So Starfield will have 1000 planets…

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Re: So Starfield will have 1000 planets…

Post by ByteMixer »

Pretty much share all the sentiments with everyone. It's a shame that Starfield won't have seamless space-to-planet transitions, and it'll be a glorified loading animation, but I understand why they took that approach, and being that Starfield is RPG first, Space-Sim 2nd or maybe distant 3rd, I'm not really disappointed about their decision.

I imagine with how they're pushing out the procedural tech, many, many of those 1000 planets over the 100 star systems will be strictly resource gathering, and not really relevant to much beyond mining and finding materials. Let's just hope the locations that DO have more fleshed out points of interest will be fairly dense with stuff to do and trouble to get into.

I don't expect much from the space combat, since it's not a combat simulator like Freespace 2 or Star Citizen. So I'll probably be fine with that. And there will probably be plenty of modders out there fleshing out things to expand the game as usual, and given the space-based components of the game, I'm sure they'll create some pretty interesting stuff.

Interkarma, it was nice to read about your E:D experiences. I tried the game for some time, gave it an honest chance, but I just couldn't really get into it very deeply myself, and ended up moving on. I gotta hand it to them though, they had some really great sound design. These days, I'm pretty much on the Star Citizen side of things, which I play for awhile every patch cycle, and keep up to date on their development goals and processes.

I play a fair bit of No Man's Sky as well. I agree that Hello Games really dropped the ball on their release vs. what they said/planned/showcased, and I think they were somewhat disingenuous leading up to the release. But as flawed as it started out, you have to give them credit for really building out the game with the subsequent free updates, and they've really fleshed out a lot of content over the years. It may not be super-deep content, but there's quite a bit of stuff to do now. So it's good to see all the care and attention they've continued putting into the game. So as messy as their launch was, in my eyes they have managed to redeem themselves.
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Re: So Starfield will have 1000 planets…

Post by Werewolf »

Interkarma wrote: Mon Jun 13, 2022 11:13 pm Elite Dangerous was one of those games that really grabbed me. I found it very Daggerfall-y in the sense I was exploring the visible top of some algorithm. But most of all, I enjoyed how the game just left me alone when I was out in the black. When stocking my ship for a journey to the other side of our galaxy, I had to plan in detail how I was going to repair, refuel, restock - because I would be cut off from civilised systems for months on end. The game just left me to my own devices to succeed or fail and didn't care either way.

I played Elite mainly in VR on my Vive. The best system I found was a black hole with a distantly orbiting rocky planet. There were no nearby stars for light so these two bodies were visible only to instrumentation. My big moment was landing on that rocky planet in total darkness knowing the ground was rushing up to meet me and I only had the HUD overlay to find my correct speed and angle of approach. With the ship creaking in my ears and rocking gently all around me, I landed gently onto this forsaken rock out in the middle of nowhere. My ship lights cast a feeble puddle on the ground as the engines spun down.

Then I lowered myself down to the surface in my SRV and rolled away from the ship. The terrain was high and rocky, I had to boost around for a bit to find a nice high flat spot with a good view. Finally, I dismissed my Anaconda and watched it lift off and punch back out into orbit, leaving me totally alone on this pitch black rock in the middle of nowhere orbiting a black hole that I could practically feel hungering in the dark nearby.

This is my best experience in VR and in a space simulation. Though Elite Dangerous gave me many more amazing moments, nothing ever topped that one. I was able to have that experience because the game was vast and indifferent. It just left me alone and gave me the tools for my imagination to work. It trusted me to find my own fun in the sandbox.

One of the reasons I bounce off so many games is they keep trying to make me go somewhere, do a thing! Even in Skyrim, I could never feel alone. The game was constantly pointing me to some cave or ruin - the compass was constantly filled with markers and points of interest. When all I wanted was for the game to leave me alone for once. Just give me some tools for my imagination and I'll take it from there.

I don't know if Starfield will give me the kinds of experiences I'm looking for. The trailer leaned heavily into shooting and flight combat and looked light on exploration. Hopefully, I'll be able to find the tools and scope to let my imagination run wild. If not, it's no big deal. Just one more game I tried and put down again without it managing to capture me in it's orbit.
That Elite Dangerous VR sounds fascinating. Playing Daggerfall Unity makes me think of VR because I think Daggerfall’s realistically scaled world fits VR really well but there has yet to be a VR mod. I’ve played Skyrim VR and the extremely condensed world ruins a lot of the immersion, as the constant “look, I’m a unique area!” becomes far more blatant in VR. In Daggerfall riding a horse to a nearby town gives me a feeling like I’m playing a VR game despite the game not being VR. As someone who’s played numerous VR games the scale of Daggerfall gives me that immersive VR feeling while not being a VR game. It wouldn’t be too difficult to make a basic VR mod, would it? I don’t make mods but someone making a basic VR mod for Daggerfall Unity would be fascinating. If Daggerfall’s realistic scale can give you the sense of immersion of a VR game, imagine Daggerfall itself in VR. I’m particularly interested in exploring a city, exploring the countryside, and exploring a dungeon in VR, all 3 things would be fascinating in VR each for their own reasons.

I say Daggerfall’s scale fits VR better then Skyrim because due to the increased immersion of VR in VR a town doesn’t have to be fully handcrafted, just having a nice-looking town is immersive enough, In fact having every building forcefully look unique became laughable in Skyrim VR. Add up thousands of towns to the immersion of VR and it feels like a real world. With VR more realistically scaled environments that are more realistic in that there isn’t something “unique” every 50 feet work way better then the super tiny worlds where every building has to be unique that Besthesda made starting with Morrowind. In VR a medieval town doesn’t have to be artificially different from a medieval town with forced handcrafted elements but instead it can just be a “real” medieval town in a world with thousands of other medieval towns. Daggerfall has that design philosophy and thus would be the perfect VR game.

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Re: So Starfield will have 1000 planets…

Post by King of Worms »

King of Worms wrote: Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:56 pm I think bethesda did not create a good game for over 10 years and I dont see any indicia for a trend change.
Unfortunatelly, I was right. After spending like 20+ hours in SF, Im at the verge of uninstalling it and most likely I just will.

The worse things about this game is the "space traveling" - the neverending loading screens, the loss of ANY FEEL OF EXPLORATION, copy pasted assets everywhere, zero immersion, zero feeling of the world and that you are a part of it.

Honestly, when I visited my SECOND mine and it was already a 1:1 copy paste of the 1st one, than what the actual eff am I even supposed to think about this game????

Walking around barren planets, looking for a randomly generated POIs which are just copy paste of another POIs elswhere? Where is the exploration in that? Than you find a cave with 10 mobs in it, piles of dung u can loot to get nonsense loot and thats it.

Compare it to the exploration in skyrim for effs sake.

This game is a GIANT turd. Ppl slowly awaking from the hype I hope... who knows. I for sure did. Now give me back those 20 hours, because that now feels like a total waste.
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Also, when I saw that every artefact hunt is EXACTLY the same process and animation, so u need to go thru this 20 times, its just pain. Glad I found the strength and dedication to actually count my losses and delete this abomination.

The studio is dead, they cant create a good RPG anymore. Ofc they cant, because the stopped making RPG games almost 10 years ago! Its like a athlete stopping his training for 10 years, than starting a marathon, only based on his name, which he gained long ago. He will be smashed! By others, who did not stop training, like a Larian.

It shows on every step, esp when u compare it to the older games they made. And realize the new one is worse in 99,9% of aspects. Yes, shooting is better, and u have grab animation - well done!! Thats exactly what will save a RPG game.

Beth is dead. And so is TES6. This company does NOT have what it takes to make a good RPGs anymore. They just run on fumes of the past, and so are the players hoping for a good games from them. Its hard to accept these things. Hard to accept Blizzard is dead as well. But the sooner we do, the better for us all.

SF is stuck in the past, in a nasty way. Everything can - and was - done better, than this game just brings to the table. And it was done by a indie studios... let that sink in.

Now enjoy playing this game, waiting month for em to add "R" to eat.

I will play actual good games, when they ocassionally appear, this one is not it. I might get back to it in 3 years in its "black hole" edition or how they will call it, with all DLCs (aka parts of the game which are currently missing and u need to pay for em) and mods. Than MAYBE.... :evil:

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Re: So Starfield will have 1000 planets…

Post by mcarss »

King of Worms wrote: Tue Sep 26, 2023 8:59 am Also, when I saw that every artefact hunt is EXACTLY the same process and animation, so u need to go thru this 20 times, its just pain.
You figure they would've learned from Oblivion's Oblivion Gates? Nah! :lol:

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Re: So Starfield will have 1000 planets…

Post by King of Worms »

Lol as I deleted the game, patch dropped. I was just curious, if they even fulfilled their promises on what will be in the patch, just to find out, the did not :D

No FOV slider (what the eff?!)
No "R" to eat
No performance optimization

well done :D Glad Im not involved in this sh1tshow anymore.

