[Blog] Daggerfall Unity 0.13 Rendering Update

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Re: [Blog] Daggerfall Unity 0.13 Rendering Update

Post by Hazelnut »

Hi Interkarma, I loaded up 0.13.1 for the first time today and immediately noticed the player torch is very weak compared to before the lighting update. After investigating I found that the PlayerAdvanced prefab -> Torch -> Light component has it's intensity set to 0.75 rather than the value of 2 it was before. (checked 0.12.1) The range value has also changed from 6 to 5, but this is overriden by values from the items providing light so is not an issue. Intensity is calculated as a multiplier of the set base value which is now less than half what it was.

Did you change these values to tune the player light for the default of not using player items? I can't think of any other reason these values would be changed, but I would like to be sure before I work out how to adjust the player item lighting.

I can very easily fix this in the code if the new values are what are needed with lighting update and not an unintended change.
See my mod code for examples of how to change various aspects of DFU: https://github.com/ajrb/dfunity-mods

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Re: [Blog] Daggerfall Unity 0.13 Rendering Update

Post by Interkarma »

Lighting appears relatively brighter under linear, especially near the outer edge of light radius (falloff is different). Part of this review is to retune light sources previously set under gamma appropriate to linear colourspace. The player torch was particularly strong and had to be lowered.

I tried to tune everything to a similar apparent brightness and falloff as 0.12, and worked through all item based light sources while deciding new base value. But I don't always get things right first time and the point of these preview builds is for everyone to give me feedback. So duly noted and let's tune it some more until we're both happy.

In any case, it would be good idea to set item based light sources independently of the default player torch. Send me a PR with your preference and we'll kick it around together.

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Re: [Blog] Daggerfall Unity 0.13 Rendering Update

Post by Gravitus »

0.13 looks very nice and clean. I miss the "haze" a little, as seen for example on the Mages' Guild interior. The new lighting is cleaner, but it loses out on some "atmosphere". It would be nice if we could accommodate that with post-processing to add a light touch of bloom back into the game.

But I'm glad to see that fog actually looks better in 0.13, so maybe it will be altogether more balanced.

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Re: [Blog] Daggerfall Unity 0.13 Rendering Update

Post by Interkarma »

Next release of DFU has postprocessing controls built in. Previously these settings were configured by a mod. This includes controls for bloom that might do the job.

https://twitter.com/gav_clayton/status/ ... 2820079616

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Re: [Blog] Daggerfall Unity 0.13 Rendering Update

Post by King of Worms »

I like the results indeed :) I just googled Unity postprocessing stack here, and checked the effects section. Is this what we are using now? https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.u ... index.html

In future, Id love to eventually see the
Auto exposure (I use it injected thru Reshade now, its great when set properly)
Depth of field (will need some experimentation tho, Id like to have very slight blur at big distances)
Motion blur (the one which was provided by the Postprocessing mod was quite good, when set to 10%)
Vignette (same as above, at 10% it looked good)

Ultimately, God Rays would be fantastic at sunset/sunrise, but I dont see it in the effects. Wishful thinking? But I remember at one video, it was used.

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Re: [Blog] Daggerfall Unity 0.13 Rendering Update

Post by Interkarma »

Yep, we're using Unity's PostProcessing stack v2 (aka PPv2). Previous releases used PPv1, but it's still basically the same thing.

See right-hand column in below table for available effects. Note that effect availability and options differ between rendering pathways. DFU uses the built-in renderer with PPv2 embedded, so only right-hand column applies.

https://docs.unity3d.com/2019.4/Documen ... d-location

At this time, I'm exposing the following PPv2 effects in core. It already has more sliders and options than exposed by TheLacus' configuration mod. This update will be a comprehensive replacement for that mod (SSR excluded for reasons we've previously discussed).
  • Antialiasing
  • AmbientOcclusion
  • Bloom
  • MotionBlur
  • Vignette
  • DepthOfField
  • Dither
I hadn't planned to add Auto Exposure (TheLacus' mod didn't have this either), but I can look at adding this layer when I have more time. I'm already a few weeks behind my planned release date for 0.13.2.

Also, the Effect Settings UI is designed in such a way that mods can plug in new settings. If the community wants to expand on core, they can add new postprocessing layers (including custom ones) and expose settings directly in-game. So whatever settings I don't expose can still be added later by the community, provided that PPv2 supports the layer in built-in renderer, or modder codes a custom effect.

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