History & statement
The translation started 2007, I took over with a friend 2010 (and 6 other translators) and relaunched 2012 with Tyermali as a mainly two-man project. As you may see the translation went through a lot, but finally is in a good shape with a yearly release per version. Our translation goal is to have a high quality and lore-friendly translation instead of rushing through the process. Before the relaunch we did exactly that and it felt not right.
Now we are on track and have our perfect working four-eyes principle. Everything is checked by both of us, every stone is turned around - we even look up for corresponding synonyms and text snippets in libraries. It already happend that a discussion - about just one word - took us the whole evening. For some it's maybe to much perfectionism. Furthermore, as a lot of people will know - you don't have much time when you get older and you have to find free spots for your projects, especially when it took already 11 years of your life. But it's our approach and we are good with it and it came to fruition.
Further note: As we started with the translation when DFUnity was not even thought of (correct me @Interkarma

It's got fully translated released on Nexus in v0.90 on 04.11.2024.
Further Links
- Official Website
- Official Daggerfall/Development Blog
- Forum (ElderScrollsPortal.de)
- Datenarchiv (Github)
- Discord (#Daggerfall)
- E-Mail: daggerfalldeutsch[at]gmail.com