0.13.5 - Spymaster gives false info in The Stolen Item [RESOLVED 0.14.0]

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Re: 0.13.5 - Spymaster gives false info in The Stolen Item

Post by Interkarma »

To expand on my post above, here's that 7291 record with one subrecord per line so it's easier to read.

Code: Select all

Beggin' yer pardon %hnr %pcf, but most folk know this. %hnt[0xFF]
Always glad ta help you, %pcf. %hnt[0xFF]
Me cousin told me somethin'. %hnt[0xFF]
I overheard things. %hnt2 Does that help?[0xFF]
I've been savin' this tidbit fer you %hnr %pcf. %hnt2[0xFF]
I'm not sure what you already know. %hnt[0xFF]
Well, you probably already know this. %hnt[0xFE]
Note that most of these subrecord use %hnt, which will provide an answer from "anyInfo". The randomness here is that it has to select one of the subrecords with %hnt2 to have a chance at using "rumors".

Compare that to 7276 record with different responses selected.

Code: Select all

This is what they says. %hnt[0xFF]
Its a good story it is. %hnt[0xFF]
I wouldn't wanna be called no gossip, but...%hnt[0xFF]
Who woulda thought it. %hnt[0xFF]
%hnt I wish I could tell you more.[0xFF]
%hnt I'm afraid that's all I know.[0xFF]
Oh yes. %hnt[0xFF]
%hnt But you may already know that.[0xFF]
Pardon me? %hnt That's all I know.[0xFF]
Well, you probably already know this. %hnt[0xFE]
Note this one doesn't use any %hnt2 at all.

So the hint provided will depend on who the player is talking to, their selected tone, a success or failure - loads of variables. On top of that gamedata has a bias towards %hnt over %hnt2.

What's happening here is basically selection bias to anyInfo because gamedata uses %hnt2 very sparingly compared to %hnt. You're much more likely to get an anyInfo response than a rumors response. But the process does select rumors response based on its internal logic. You just might not see it due to which talk response is selected and which subrecord is rolled up.

What a fun system! I have no idea why the original developers cooked up something so complex and I'm incredibly grateful Ferital reverse engineered this one for us.

TLDR; For my part, I'm more than satisfied that talk system and spymaster are all working as intended. It's the quest template reversing the message block IDs that created the situation in initial report. NPCs can produce anyInfo or rumor text based on emergent variables. There's a bias towards "anyInfo" over "rumors".

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Re: 0.13.5 - Spymaster gives false info in The Stolen Item

Post by Jay_H »

gamedata uses %hnt2 very sparingly compared to %hnt. You're much more likely to get an anyInfo response than a rumors response.
Well, that's good news, certainly much better than the reverse. I'd much rather that players get the right answer most of the time rather than the wrong one.

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Re: 0.13.5 - Spymaster gives false info in The Stolen Item

Post by Lywzc »

I am happy that those walls of duplicated text being removed.

As I understand your reply, does that mean that since %hnt is more common than %hnt2 and %hnt is anyInfo only then even commoners are more likely to give anyInfo than rumor if they have an answer? This may explain why it is hard to hear rumors from commoners.

Thanks for the fix.

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Re: 0.13.5 - Spymaster gives false info in The Stolen Item

Post by Lywzc »

Based on the follow-up it seems to be the case so there is no bug in the talk system after all which is good news. Only bug in the quest script and an easy to fix one. Thanks again for all the investigation and help!

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Re: 0.13.5 - Spymaster gives false info in The Stolen Item

Post by Interkarma »

You're welcome. :)

Yep, they're much more likely to give an "anyInfo" answer from %hnt. The %hnt2 hint is less common in the canned responses.

Here's all the variants, including "go away" and "don't know" responses.

