Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by King of Worms »

My country is on halt. Its starting to be a problem to solve some things which would be easy 14 days back. Like the car repair :X
I need a injector refit... factory down. I hope to grab one at the car wrecks and find out which went off in my car, and replace it just like that, untill situation normalizes.

Ppl wear home made respirators, we have 0 in my country

Its gonna be a mess :X

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by meritamas »

I think more problems are to expected from our human (meaning societal, not immune) reactions to the virus than the virus itself.

Hope everything works out okay for everyone.
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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by King of Worms »

Well health care system collapse will happen in most of the affected countries, I consider it bad enough. It did not ever happen in my life, so I find it troublesome. Ppl will run out of money soon - their shops, restaurants, public event - everything is cancelled. This will change our lives, I hope not for a long, but I think ppl dont really get what is happening so far. This can become a major issue. Were are at the start of months of restrictions - thats the reality. I cant imagine how it all will look like in 2 months. Because the virus will still be around. You can see it in China even with the crazy measures they undetook. This whole years will be affected, and we cant predict how much. Europe is exploding. And its all over the world now. So Africa? India? That will be rough :X

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by Baler »

inb4 more mandatory lockdown of non-affected because people can't socially distance themselves. :roll:

It's not a time to panic or act like nothing is happening. Meet in the middle and accept the best solution currently is to stay at home for several days(weeks) and ride it out.

But baler the world is going to collapse and the economy is going to tank and... yeah... no, stop going out in public.

play some daggerfall unity. lol There is enough content for months.

edit: Italy's numbers are beginning to look 'scary' compared to other countries.
The US is also beginning to climb nicely. Especially around large cities where people can't or won't isolate/distance themselves.

I'm very surprised how low the numbers are in india currently.
As for Africa the people who live in the middle of no where may be the safest lol It's the cities that should be careful.

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by Ommamar »

"The US is also beginning to climb nicely. Especially around large cities where people can't or won't isolate/distance themselves."-Baler

That might be part of the problem causing the rise in the US but I think the largest reason is there is more testing available which will show a better picture of who has it and who has "common" things like the Flu.

I did see a funny article about someone who tried to steal 18k pounds of toilet paper and napkins. But then I think about all the empty shelves that usually hold those products and maybe not so funny.

I have also seen five or six articles where people are being criminally charged because they claimed to have COVID-19 and didn't. So far I haven't heard anything about people trying to get money because of a false self diagnose so no civil chargers. Still an odd thing to do and since there is a good possibility they might see imprisonment over it very stupid.

The Governor of the state I live in issued a mandate to close all non essential businesses (which is an interesting term as any successful business is selling something people want/need so who decides what is essential?) Grocery stores are open but with modified hours and apparently only allowing 10 people in at a time that can only buy a certain number of items like toilet paper, medicine, and simple staple foods. They are also having designated times for the elderly and disabled to shop, I am hoping this shifts to free home delivery for them. In an online chat I brought up the point that limiting people in the store is good but if people are just hanging out in line waiting to go in the store it is negating the purpose. Apparently the stores have put tape "boxes" people are suppose to stand in while they wait, I have to go shop in the next few days so something to see if it is true.

So far I have managed to keep myself busy doing online courses through things like Udemy. I just downloaded the kindle app on to my PC so I can still get books from the library using that as the local one is closed down until May 1st, or maybe longer. Of course I am gaming, currently playing an old game called Warhammer Online that has a player ran server setup.

I hope all is well and people are able to cope with the situation!

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by Floppy N'Wah »

With nothing truly profound to say, I would just like to wish everyone luck, in Hope's that neither you or loved ones are affected by this beer bug, 5g, or bio weapon whatever it truly is?

I only add that what I personally am finding terrifying. Is how the governments of the world actions in fighting it. Is startling similar to the agenda 21 outlines for total world dominance(their words not mine) but I am just a blue collar guy who cleans furnaces for a living.

Anyway stay safe everyone.
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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by King of Worms »

Yeah well I think as this thread turned silent, it was already evident what was going on and that its not good.
Now ppl start to realize what is really happening and theres nothing more to add... other than what you said ofc.

