Project N - a.k.a. what Daggerfall totally *doesn’t* need? Ok, I’ll do exactly that!

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Re: Project N - a.k.a. what Daggerfall totally *doesn’t* need? Ok, I’ll do exactly that!

Post by Arneb »

I'm making a list of "things to do" before releasing a playable test build for ProjectN; this won't obviously be complete location-wise, it will just be there to test which of the "new features" work and which don't, and to test compatibility with existing mods for DFU.

- Generate locations for a new region, preferably something in High Rock (to test the French-Breton names) at the border between Hammerfell and Skyrim (to use two different minor regionalisms for location generation); Dunkarn Haven would be the obvious choice;
- Generate roads for that region;
- Have a satisfactory number of different "hidden locations" to test the new feature;
- Have different kinds of townfolks appear in settlements, with the correct clothes climate-wise;
- Have the new planned Advantages working (Climate Survival, Underground Survival, Sense of Direction, maybe others);

Stuff that maybe will be in the test build, but probably not:
- The new Maquis climate type (I still don't have the ground tiles for that, and having maquis in Dunkarn Haven doesn't make much sense);
- Reworked and rebalanced stats bonus;
- New planned skills;
- New planned spells;
- Paid instant travel;
- Reworked and rebalanced quest system;

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Re: Project N - a.k.a. what Daggerfall totally *doesn’t* need? Ok, I’ll do exactly that!

Post by Kingdom »

Any updates?

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Re: Project N - a.k.a. what Daggerfall totally *doesn’t* need? Ok, I’ll do exactly that!

Post by Arneb »

Sort of:
- Generate locations for a new region, preferably something in High Rock (to test the French-Breton names) at the border between Hammerfell and Skyrim (to use two different minor regionalisms for location generation); Dunkarn Haven would be the obvious choice;
That takes of few minutes to do, but I'm constantly updating "my" database of RMBs and RDBs to add to the location generator, therefore I think I'll keep that for last;
- Generate roads for that region;
The roads generator works fine, but probably needs some fine tuning, right now it generates way too many roads;
- Have a satisfactory number of different "hidden locations" to test the new feature;
I think I'll have to develop a system for mini-dungeons similar to that of standard dungeons: many different (really tiny) blocks that get combined, thus ensuring a satisfactory diversity with a workable number of blocks;
- Have different kinds of townfolks appear in settlements, with the correct clothes climate-wise;
Everything's kind of fine, I just need more townsfolk graphics...
- Have the new planned Advantages working (Climate Survival, Underground Survival, Sense of Direction, maybe others);
These are done.

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Re: Project N - a.k.a. what Daggerfall totally *doesn’t* need? Ok, I’ll do exactly that!

Post by Arneb »

As any inconsiderate dev would do, I’m ignoring my self-made list of things to do, focusing on quite useless stuff:
now dawn and dusk aren’t fixed anymore, but change based on latitude and distance from solstice/equinox.
At the same time, seasons begin/end change based on latitude and altitude: the northern a character goes, and/or the higher the altitude is, the longer winters are, with shorter summers; and vice versa toward the equator of Nirn.
The map I used as a reference is this:

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