Suggestion stack up Soulgems with same souls/empy ones, add different soulgem color for different souls..

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Suggestion stack up Soulgems with same souls/empy ones, add different soulgem color for different souls..

Post by ruthan »

Just suggestion for better user experience i have a lot of soulgems in my intentory.. its hard to differ between soulgems all have the same icon, it would be nice to stack up soulgems with same soul and empty once or even use some cheap color effect for different type souls.
It still need a bit qualityOfLife not yet done mods,more 3D models props(in HandmadeMod), 3D enemies not colliding with walls + some alternative Hexen 2 like hack&slash dance mod and it would be a dream. I played Ultima0+, but i know what i want :D

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Re: Suggestion stack up Soulgems with same souls/empy ones, add different soulgem color for different souls..

Post by Jay_H »

I will move this to Mod Suggestions, as this is a suggestion for a mod and not reflective of ordinary Daggerfall gameplay :)

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