Health + Stamina + Magicka Rework Idea - Is This Feasible?

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Health + Stamina + Magicka Rework Idea - Is This Feasible?

Post by IAmTheClayman »

So I've been toying with an idea for a reworking of the system that governs health, stamina and magicka, and I need some help figuring out how feasible this would be for a first-time DFU modder. I have professional experience with Unity and C#, so this is really to determine if the tools available are robust enough to support this idea.

The concept is that, whenever the player takes (or is on the receiving end) of an action that causes them to lose health, stamina or magicka, there's actually 2 values that are being deducted from: current and capped. So say you start sprinting. For each frame you're sprinting, your currentStamina should go down by 0.5 and your cappedStamina should go down by 0.01. Once you've stopped sprinting currentStamina should start increasing, but it is capped at your cappedStamina. This means that, over time, the player's cappedStamina will continue to decrease as it does in vanilla Daggerfall until they rest, at which point cappedStamina will recover to the player's true max Stamina.

My goal with this system is that it can make moment to moment combat a bit more engaging by requiring more resource management, while not requiring players to constantly stop and rest for in-game hours while in dungeons. So it would be a bit of a hybrid between the original system and more modern Elder Scrolls.

So does this seem possible using the existing tools? And what areas of the code should I be looking at to get started?

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Re: Health + Stamina + Magicka Rework Idea - Is This Feasible?

Post by l3lessed »

I'm already planning on this being the next thing added to my combat mod "Ambidexterity Mod."

I already have in all other basic forms of modern combat mechanics with smoothed animations, I just finished by first pass at giving enemies actual attack traces to dodge, block, see, and get punished by; the next big addition for this mod are revamping the health/stamina/magica system to be more modern and streamlined like you are saying.

The system I plan to implement is a combination of the current fatigue system to set max regen caps, and a completely modern regen/responsive system similar to Skyrim.

Way it will work when I get it in is your base stats will work as the top amount of your regen pool. As you lose fatigue over the day, you regenerate as much stamina as fatigue left. Health and Magica will have their own fatigue model to similar to stamina. The more mental things you do, the less total magica to regenerate; the more health related injuries you take the less total health you can recover.

And yes, this is possible. It would require adding in some custom bars to go with/overlay the current ones. The custom bars would be current levels that regenerate at some rate. At that point, the code needs setup to control the values, the visual bars representing them, and ensuring no buggy code when updating either classic or the new indicators.
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