The opening post became a reality..

Best wishes to everyone!! :)

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by Ommamar »

There has definitely been some worrying things I have heard happening such as the government seizing private property to redistribute it to areas they designate more important. To draconic legislation proposed that severely violates the 2nd amendment of the United States. While other bills seem to seek to bring rapists and murders already expelled from the United States back into the country on the tax payers dollar. To a Wisconsin governor attempting to make the democratic process not occur in the name of public health safety.

Personally I have an afternoon job on Saturday with a full time seasonal job pending to start on the 20th of April, I am also looking at starting my own business in the very near future. So many people are shelling up which I think is a mistake, yes this pandemic is serious and people need to take precautions. That being said this idea that somehow this virus and those that will occur in the future will go away because I stay in my home but this is the new reality. So people better figure out how they are going to continue their lives in this new reality. Luckily I think that a lot of the technology that has been developed is really going to help and we continue to make strides particularly in the mobile communication area. I think what is being done with low altitude satellite networks is going to be a huge life changers that a lot of people are sleeping on.

As a side note I ended up buying 48 rolls of toilet paper at the store as that was all they had available and I was down to the last roll. I was planning to give some to neighbors and friends but they all seem to have bought the same pack that I did, I wonder if the next effect is we are all going to be drowning in TP.

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by DigitalMonk »

A contrarian view, to be taken with however much or little seriousness you wish...

Read an article this morning about a covid-19 survivor (not hugely surprising, the vast majority -- 99.5% or so* -- do survive) who then donated plasma to a hospital which used it in an experimental infusion to people who were on respirators and failing to respond to other treatments. Three patients, but they've all started recovering, because the antibodies in his plasma helped their bodies fight off the infection.

So, I fully understand the need to "flatten the curve." Really, I do. But I also wonder, once we've flattened it enough that we have the medical resources to move on, should we then quickly "go back to normal" to increase the number of survivors who can then provide plasma "cures" (that word is almost certainly too strong, but it'll do for now) or "vaccines" (more likely)?

Going further out on a limb, instead of telling everybody to hide in their houses behind face masks and toilet paper forts, should we have encouraged "confirmed survivors" -- who should have become available a few weeks into the outbreak -- to donate plasma and shipping that around to help the people who were hit hard? If you've got 99 donators for every needy recipient, this seems like a semi-rational approach to rapidly achieving herd immunity, saving lives, and not crashing world economies...

* I'm taking the 99.5% survival from Germany, where they started testing sooner and have tested a higher percentage of their population. That should give them more accurate statistics. Their mortality rate is around 0.5%. I somehow doubt that Germans are magically more resistant to this virus, nor that they have magically better medical treatments. But dying people are easy to count, and asymptomatic carriers aren't. So, in the absence of thorough/consistent testing, you will always over-estimate the percentage of people who are dying (or, conversely, underestimate the number of people who simply cough a few times and go on about their business without ever being tested). To me, this strongly suggests that countries that are reporting 3% mortality are not really any sicker, they just have 6x as many untested/undiagnosed/unreported cases as they think they have.

HOWEVER -- even if we take 3% mortality as the guideline, we would still have 97 donators for every 3 needy recipients, and a 32:1 ratio gives a lot of room for "not everyone is going to help". I mean, if one donator can help 3 patients, then you only need 1 person out of those 97 potential donators to actually donate and you'll have covered the 3 needy patients.

I don't know how common plasma donation and preparation hardware is. Here in the US it's everywhere, because plasma banks will happily take your plasma donation every few days if you want. That means that supply and treatment could be done close to where it's needed, in general. But I have no idea if that is common elsewhere, which could bring up transportation problems. Still, probably no worse than any other medical treatment transportation problems right now...

Should we have just gotten sick and focused our efforts on getting the antibody treatments sooner? I dunno. It's always a guess, and if you get it wrong a lot of people die. But it will be interesting to see if we consider tackling the next outbreak differently...

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Re: Just a general COVID19 thread - dont open if you not interrested in RL issues

Post by Baler »

Transferring blood from a person who recovered to a sick person is a very, very old practice.
We're talking at the lastest 1800's documentation. :geek:
