Weapon Swing modes: Click, Hold - Swing direction broken

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Weapon Swing modes: Click, Hold - Swing direction broken

Post by Foofding »


I can get the swing directions to go the way I want them to when using the Vanilla weapon swing mode setting, however I cannot swing in the direction I want while using either Click or Hold weapon swing modes.

I have already tested a wide range of swing threshold settings to no avail. It seems like there isn't any consistency to my swings at any threshold unless I am using the Vanilla swing setting. I have also tested this without any mods installed.

Being that I am running a quick and stealthy short blade character, I need to be able to stab to be most effective and I don't want my position to be locked when swinging like when using the Vanilla swing mode.

Are deliberate swing directions entirely broken for Weapon Swing Modes: Click and Hold?

If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it. I am sure I am not the only one with this issue.

Thanks ahead of time!

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Re: Weapon Swing modes: Click, Hold - Swing direction broken

Post by Interkarma »

Hello and welcome. :)

Vanilla is the classic Daggerfall gesture attack mode. You hold down the attack button and move the mouse along a specific axis to initiate an attack.

Click attack mode is a QoL feature for people who don't like mouse gestures and just want a single click to initiate an attack. The attack type is random.

Hold attack mode is just like Click, except you can hold down the attack button to repeatedly issue random attacks. This is mainly an accessibility option for people where repeatedly clicking the mouse might be an issue.

Nothing is broken here, that's how these options work. It sounds like the attack mode closest to what you want is Vanilla for classic gesture attacks.

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Re: Weapon Swing modes: Click, Hold - Swing direction broken

Post by Foofding »

Thank you so much @Interkarma for your timely and detailed response.

I had just assumed that click and hold swing modes would direct swings in the direction of the mouse's movement. By chance in the future, will they ever have the ability to do so? ;)

Being that they don't, I will have to stick with Vanilla mode at .001 Mouse Weapon Attack Threshold and just get used to it.

Thank you for all your hard work in making it possible for so many to experience this awesome game! :)

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Re: Weapon Swing modes: Click, Hold - Swing direction broken

Post by Jay_H »

By chance in the future, will they ever have the ability to do so? ;)
No, that feature will remain as it is, so far as the game's full release is concerned. That mechanic's implementation is done :)

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