Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by King of Worms »

Yea :/ Unfortunately many ppl from my country were in Italy for skying, cca 20k ppl returned from there during last 2 week and since than we slowly starting to get positives - big "surprise" since Italy is just the most infected country in europe . And from what I can see, my country - as always - is just a mess. Ppl are send back from hospitals where they wanted to test, they tell them no, they go to private clinic and test possitive...One doctor had it, tested possitive.. he had 100s of patients in the mean time. Ppl refuse to stay in quarantene etc.. it will be just a mess. Good luck :lol:

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by King of Worms »

Since tomorrow all schools are closed, gatherings above 100 forbidden. Ppl are angry, but they IMO just totally lack a common sense anyway. So its good its forced upon them, because otherwise they would just go on like nothing happens and we have another Italy here in few days. Whole italy is closed now. Reports from the hospitals are insane, but that will not get to mainstream media and mainstream minds.

But its as Ive written here. 15% get respiratory issues which are life threatening - SARS - Severe acute respiratory syndrome. They are really serious, no joke. There are ppl who cant be helped even when u place them on oxygen therapy. So they put em on a external blood circulation, where the blood is sucked out of them, added oxygen, returned to body.

And as Ive said, 15% is too much with a virus of this spreading capabilities, so the hospitals are overwhelmed and the medical HW is limited.

Its gonna be effed up if a miracle doesnt happen, ppl really should forget this "its justz a flu" mindstate and start to take it seriously and inform themselves. Really.

Get some food and some sanitizers, wash your hands properly, dont go to big gatherings of ppl. Think of other ppl, dont add to the virus spread, maybe you will be 80% and be good, but your behaviour will cause infection of some of the 20% and they will suffer a lot.

Be safe and take care!

Why would they put a country on a lock down if this was a flu or a childs play?

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by Baler »

Italy seems to have been doing something wrong in response.
If the numbers in italy were china's numbers I'd be concerned, they're still in a 'minimal' safe range but if the trend continues it could be bad.

Also china's cases magically stop rising like crazy....*tinfoil hat* Probably just haven't released an updated number, yeah that's it.

I'll say it but I don't want to... People are so dumb they have to be locked down and told to stay in their house so they don't contract/spread this.
I agree the flu narrative is deceptive. It could have been a way to keep the masses from going animal instinct and freaking out.

edit: Also Italy doesn't have the facilities capable of properly dealing with it even at it's current number/rate. what King of Worms said in earlier posts is true. I have several long time online friends from italy who have also expressed similar concerns. How does their gov deal with something they're under prepared for. :?

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by King of Worms »

Nobody has capacities to deal with 15% ppl having pneumonia, if the spread is as fast as in Italy.

Only option is to slow down the spread so the number of critically ill ppl is not exceeding the number of intensive care bed. Sooner or later, everyone will catch it. Merkel expects 50 to 60 000 000 german people to have it sooner or later. Thats around 75%.

Schools are closed here. They said 14 day. Today its month. Unofficial numbers say 6 months. This will be intense, ppl just dont have a damn clue.

China stopped the spread. Believe it or not, when u close ppl to their flats and u are super strict about it,it stops it. Have u seen to totally empty cities? Thats the only way. Plus other counter measures they did, they sanitized whole cities.. they went full on hard core against the virus.

And thats what we will never achieve in our culture, only if state of war is declared.

Ps:the answer to your last question is what ppl dont want to hear. But truth is, when the intensive care is full, ppl start dying like a flyes. Suffocating from inside. Not a nice prospect. Thats why its incredibly important to slow down the spread, so the wave is dispensed in time and there is no sharp spike of cases.

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by King of Worms »

Problem in my country is, that ppl are retarded sheeps. They all went to Italy during last 2 weeks! Nobody believed the threat s real. They wanted skying so baaaad. Around 20 000 ppl went there and returned, thinking how clever they are. Now my country is starting to rise a lot. Surprise. I hate those kind of selfish idiots. We have 1st cases with serious issues :/ and we are skyrocketing "all of sudden"

It really is that simple. Those ppl who went to italy, because they are just a POS just caused a start of epidemic spike here. Sh!t will hit the fan in 14 days

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by King of Worms »

Just want to share my source of lots of informations, its this retired doctor, he was right about everything and thanks to him Ive learned a lot about the behavior of the viruses, hes very logical, down to earth and oldskool which I like :)

He also has contacts around the world and get some informations from medical staff there, which are unavailable otherwise. So if you want, this is a reliable source of information. And if u like him, send him some support, all his vids are demonetized, because... reasons...

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by Baler »

I can't help but chuckle that the popular covid-19 online map has a listing for "cruise ship".

It's my opinion that people in current times are sheepish in that they're complacent with a 'sense of security'. Technology has advanced quite rapidly in the past 100 years or so. This can create a false sense of understanding through connections people believe to be true caused by increased communication. On the other side the increased communication does help spread awareness and information.
But it's when people choose to ignore the free knowledge available to them and go on with their life feeling secure and or intelligent. They end up going skiing in a country that wasn't prepared for a health 'crisis' and bring it back to their home country. It shouldn't take people dieing of an illness for these groups of people to wise up. The information is at their finger tips and they're willing choose to live in a false reality where they believe they're safe from everything.

So yes I can certainly see validity to why you'd be upset King of Worms. Unfortunately as annoying as it is, history repeats it self. Throughout history there have been medical issues that spread and it wasn't until people realized they aren't secure that serious actions took place. I'm not saying we need to do anything drastic just that people need to listen to medical information and science knowledge.

Wash your hands when you come home, take a shower when you come home, wash your clothes and change into clean ones when you come home.
Don't spend unnecessary time in public or around groups of people.

at the most basic level of understanding it is free knowledge available through the technology that allows some to function sanely.

edit: I went to the store today and noticed people have been 'panic buying' :roll:
editedit: good video by the way, easy to understand and carefully explained.

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by King of Worms »

Yes its that false feeling of security, combined with total iresponsibility and lack of common sense.
There are already old ppl in the hospitals who were infected by their younger children in their 30s to 40s who returned from italy and then ignored the quarantine instructions. Instead they went to say hello to their parents/granny. Im afraid that such ppl will not even understand what they just did...

There are officials of the tax office who returned from italy, ignored the quarantine, went to work, and now tested positive. Its just...

They already prepare us for a national lockdown and deployment of army... infact the army is already mobilising to enforce the restriction of the citizens migration. Thats what is happening right now. I give it 2 days. Next week we will be on lockdown with army in the streets most likely.

We had panic buying like 1 week back. Today I also noticed shortage of specific stuff. All the SAVO sanitizers were gone. Thats because the normal sanitizers are LONG gone. So ppl buy SAVO. When u go to pharmacy, they have big signs at entrance "no sanitizers" ... There was enough food in the store, they restocked after the 1st panic. But again, there was no garlic, no ginger, beans... but overall there is still enough food.. they stocked hard after the 1st run... but there will be more runs soon

PS: IF Im at the lockdown, expect more frequent DREAM updates... :lol: unless Im in the hospital, lets hope not.. also, DOOM eternal... Im stocked on games at least :lol:

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by Baler »

US just restricted travel with Europe for 30 days
and elderly nursing homes
among other things like trade etc

re:panic buying: some light humor...

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by King of Worms »

They always start with low numbers and than add to it. It will last for months most likely. What will change in 30 days realisticaly? Strange year so far.. I just hope its temporary. Like.. if this shit is gonna stay with us the way flu does... anyway, time for a corona and stool 😂