Code: Select all

7250	You're wasting time with me, %pcf. I don't know a thing about %key.[0xFF]I don't know anything about %key. Not that I'd tell you if I did.[0xFF]Do you really think I'd tell a %ra even if I did know?[0xFF]Ask someone else, %pcf. I can't help you with %key.[0xFF]You're %pcn. What the hell makes you think I know or would tell you anything about %key?[0xFF]I honestly don't know what in Tamriel you're talking about.[0xFF]You've obviously confused me with someone who cares.[0xFF]And what do you want me to do about it?[0xFF]That means absolutely nothing to me.[0xFF]I could probably help you with that. But I'm not going to.[0xFF]%oth, stop wasting my time. I'll tell you nothing. Now scram.[0xFE]
7251	%key? Even if I knew somethin', I wouldn't be a tellin' a %ra.[0xFF]I don't know nothin' 'bout %key and I ain't sayin' any more.[0xFF]Yer %pcn. I wouldn't tell ya 'bout %key even if I did know.[0xFF]Go on and find a friend or someone who knows somethin'. I'm  ain't either.[0xFF]Why would I wanna help you?[0xFF]I'm afraid that means nothing to me, %pcf.[0xFF]I don't understand. Is that supposed to mean something to me?[0xFF]To be honest, I couldn't really care less. Sorry.[0xFF]Ask someone else. Can't you see I'm busy?[0xFF]I'm sorry but I don't know and I have to go.[0xFF]I'm new to %cn too. Now, please excuse me.[0xFF]I gotta go.[0xFF]Ask someone else, %pcf. I'm running late myself.[0xFF]%oth, as if I know. Ask someone else.[0xFF]I don't particularly care to be your lackey, %pcf. Run along now.[0xFF]This conversation has grown tiresome. Leave me now, %pcf.[0xFF]Excuse me, %pcf. I actually have a life to lead.[0xFF]Ask someone who gives a damn.[0xFF]I neither know nor much care.[0xFF]I don't have the first clue, I'm afraid. Now, if you'll excuse me ...[0xFE]
7252	You are that foul %pcn. I am ignorant on the subject of %key. Now begone.[0xFF]Mayhap you though I was conversant on the topic of %key. What a lark![0xFF]%key? Your question presupposes that I feel an affiliation for you, which I don't.[0xFF]These questions are taxing my time, even if I knew about %key. Avail yourself of the nearest exit.[0xFF]If %ra knew how to read, you could find the answer yourself. I certainly don't have time to look it up.[0xFF]That is are certainly none of your concern. Now leave me, %pcf.[0xFF]Why should I tell you? Go bother someone else, %pcf.[0xFE]
7253	How droll. I only help to people of importance, those who have titles and lands. Now go away.[0xFF]I am a personal friend of %t %rn and do not cavort with your sort. %key indeed.[0xFF]How should I know? Hey! You're that loathsome %pcn. Why am I talking to you anyway?[0xFF]I couldn't care less about %key. Take your peasant feet away from my noble person.[0xFF]%key? Let me remind you that I am nobility and you are %ra scum. Go away.[0xFE]
7304	Never heard of %key, kid. Leave before I put a knife in yer back.[0xFF]I killed a %ra once for asking stupid questions about %key.[0xFF]I don't know. But I do know that if you stink up the air around me any more I'll stick a sword in yer gut.[0xFF]Yer %pcn. I oughta slice you a second smile. But because I'm a nice guy, I'll just tell ya I don't know.[0xFF]You gotta bad rep %pcn. I don't know anythin' about %key, but if ya come any closer, I'm gonna pop ya one.[0xFE]
