How to set a place in another region

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How to set a place in another region

Post by Jo'Zakar »

Hi y'all.

Disclaimer: I'm a complete noob. I've just finished JayH Tutorial. But the quest I want to create is really basic and I've nearly managed to do it. I just need to figure out how to set a place _guild_ to be another region.

I suppose It's as simple as changing

Code: Select all

Place _guild_ remote fighters

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Place _guild_ Something Else? fighters
. But I don't know what. So if someone does I'd be keen to hear about it.

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Re: How to set a place in another region

Post by Jay_H »

Hello! Using a location in another region isn't possible under the current system. There are very sparse workarounds you can use, but we currently don't have the flexibility to directly target other regions.

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