[MOD] l3lessed Enchanted Compass

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Re: l3lessed Enchanted Compass

Post by l3lessed »

Smashed last overlooked bugged and pushed update.

- Updated location setup method so locations always change when any terrain or location block changes. Stops wilderness crashes and miss placed icons when leaving a town area.
- Updated clean up routine with null checks to stop mod crashes when nothing around to clean up.
- Markers now stay fixed facing proper readable direction when using locked camera settings.
- Camera layers setup correctly. Automap and minimap should work in tandem again and minimap dungeon render should be correct.
- Added more load null checks to stop mod breaking settings from not loading between mod versions.
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Re: l3lessed Enchanted Compass

Post by l3lessed »

I'm an immersion junky, so I had to add one more thing.

We now have a glass layer with glass beveling around the edges. This will be optional in mod settings and will also have an transparency float setting to adjust its strength.

The plan here is to add in over time things like dirt, blood, water, scratches, and even broken glass/malfunctioning compass. As you travel the world, your compass will show the wear is the idea. At some point, I want to even make them breakable from taking hits in combat too much and require buying a new one or repairing it.

I also redid the bearings, minimap layer, and compass layer so they should be centered on one another better. It was noticeable they weren't when spinning in circles.
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Re: l3lessed Enchanted Compass

Post by l3lessed »

I just pushed a large update. You can control the glass layers thickness/transperency in mod settings. Effects currently are set without any way of controlling them.

Now the compass has glass and environmental effects.

These effects are dynamic and impacted by weather, season, and region.

blood stains until cleaned off. rain drips and cleans up mud, dirt, dust, and blood.

Water: Raining or Swimming.
Frost: Snowing or Winter, fall, and spring in mountain regions between dawn and dusk.
Mud: Tropical, Sub-Tropical, Swamp, Haunted Forest
Dirt: Deserts, Woodlands, Mountains, Dungeons
Blood: Take damage from enemies.
Dust: Deserts, Mountains, Dungeons

Put it away until it says cleaned or let it rain or jump into water

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Re: [MOD] l3lessed Enchanted Compass

Post by l3lessed »

Well, I forgot to push this update to the github. You can now download and try it yourself.

Can an artist help to optimize my textures though? As long as you maintain the same exact texture ratio size, it should work. I need to bring down the file size of the textures as much as possible without compromising the HD look for players using dream and hi-resolution plays.
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Re: [MOD] l3lessed Enchanted Compass

Post by King of Worms »

Hi, I was looking on the textures, they have very strange dimensions, most around 3k like 3253*3103 etc.
So 1st issue with this is, that these numbers cant be divided by 4 without a decimals, that means they cant be compressed in unity.

Lets look at frost.PNG
3253*3103, 32bit color
17mb size

When I take a look at this img, its real resolution is like 512*512 but its dimensions are almost x10
Reducing this to 1024*1024 makes the size around 2mb. This size can be divided by 4 so compression enabled and you are at like 200kb from 17mb and u keep the same looks. But apparently, the ratio size is now different. Is that REALLY a issue tho? Have u based your mod on textures which have these absurd dimensions and aspect ratios?

The biggest files are DUST (21mb) Frost (17mb) Rain (3mb) and one blood frame.

Anyway, than there are some PDN files. I see Dust.pdn and Dust.Png and the textures are the same. So are the PDN files used?

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Re: [MOD] l3lessed Enchanted Compass

Post by l3lessed »

Honestly, having no art background, I didn't know any of this, but that makes perfect sense now.

When it came to the size, I did it based off the original compass and trying to center everything properly.

And, when I created the first compass, I didn't know any of this, just grabbed a compass png, and edited it and pushed it in fast to see if the code worked. I did no optimization at all. I just wanted to ensure it had a high enough resolution it wouldn't pixelate on hi res monitors and builds. Those two factors led to these weird dimensions.

I used paint.net to do these, and saved the layered version so I could have a single version with all layers in it. But they are not used, so I should pull them from the compiled final versions.

So, I need to resize all textures to a 256 divisible resolution? I'm assuming going down to a 2k/2048 resolution would be a high enough resolution but bring down the file size considerably.
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Re: [MOD] l3lessed Enchanted Compass

Post by King of Worms »

The resolution needs to be able to be divided by 4 in a way the result does not have decimals.
So 400 is ok, 404 is ok but 403 is not ok. It does not matter if its 512, 1024, or 800 or 400...

If I remember right, the compass can be switched to almost fullscreen. Id say, 1024x1024 will be good enough for all the textures which could be seen in this semi-fullscreen way.

So Id suggest to try this 1024x1024 approach. Most likely it will look better than now, with these high resolutions in bad format.

In unity, do u use inspector and set the textures like this for example?
Untitled.jpg (327.88 KiB) Viewed 803 times

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Re: [MOD] l3lessed Enchanted Compass

Post by l3lessed »

Thanks, that makes complete sense.

And I don't use the editor at all. I use a custom script import, which isn't optimizing it properly I imagine. However, seeing that, I know that can be done at runtime through the proper texture object. I don't want to compile them into the mod itself, as I want users to be able to add/replace/edit any of the effects.
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Re: [MOD] l3lessed Enchanted Compass

Post by King of Worms »

If u compile the textures to the mod, users can still provide ther own texture overrides thru loosefiles placed in the streaming assets.

My experience is, that any texture or sprite which is not provided to the game with correct settings set in the inspector has its own set of issues afterwards. Be it visual or performance problems.

I think maybe providing a dfmod with all textures setup properly AND a bonus of all thr textures on a side for those who want to edit em, is a way to go. Just idea.

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Re: [MOD] l3lessed Enchanted Compass

Post by King of Worms »

One more thing... I had a look at the main goldcompass files. There are three:

Ive noticed the compass with gems has reduced color quality compared to the cleanedGoldCompass, I think this happened during the process of adding the gems and saving. I can use the good quality source and place the gems again and save properly.

Also, all three golden compass files have quite bad aliasing issues. I can solve that as well.

Id like to help with these but the thing which is stopping me is the resolution, its 910x1000 and the compass is placed in the middle of the canvas with a lot of room around. Will it stay this way? If you changed it to 912x1000 it would be better. I just dont want to put in a work in something which will not be used afterwards.

I can do the antialiasing pass on the red and green crystals as well. They have wrong resolution but thats easy to fix.

When you fixing the resolution, its best to keep the image intact and change just the canvas, if possible. That way the quality of the texture does not get compromised. If you resize whole image, the texture gets more blurry everytime you do that.

Again, Im willing to help just Im a bit stuck on the things mentioned above

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