7255	Wouldn't you like to know.[0xFF]%key? That's not rare information. Ask someone else about %key.[0xFF]You don't know where %key is? Ha-ha-ha! Serves you right %pcn, after what you've done.[0xFF]If I liked %ra better, maybe I'd tell you.[0xFF]Everyone knows where %key is. Which makes it all the more fun that you don't.[0xFF]No, I don't think I want to talk to you anymore, %pcf. Shove off.[0xFF]What do I know? I know I don't want to talk to you anymore, how's that?[0xFE]
7256	Yer %pcn. I don't think I wanna tell ya where to find %key.[0xFF]Beggin' yer pardon, but thats such a stupid question, I don't think I should haveta answer.[0xFF]I reckin' a little more wanderin' around will make a right good improvement in yer manners.[0xFF]'Course I know where %key is. But I don't wanna tell the likes of you.[0xFF]Freakin' %ra. Always beggin' us common folk fer help. Whattya done fer me lately?[0xFF]Why on Tamriel would I want you to know, %pcf?[0xFF]Why the hell would I want to give you directions %pcf?[0xFF]Listen, I ain't got time for this. Why don't you just kiss off, %pcf.[0xFF]Don't know, don't care, and don't wanna to talk to ya anymore. Goodbye.[0xFF]Why don't you try asking me like a normal human being would?[0xFF]Listen, I don't give directions to people who talk to me like that.[0xFE]
7257	You %ra have no respect for intellect. I choose not to reveal the location of %key.[0xFF]Are you not %pcn? I have better things to do than give you directions to %key.[0xFF]I have knowledge of %key. In the event you had been less rude, I might have told you.[0xFF]I am a scholar. I have no time for banal questions about %key.[0xFF]Scholars like myself have such knowledge. It is unfortunate your demeanor offends me.[0xFF]That's it. I've been as polite as I can be. Go away and leave me alone.[0xFF]I don't care where you go. Go to Oblivion, for all I care. Just go away.[0xFE]
7258	Ask a commoner. It is a waste of my valuable time to answer obvious questions.[0xFF]Who gave you permission to speak to me? I know where to find %key, but now I am disinclined to tell you.[0xFF]I have heard of you %pcn. You should know your place better. Nobles are not to be used as sign posts.[0xFF]You presume above your station %ra. I should have you flogged, instead I'll let you flee.[0xFF]How amusing. This...%ra peasant is looking for %key. I'm not about to lower myself by answering.[0xFE]
7259	Last bloke that asked how to get to %key wound up dead.[0xFF]Howd' ya like a knife in yer gut? Thought so.[0xFF]You lookin' to find %key? I oughta kick yer arse fer wastin' my time.[0xFF]You're that lousy %pcn. Stay away from %key. Or else I'll haveta slit yer throat.[0xFF]I hate %ra scum. Git. Or I'll fill my cup with yer blood.[0xFE]
7260	I've heard about you %pcnf. I'm not telling you anything about %key.[0xFF]%key? I know lots. But I'm not about to tell the likes of you.[0xFF]%ra dog. I wouldn't help you find out about %key for anything.[0xFF]I know that %key is none of your damn business.[0xFF]To be honest, I don't trust you, %pcn.[0xFF]Wouldn't you like to know?[0xFF]You're on the right track, %pcf. Now talk to someone who trusts you.[0xFF]Listen, I couldn't talk to you about that if I wanted to.[0xFF]Who do you think you are, talking to me like that?[0xFF]Listen, I don't care for your tone of voice.[0xFF]I'm not sure I should talk about %key with a relative stranger.[0xFF]Of course I know about %key. But I don't talk about it with just anyone.[0xFE]