Btw, game score is going down on Steam, as more ppl awaken to what this game really is. And I get that, it took me 20 hours to realize what it is and abandon the ship.

Currently Starfield has lower rating than Fallout 76

I think in 2-4 years, the game will be MUCH better. And I will not touch it will a pole stick before. Now its a empty husk of a game to me.

I just dont understand how its possible, in a game with generated content, to not include this:
"You visited Mine number 1/10, next time you visit a mine, it will NOT be mine 1/10" :D
Maybe theres just one mine tho?! LOL

Anyway, Im out

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Re: So Starfield will have 1000 planets…

Post by numidium3rd »

The copy/paste nature of the procedurally generated planets is pretty much what I expected as soon as I heard Beth was going that route. It was the same thing with Elite: Dangerous - lots of mostly barren worlds (although that game is also a semi-accurate astronomy sim to be fair). If you don't go in expecting Space Daggerfall then you'll be pretty disappointed.

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Re: So Starfield will have 1000 planets…

Post by King of Worms »

numidium3rd wrote: Wed Sep 27, 2023 5:31 am The copy/paste nature of the procedurally generated planets is pretty much what I expected as soon as I heard Beth was going that route. It was the same thing with Elite: Dangerous - lots of mostly barren worlds (although that game is also a semi-accurate astronomy sim to be fair). If you don't go in expecting Space Daggerfall then you'll be pretty disappointed.
Thing is, they made it much worse than 1996 daggerfall is :/ Because in Daggerfall, you have a sense of compact coherent world. In SF, you dont, its just a bunch of secluded HUBs and spaces. U cant go from a cell one to cell two. In daggefall, u can go from one side of a map to another. They completely effed that SF up man, sad to realize they are incompetent to such a high degree. And what is even more sad is, that players accept that, or dont have a brain power/skills/experience to realize that. So they say GOTY :D LOL. Glad to see the Steam score going down the drain, as that somehow restored my faith in human race a bit.

I remember ppl sh1tting on Fallout 4, which I was able to enjoy fully. I enjoyed Fallout 3, ofc New Vegas. Enjoyed every game Beth released in last 25 years. Than they made Skyrim, completely halted any production of RPGs because they were busy raking in the money. And than...

They made new IP, worked on in for 8 years and deliver THIS MONSTROSITY :D :D :D For that reason, Im very certain, they lost the touch with game development of a complex stuff like RPG and that the company is dead. At least for ppl like me, who want good RPGs they used to create.

And thats the reason it somehow touched me. Im used to bad games. But getting this (SF) from Beth, when this was basically the make or break moment, is just sad... sad. Glad I made a move, deleted the game and Im moving on from it. But man... BLEH

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Re: So Starfield will have 1000 planets…

Post by numidium3rd »

In daggefall, u can go from one side of a map to another.
You can but I bet most people use fast travel since the map is so massive and barren. I think the reaction to this game illustrates a yearning for a good (though perhaps smaller) hand-crafted game world. There are hand-crafted parts of it that obviously had lots of care put into them but there's a lack of connective tissue between hence the complaints about endless loading screens. I know it's probably heresy to say on a Daggerfall forum but I think Bethesda tried to make their game world too big.

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Re: So Starfield will have 1000 planets…

Post by King of Worms »

numidium3rd wrote: Wed Sep 27, 2023 1:57 pm
In daggefall, u can go from one side of a map to another.
You can but I bet most people use fast travel since the map is so massive and barren. I think the reaction to this game illustrates a yearning for a good (though perhaps smaller) hand-crafted game world. There are hand-crafted parts of it that obviously had lots of care put into them but there's a lack of connective tissue between hence the complaints about endless loading screens. I know it's probably heresy to say on a Daggerfall forum but I think Bethesda tried to make their game world too big.
Well, thing is, in SF you cant :D Ok compare it to Skyrim. You can walk around the world, right? And thus it makes you feel like the world exists, you can explore it, and find interesting stuff. That was the essence of Beth games. And that essence is gone in SF, just like that. Like it was not important :D Anyway, the game has so much more issues than this :X Sad story for me.

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