Modding Race information text

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Modding Race information text

Post by Ralzar »

This text here for the different races:
raceinfo.PNG (416.56 KiB) Viewed 848 times

I am currently finishing up a mod called Racial Rules that will give options for different bonus/penalty effects based on race.
It would be really handy if the player would be informed of exactly what bonuses/penalties he would get during character creation, to avoid taking advantages/disadvatages that become redundant or setting his Attributes so he starts with 0 in an attribute and dies.

I tried taking a look at it last evening but I honestly wasn't able to make heads or tails of the Start New Game code. Probably because a lot of it just uses the original Daggerfall files.

Anyone have any ideas how to do this? The best option would be to edit the actual text, but alternatively it would work just fine with an extra popup box somewhere during character creation. I'm just trying to avoid people going all the ay through the creation, watch the movies, get ingame and then die :D

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Re: Modding Race information text

Post by Deepfighter »

As this text ist taken from the TEXT.RSC you may access them through the DFTools. The program you need from these tools is: DFRSCEDT.

Open the TEXT.RSC and you will find the racial texts in entry 2000-2007. Edit them as you like but be aware of the length of the text and the syntax (e.g. <0xFD> for a line break, always a first space from the second line on, except for the end tag,...).

If there is anything else you need to know, ask, I am quite fond with these tools. :)

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Re: Modding Race information text

Post by Ralzar »

Thanks for the info! I suspescted this wouldn't be just a loose textfile in DFU :D

But, when I do this edit. Is this something I'm changing in the original Daggerfall files? So any player using it would have to do this as well? Or is there some way to make a mod overwrite the existing file?

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Re: Modding Race information text

Post by Deepfighter »

Exactly, you are changing directly the original files. Right now it's not possible to overwrite these texts by DFUnity. That means, you have to include the changed TEXT.RSC, which people should insert into his local Game Files. As you don't now where the user installed the game files I see no real way (yet) in installing it automatically, either.
Head of the German Daggerfall translation -
and German translator for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Lore-Expert for The Elder Scrolls: Online

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