Replaces Some Generated Loot Containers With Locked Chests.
After 7 long months of development, I've finally decided to release this mod to the public. While there are still many features that I had wanted to add before releasing this, I decided it was best to leave those for future updates to the mod, as otherwise it would be a never ending cycle of feature creep as I gradually went more insane as the months stretched on. So for my own sanity, I decided to put the breaks on and just release v1.0 as it is, with plans to add those other features in future updates, more details about those planned features below...
- At the most basic level, this mod is basically exactly as the short description says, "sometimes adds locked chests where other loot containers would be." But it is really alot deeper than that, it adds very detailed and highly interactable chests (perhaps too detailed for some tastes.) These chests (and their locks) can be made of various different materials, all having their own characteristics based on those materials. Which can be interacted with in many ways by the player to try and reveal what treasure might be hidden within. Such as with traditional lock-picking, magical lock-picking (Open effect.), brute force, and destructive magic (Damage Health and Disintegration.)
- While any of the above methods can work, the "plunderer" is heavily encouraged to use finesse more than force, as using excessive force will often lead to the treasure within being heavily damaged or destroyed in the process. All is not completely lost though, as even destroyed treasure turns into atleast slightly sellable items, (many of these "junk" items having future plans to be used in an eventual crafting mod.) But start studying up on your mysticism and tumbler design 101, lest you end up with most of your loot reduced to piles of trash by the time you get to it!
- The treasure itself is also heavily influenced by the environment the chest is found in. Dungeons of the Crypt "type" will have different types of items than a Coven or a Dragon's Den. Taverns will have different amounts and types of items as a Mages Guild or a Fighters Guildhall, that sort of thing. Also with that, some "types" of locations will have a higher chance of having more chests on average, Ruined Castles will frequently have more chests than say a Natural Cave. Even some characteristics of the room that a chest is located in will have an effect on the quantity and quality of loot the within, and even the odds of a chest being there in the first place. Bedrooms will have higher odds of having a chest in them than a pit full of rats and dead bodies, is the gist.
- Custom GUI windows for interacting with and inspecting the various properties of each chest.
- 115 custom sound-clips for the various ways you can interact with the chests.
- Numerous flavor text variants to describe interacting with the chests.
- Both choices of either fully 3D model or 2D sprites to visually represent the chests.
- 12 different "junk" items to represent items that were destroyed as a result of a "forceful" opening of a chest.
- In-built support/compatibility for items added in mods such as: "Repair Tools", "Jewelry Additions", "Climates & Calories", "Skill Books", and "RoleplayRealism-Items"
- And lots more features on-top of these planned for the future!
--- General Settings:
- Chest Graphic Type: How Chests Will Look Visually, I.E. 3D Models or 2D Sprites
- Chest Collision Toggle: If 3D Chests Will Have Collision And Obstruct Movement
- Chest Shadows Toggle: If 3D Chests Will Have Shadows Enabled
- Traps that function similar to how they do in Morrowind. However, these planned traps would be much more prevalent and diverse in nature. Things such as explosive traps, poison/disease clouds, poison injectors, summoning traps, magical traps, one-time traps, auto-resetting traps, teleporter traps, and a whole bunch more that would be possible to interact with in many ways. Be it through proper disarming with the right skill and some luck, triggering strategically with other means, dispel magical rune/glyph traps with the right spells, etc. These would hopefully add an entire new layer of risk/reward and interesting gameplay involving the chests and what you do when you find one and how to approach it.
- Chests with "hidden compartments" that could be noticed if you get a good enough roll when inspecting the chest and many other factors. Revealing these hidden compartments successfully granting access to the extra loot that might be contained in them.
- Extra flavor text if you roll very high on an inspection check that would show stuff like what company manufactured the chest or lock, just some cool extra flavor stuff as a reward for playing a perceptive and knowledgeable character.
- Spells effect that allows you to "take a peak" for a vague look at what is contained in a chest, kind of like a "Lens of Truth" effect from the Zelda series.
- Spells effects or items that allow locks to be usable again after already being jammed, or gives more chances before being jammed, something of that nature.
- Acids or corrosive mixtures that can be bought and even created through some form of alchemy that could be used on locks to either quickly or gradually compromise them structurally, so they are either easier to break off with bashing, or just the acid alone given enough time/potency could be enough to break the lock.
- Some sort of puzzle-box or lock-box item that can rarely be found in pawn-shops that acts as a way to train the lock-picking skill, similar to the "Skill Books" mod items, but maybe with some more specific details like different difficulties of lock-box that train different amounts and only up to a certain skill level or something like that.
- Some more "immersive" ways to learn about some of the meta-mechanics in the mod, such as books that explain the different chest and lock materials and how to best take advantage of the, things like that. A sort of "lore-friendly" mod manual of sorts that can be accessed in-game.
- Being able to pick-up/haul chests around if you have enough strength/encumbrance and are stubborn enough, can take the chest back to your wagon or something to bring back to your base of operations to better break into it or something. That and just be able to use chests as a fancy container of sorts with stuff like the Decorator mod and such.
- Mimic enemies of course! As one would expect but probably with some more surprises and mechanics involving these sneaky ambush predators.
- Compatibility/Support for mods such as "Language Skills Overhaul - An NPC Follower Mod" that would allow your companions to interact with the chests in various ways potentially.
- Compatibility/Support for the "World of Daggerfall" mod, that would allow this mod's chests to be spawned within the various locations that WoD adds, and just chests being possible to have in the open world, (not just inside interiors like it currently works.)
- And I'm sure much more as time goes on!
Feel free to leave any suggestions and such, I'm very open to anything, and hopefully you find this addition enjoyable or enhances your Daggerfall Unity experience in some way.
Github Source Code: Github
This mod should be compatible with most mods currently out there, to my knowledge atleast. I've already built some direct compatibility for the mods: "Repair Tools", "Jewelry Additions", "Climates & Calories", "Skill Books", and "RoleplayRealism-Items". At the very least the items from those listed mods should automatically be populated within the loot-tables of the chests where appropriate.
Unzip and open the folder that matches your operating system (Windows/OSX/Linux)
Copy the "lockedlootcontainers.dfmod" into your DaggerfallUnity_Data\StreamingAssets\Mods folder
Make sure the mod is enabled and "Mod system" is enabled in the starting menu under "Advanced -> Enhancements"
Remove "lockedlootcontainers.dfmod" from the "StreamingAssets/Mods" folder.
Special Thanks:
Interkarma, LypyL, TheLacus, DunnyOfPenwick, Hazelnut, Kab the Bird Ranger, Pango, BadLuckBurt, Jehuty, Kamer, Ralzar, Cliffworms, Ninelan, Kokytos, ACNAero, thenameisthegame, Azoozoo, Regnier, Reconsile, l3lessed, SoupDragon, jayhova, Focused Obsessions, TemporarilyTanya, Wallace Williams, Zoned Oyestander, TFitz, UncannyDeduction, DEN KEEPER, PostNostalgos.
And anyone else that I did not mention directly, hopefully you know who you are, either way, thank you all for the help, encouragement, and support that got me through this journey of a development experience these past few months! Without you, I don't know if I would have gotten to releasing this at all, so THANK YOU once again!
- v1.00 - 4/19/2023 - Initial Release
- v1.02 - 4/23/2023 - Fixes some oversights, bugs, and small bit of balancing stuff