7261	I ain't tellin' ya nothin' 'bout %key.[0xFF]%key? I got someplace else ta be.[0xFF]You're that evil %pcn! Tellin' you would be like tellin' Clavicus Vile hisself.[0xFF]%key? %key! I ain't gonna talk about %key to nobody.[0xFF]Why should I tell some %ra 'bout %key? Wouldn't you like to know?[0xFF]Oh, maybe I know ... something. But I'm not to talk about it.[0xFF]No offense, but why would I tell you anything?[0xFF]Its none of yer damn business.[0xFE]
7262	Knowledge of %key is priviledged, particularly with respect to you.[0xFF]%key is difficult to learn about. I shall enjoy observing your discomfort and ignorance.[0xFF]Where did you hear about %key? I'll not tell some wetback %ra any more about %key.[0xFF]I would never divulge information about %key.[0xFF]%key? To %pcn? This must be some lowbrow attempt at humor. Listen, you are obviously not a busy person, but I am. Get lost, %pcf.[0xFF]This isn't going anywhere, %pcf. I'm going back to my life, you go to yours.[0xFF]I have no interest in telling you anything. Run along now, %pcf.[0xFF]Who do you think I am, the travellers bureau? Leave me alone.[0xFE]
7263	Nobody trusts you %pcn. Why should I?[0xFF]You have my permission to prostrate yourself and beg for forgiveness. %key indeed.[0xFF]A %ra wanting to know about %key. How droll. I've always said commonfolk need to be kept ingnorant.[0xFF]Of course I know all about %key. The problem is I don't like you.[0xFF]Noblemen should not consort with common rabble. Leave me.[0xFF]I don't think I care for your tone of voice, %pcf.[0xFF]Listen, I don't talk to anyone who talks to me like that.[0xFF]How impertinent to think I'd want to give you any sort of information. Goodbye.[0xFF]Listen, I have a life. I'd recommend you go out and get one too. Goodbye, %pcf.[0xFE]
7264	%key? I'll show ya the edge of my knife instead! Scram.[0xFF]Come any closer and I'll slit yer gizzard %pcf.[0xFF]Ya have a hankerin' ta die? Then keep askin' around about %key.[0xFF] A %ra. Wonder what color blood ya have. Come 'ere and let me see.[0xFF]I know all about %key. But if I told ya, I'd have ta kill ya.[0xFF]Maybe I know something, maybe I don't. But I'm through with talking, %pcf.[0xFF]I don't care to discuss that or anything else with you. Goodbye.[0xFE]
7265	I'm afraid I can't help you, %pcf.[0xFF]Sorry, %pcf. I don't know anything about %key.[0xFF]Sorry, friend. I'd help you if I could.[0xFF]I'm afraid I just don't know.[0xFF]%oth, I wish I could help you, %pcf.[0xFF]I'm really sorry, %pcf. I wish I knew something about that.[0xFF]Please forgive my ignorance, %pcf. I know little about that.[0xFF]To be honest, I know nothing about that, %pcf. I'm very sorry.[0xFF]Excuse me? %key? No idea one way or the other.[0xFF]You'll want to ask someone else. I have no idea.[0xFE]
7266	I wish I knew, %pcf. Could be anywhere.[0xFF]I heard that name somewheres before, but I got no idea where.[0xFF]Sorry. I haven't gotta clue.[0xFF]Gotta be somewhere 'round here.[0xFF]I heard 'o you %pcn. I'd help ya if I could.[0xFF]I wish I could help you, %pcf, but I know nothing about that.[0xFF]Sorry, friend. I can't help you there.[0xFF]Ask around some more, friend. Someone's bound to know.[0xFF]No, I don't have a clue.[0xFF]There's no reason ta talk down ta me like that. I can't help ya anyway.[0xFE]
