wrong: all teleports will send you to a dungeon entrance for now. I could only do deep warping into the main quest dungeons, and that's a really bad idea. I changed the readme and mod contents to reflect that.

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Re: Starting Dungeon Randomizer

Post by hannafamilycomputer »

What if instead of changing the starting dungeon, you use a trigger? If you can somehow place a trigger on the spawn point in privater's hold that teleports you to the random dungeon?

According to this link, there is a timed trigger that teleports you deep inside a random dungeon, after having a certain item in their inventory for 5 mintues: ... est_Part_I
(Scroll down to the section "Bigger problems")

If you can find the code used for that quest, maybe you could place a trigger on the spawn point that triggers that event in .001 seconds? Or maybe just spawn them with that item, change the properties to one time use, and change how quickly it activates to a fraction of a second?

I don't know how this quest works in-game or how random it is, just was randomly browsing the uesp and came across this, and thought it might help.

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