[B0B71Y03] The Artifact, child face disappear at wrong time.

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[B0B71Y03] The Artifact, child face disappear at wrong time.

Post by Lywzc »

It does not disappear when you hand her to the witch, rather it disappears after you obtained the artifact.
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Test1 is at the witch, Test2 is at the artifact.

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Re: [B0B71Y03] The Artifact, child face disappear at wrong time.

Post by Jay_H »

Thanks for the report. The script is properly placed, so there's something finnicky about the actual action to drop the face. This quest has had problems with it before, and I moved it to its current placement, at the same time the artifact is placed.

Code: Select all

_S.17_ task:
	when _artifact1_ and _S.15_ 
	place item _aurielsbow_ at _dungeon2_ 
	log 1050 step 2 
	say 1031 
	drop _child_ face
--moved "drop face" here, was not cooperating in S.15

_S.18_ task:
	when _artifact2_ and _S.15_ 
	place item _aurielshield_ at _dungeon2_ 
	log 1051 step 2 
	say 1032 
	drop _child_ face
--moved "drop face" here, was not cooperating in S.15

_S.19_ task:
	when _artifact3_ and _S.15_ 
	place item _lordsmail_ at _dungeon2_ 
	log 1052 step 2 
	say 1033 
	drop _child_ face
--moved "drop face" here, was not cooperating in S.15
It was properly fixed before, so something in the interim had to have affected it.

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Re: [B0B71Y03] The Artifact, child face disappear at wrong time.

Post by Interkarma »

That's interesting. When did you make that last change Jay (roughly month/year)? I haven't really touched the quest system in ages, so I'll need to have a rough idea where to start if this is a regression.

I'll move to issues for follow up later.

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Re: [B0B71Y03] The Artifact, child face disappear at wrong time.

Post by Sappho20 »

I have had a look at B0B71Y03 and I can see the problem and perhaps why it worked in the past. In task _S.15_ it clears task _S.01_.

Code: Select all

_S.15_ task:
	when _S.01_ and not _S.13_ and _S.00_ 
	reveal _dungeon2_
	clear _S.01_ 
This in turn turns off task _S.15_ as _S.01_ is one of its triggers. It means that it is only active for a split second before being turned off by itself. Therefore tasks _S.17_, _S.18_ and _S.19_ (which drop the child’s face) are only active for a fraction of a second as they rely on _S.15_ to run. It is insufficient time for them to do the entire task and the Child’s face at the end of the task remains unfinished.

Perhaps in the past tasks were triggered once and stayed active forever once triggered, and now they work like a variable and switch on and off as the conditions change? It seems to me that they now, at least, can turn on/off dependent on conditions. Previously it may have been that once _S.15_ and the rest were active they stayed so and thus completed their tasks?

Also, the clear click task did not work as it was so high up the quest that it cancelled _S.00_ before it reached _S.17_, _S.18_, _S.19_, _S.24_, _S.25_ and _S.26_, as the quest reads top to bottom.

By removing the line

Code: Select all

Clear _S.01_ 
in _S.15_ the child’s face disappears as intended, also moving the clear click to the end allows it to work as intended.
I have tweaked the quest now to re-introduce the clearclick and streamlined it.
I also removed the clear _S.01_ as I know that it is possible to give the child to the witch then be asked to hand it over, but the guards only appear for 20 in game minutes and you would have to fast travel to the witch and ignore the guards until after the child is handed over for this to happen. Given the 30% chance of the guards even appearing I think this is very unlikely. Plus, the guards know you took the child and even if it is not with you, you still know where it is and you are their only lead in getting it back so they would definitely still come after you.
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Re: [B0B71Y03] The Artifact, child face disappear at wrong time.

Post by Jay_H »

Interesting! Thank you Sappho. That saves me quite a bit of work. I'll send that change along.

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