7267	Quite a conundrum. I am completely baffled.[0xFF]You are the first person to ask. Sadly, I remain ignorant of the answer.[0xFF]North? No...south? My profuse appologies. I am unable to recall anything about %key.[0xFF]I had one once, but the wheel fell off. Would you hold my foot while I get a drink of air?[0xFF]An obtuse topic if ever their was one. No answer appears to be forthcoming.[0xFF]I'm sorry to ask, but why did you think I'd care about that?[0xFF]Come on, %pcf, you know me better than to think I'd care about that![0xFF]Wait. Does that sound like something I'm involved in, %pcf? Really.[0xFE]
7268	You have atleast mastered the minimum forms of etiquette, but I just don't know.[0xFF]How refreshing. A %ra with manners. Sadly, I know nothing of %key.[0xFF]Ah, a true servant of %reg. You may kiss my ring, but I know nothing of %key.[0xFF]%pcn? Hmmm. I seem to remember some courtier speaking well of you. Sadly I can't help you with %key.[0xFF]%key? Doesn't sound familiar.[0xFF]Sorry, %pcf. I can't help you with that.[0xFF]I am certainly the wrong person to ask, %pcf.[0xFE]
7269	%key? Never heard of it. Doesn't ring any bells. If is about somethin' hot, go through the guild.[0xFF]Is %key a problem? I knows people that can take care of problems.[0xFF]Does %key have anythin' ta do with %fn? No? Then I can't help ya %pcf.[0xFF]You've gotta good rep on the streets %pcn. Sorry I don't know nothin' about %key.[0xFE]
7270	Sure. %key is %hnt.[0xFF]That's %hnt.[0xFF]I suppose its okay to tell you. Its %hnt.[0xFF]You'll find %key %hnt.[0xFF]You'll want to go %hnt.[0xFF]Oh, that's %hnt.[0xFF]Well, it's %hnt.[0xFF]You'll find it %hnt. Just ask me civilly next time.[0xFF]If it's your concern, you'll find it %hnt.[0xFE]
7271	Mmm. Well, try %hnt.[0xFF]I guess I can tell ya %hnt.[0xFF]Ya gotta go %hnt.[0xFF]%key is somewhere %hnt.[0xFF]Go north...no, east...no, %hnt.[0xFF]That's easy, %pcf. It's %hnt.[0xFF]Last time I checked it was %hnt.[0xFF]Of course I'll help you. Just go %hnt.[0xFF]It's really easy. You'll want to go %hnt.[0xFF]The best way to go %hnt.[0xFF]What you're going to want to do is go %hnt.[0xFF]You asked the right person. Just look for it %hnt.[0xFF]Simple. You'll find it %hnt.[0xFF]That's %hnt.[0xFF]You'll find it %hnt.[0xFE]
7272	Our maps show %key to be %hnt.[0xFF]Hmm. I recall being instructed that %key is %hnt.[0xFF]%pcn is it? I do not mind reveal that %key is %hnt.[0xFF]Directionally challenged %pcf? Try %hnt.[0xFF]Go %hnt.[0xFE]
7273	Dear fellow, try %hnt.[0xFF]The lower classes get lost so easily. Go %hnt.[0xFF]Lets see, the palace is over there...%key is %hnt.[0xFF]My personal scrivner assures me %key is %hnt.[0xFF]Try %hnt. Thats how my carriage driver goes.[0xFE]
7274	I know an alley short cut to %key. Try %hnt.[0xFF]You're an okay %ra. Go %hnt.[0xFF]I pinched some gold near %key. Walk %hnt.[0xFF]I cut someone there yesterday. Its %hnt.[0xFF]%key? Gonna pinch some coin, are ya? No? Well, its %hnt.[0xFE]
7275	Oh, ho! %hnt[0xFF]%fn told me this. %hnt[0xFF]You're a good sort, %pcf. %hnt[0xFF]%hnt[0xFF]Everybody has heard this one. %hnt2[0xFF]%hnt[0xFF]This is all I know. %hnt[0xFF]I can help you with that. %hnt2[0xFF]Oh, that's easy. %hnt[0xFF]Ah, %key. %hnt[0xFF]Well, as if you don't know already. %hnt[0xFF]If you must know, I'll tell you. %hnt[0xFF]I don't see how it's your business. %hnt[0xFE]
7276	This is what they says. %hnt[0xFF]Its a good story it is. %hnt[0xFF]%hnt[0xFF]I wouldn't wanna be called no gossip, but...%hnt[0xFF]Who woulda thought it. %hnt[0xFF]%hnt I wish I could tell you more.[0xFF]%hnt I'm afraid that's all I know.[0xFF]Oh yes. %hnt[0xFF]%hnt But you may already know that.[0xFF]Pardon me? %hnt That's all I know.[0xFF]Well, you probably already know this. %hnt[0xFE]
