DFU 1.1.1 - Need some help - Lysandrus' Revenge

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DFU 1.1.1 - Need some help - Lysandrus' Revenge

Post by frustrated2025 »

I'm having some trouble completing Lysandus' Revenge. I killed Lord Woodborne and gave the diary to Mynisera. I thought I'd get a letter from Lady Brisienna to start the Totem quest. Soul of a Lich is done for sure. I think I completed Orcish Emancipation a while ago but I don't see it in my completed quests.

How can I know if I've competed Orcish Emancipation and done what is required to get the Totem quest to start? If I try to talk to Mynisera she doesn't talk to me. I don't know if that is because I've already given her Lord Woodborne's diary or there is another issue. Can someone give me a little help as to what I should do for the next step? Should I use a startquest command for Orcish Emancipation?

If it helps I can go to debug mode and post the items in green. Let me know please.

Thank you.

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Re: DFU 1.1.1 - Need some help - Lysandrus' Revenge

Post by Jehuty »

The issue here was that the Mynisera quest line was missing. Normally this is offered after Cyndassa, and Mynisera asks you to find a courier for the Emperor (https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:The ... 7s_Courier). I don't know why this part wasn't functional in your save, since it doesn't give clues about it. I could only assume that the Emperor's Courier quest was attempted, but time ran out, and that caused a quest failure that would have made the rest impossible.

I've attached your save outside of Daggerfall City, after I inserted that quest into your save. Your next step is to talk to Mynisera in Castle Daggerfall. I tested it from there, and you'll be able to proceed to the endgame if you complete the following quests.

NOTE: I just realized you have some mods that I may have erased with this save (I test in a modless environment). To prevent losing progress with guilds like the Archaeologists, you can use your old save. Just travel to Daggerfall City and use the console command startquest S0000012 (console is activated with the ` key above Caps Lock). It'll do the same as the change I made.
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Re: DFU 1.1.1 - Need some help - Lysandrus' Revenge

Post by frustrated2025 »

Thanks!!! That's what I needed! I'm back on track now!


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