7277	The tomes are very specific. %hnt[0xFF]My scrying is rarely wrong. %hnt[0xFF]Some sources disagree, but I am sure. %hnt2[0xFF]I suppose it is harmless. %hnt2[0xFF]It is to your benefit to have queried me. I am one of the few that knows anything. %hnt2[0xFF]%key? %hnt[0xFF]%hnt You surely are already aware that.[0xFF]%hnt2 I estimate that is the best I can tell you.[0xFF]%hnt But everyone knows that.[0xFF]%hnt[0xFF]%hnt Is that what you're talking about?[0xFE]
7278	My dear %pcf. %hnt Didn't you know?[0xFF]The talk among the court is amusing. %hnt[0xFF]My spies told me about this. %hnt2[0xFF]%hnt[0xFF]I have impeccable sources. %hnt2[0xFF]%hnt There may be more to it.[0xFF]%hnt Someone else may have the full story.[0xFE]
7279	%hnt Atleast that's the street buzz.[0xFF]%oth. Don't you know? %hnt[0xFF]Here's the real story. %hnt2[0xFF]I beat this info outta a guy. %hnt2[0xFF]I got contacts. %hnt2[0xFF]I'm not da best person ta ask. %hnt Thats all I know.[0xFF]Ask someone else, %pcf. %hnt. Which anyone could have told you.[0xFE]
7280	%pcn! If only I could help. I really and truly don't know anything about %key.[0xFF]I would sell the Underking's skivvies for you %pcf, but forgive me. I just don't know.[0xFF]I pains me to admit this, especially to you, but I haven't got a clue.[0xFF]Please don't hold it against me, but I just don't have the answer.[0xFF]After what you've done for us %pcf, I'd love to tell you about %key. However, I don't know.[0xFE]
7281	%hnr, if I knew, I'd tell ya fer sure.[0xFF]Ya knows ya can depend on me %pcf. But when it comes ta %key, I just don't know.[0xFF]I don't know %hnr. Please don't think poorly of me.[0xFF]What I'd give ta know 'bout %key. I'm sorry %hnr.[0xFF]%oth. Such a simple question, and me not knowin'. I begs yer forgiveness %hnr.[0xFE]
7282	My loyal patron, it grieves me to admit ignorance about %key.[0xFF]I am a fount of information %pcf. Sadly I lack any shred of data about %key.[0xFF]You are congnizant that I would answer if I could. %key is an enigma to me.[0xFF]You are my loyal comrade, but none of these tomes have references to %key.[0xFF]Though you are my deeply trusted ally, I know not the answer.[0xFE]
7283	Though your loyalty to me is beyond reproach, I just don't know about %key.[0xFF]As one of my most loyal supporters, I would tell you if I only knew the answer.[0xFF]%key? I haven't the foggiest dear %pcf.[0xFF]I heard about %key once, but I forgotten what it was.[0xFF]I trust you implicitly, so I hope you understand when I tell you that I just don't know.[0xFE]
7284	You're like a brother ta me %pcf. But I can't tell ya what I don't know.[0xFF]%key? Never heard of %key.[0xFF]Hey, I'd trust ya with my back in da alley, but I don't know anythin' about %key. You've never snitched on me, %pcf. But if I don't know, I don't know.[0xFF]%key rings a bell...naw. You know I'd tell ya just about anythin', but I can't remember.[0xFE]
7285	Anything for %hnr %pcf. Its %hnt.[0xFF]Gladly %hnr. Go %hnt.[0xFF]It would be my honor. Try %hnt.[0xFF]I'd take you there myself, but I'm needed here. Its %hnt.[0xFF]Its sunshine in my day to help %hnr %pcf. Go %hnt.[0xFF]Give me a second. That's %hnt.[0xFF]You ought to try looking %hnt.[0xFE]
7286	Yes %hnr. With pleasure. Go %hnt.[0xFF]For da honorable %pcn, take ya %hnt.[0xFF]You've always done good fer me and mine %hnr %pcf. Its %hnt.[0xFF]I likes doin' ya favors %pcf. Try %hnt.[0xFF]Its me pleasure %hnr %pcf. Its %hnt.[0xFF]You will find %key %hnt.[0xFF]Yes, I do know that location. It's %hnt.[0xFF]Let me think for a minute ... %hnt.[0xFF]I see ... %hnt.[0xFE]
7287	Readily and gladly done. Its %hnt.[0xFF]For you, of course. Go %hnt.[0xFF]The simplest of tasks. Try %hnt.[0xFF]Gladly %hnr. Its %hnt.[0xFF]A trivial request. Go %hnt.[0xFE]
7288	For one of your loyalty, of course. Its %hnt.[0xFF]I could do no less for a loyal subject. Go %hnt.[0xFF]Simplicity in itself. Try %hnt.[0xFF]You have always helped me, now I can return the favor. Its %hnt.[0xFF]Of course. Have we not always been friends? Go %hnt[0xFF].[0xFE]
7289	Ya don't haveta ask twice. Its %hnt.[0xFF]Fer you? No sweat. Go %hnt.[0xFF]'Tis not well known, but try %hnt.[0xFF]Since its that or slit yer throat (wink and chuckle), its %hnt.[0xFF]Go %hnt. Watch yer back %pcf.[0xFE]
7290	I trust you. %hnt[0xFF]Most folk know this already. %hnt[0xFF]I shouldn't really tell you this. %hnt2[0xFF]%hnt2 I know you'll do the right thing %pcf.[0xFF]You are one of the few people I'd tell this to. %hnt2[0xFF]As a matter of fact, I happen to know something. %hnt2[0xFF]You asked the right person. %hnt2[0xFE]
7291	Beggin' yer pardon %hnr %pcf, but most folk know this. %hnt[0xFF]Always glad ta help you, %pcf. %hnt[0xFF]Me cousin told me somethin'. %hnt[0xFF]I overheard things. %hnt2 Does that help?[0xFF]I've been savin' this tidbit fer you %hnr %pcf. %hnt2[0xFF]I'm not sure what you already know. %hnt[0xFF]Well, you probably already know this. %hnt[0xFE]
7292	%hnt It is common knowledge that %hnt.[0xFF]Confidentially, this is what my research indicates. %hnt2[0xFF]Trust begets trust. %hnt2[0xFF]My divinations have revealed much. %hnt2[0xFF]A private scrying shows many things. %hnt2[0xFF]Ah yes, not everyone knows this. %hnt2[0xFF]It may interest you to know this. %hnt[0xFF]Well ... %hnt. Does that help?[0xFF]You want to know more? %hnt2 I assume.[0xFE]
7293	Your loyalty to the %t has its reward. %hnt[0xFF]You have always been loyal to me. %hnt[0xFF]You are lucky to have asked me. Court gossip has its benefits. %hnt2[0xFF]I am always glad to help you %pcf. %hnt2[0xFF]Your faithful service is reason enough for me to tell you. %hnt2[0xFE]
7294	Youse can always count on me, %pcf. %hnt[0xFF]You sharpened my blade, now I'll sharpen yours. %hnt2[0xFF]Fer me drinkin' buddy, of course. %hnt2[0xFF]. %hnt2 At least that what the Thieves Guild says.[0xFF]%hnt2 It's all over the Dark Brotherhood.[0xFE]
%hnt is found 153 times and %hnt2 is found 31 times. So it really is much easier to get "anyInfo" than "rumors". Wow.

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Re: 0.13.5 - Spymaster gives false info in The Stolen Item

Post by Lywzc »

Hmm, most people of Daggerfall are surely not rumor spreaders which is in stark contrast to the current humanity.

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Re: 0.13.5 - Spymaster gives false info in The Stolen Item

Post by Interkarma »

Jay_H wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 9:02 am Well, that's good news, certainly much better than the reverse. I'd much rather that players get the right answer most of the time rather than the wrong one.
Agreed Jay. It's hard enough for most characters to get a response other than "don't know" or "go away" as is.
