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Re: Sound Design(erfall)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 12:00 pm
by Interkarma
I can absolutely get ambient effect in without much trouble. That's probably the easiest place to start as well.

I can't wait to hear what you come up with. The vanilla "birds chirping" does my head in, which is why I left it out of the ambient player. :D

Re: Sound Design(erfall)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 10:38 pm
by Hoon
So, progress update. I've made several minute-long loops for environmental ambience. I designed these to be as sparse and indistinct as possible: random ambience and 3D sounds will be doing most of the legwork (guess what I'm working on next).

Check out the archive here.

The names should make it clear what context these loops would play in, but I might switch it around later to taste. I decided for now that forests and jungles will have the same loop, and different ambience. Here's a checklist of sorts of where I am with environments, the + sign means I'm done with that part:









I'm done with loops for now, the "heavy" weather types don't exist in-game and I don't think an overcast-specific loop will be necessary. I'll try and have more to show off after the weekend, but I'm done for today. Thanks, all!

Re: Sound Design(erfall)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 12:42 am
by Interkarma
Awesome work! Downloading. :)

I'm working on an updated Mod Showcase Demo with a few updates and fixes - although at this rate it's going to be Mod Showcase Demo 2 with how quickly you guys are cranking out new stuff.

Re: Sound Design(erfall)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 6:42 am
by ifkopifko
Hey, great sounds. Can't wait to hear more. :) If I may share my opinion, I have a few remarks.
1. The loops "ClearDayForest" and "ClearNightForest" differ too much in my opinion, and the same is true for Winter sounds. I would probably use the "day" sounds also during the night. :)
2. The "Fog" loop sounds too windy, I think that usually, in foggy weather the air is more or less still.
3. With such wind in the desert, we will definitely need to incorporate sandstorms. :D But the sound is good, nevertheless.

Re: Sound Design(erfall)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 5:06 pm
by Hoon
ifkopifko wrote:Hey, great sounds. Can't wait to hear more. :) If I may share my opinion, I have a few remarks.
1. The loops "ClearDayForest" and "ClearNightForest" differ too much in my opinion, and the same is true for Winter sounds. I would probably use the "day" sounds also during the night. :)
2. The "Fog" loop sounds too windy, I think that usually, in foggy weather the air is more or less still.
3. With such wind in the desert, we will definitely need to incorporate sandstorms. :D But the sound is good, nevertheless.
Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, coming back after a short break, I can see where you're coming from, although I disagree about the day/night loops for winter. I need to adjust the levels for Desert Day and Night loops, and fix the NightWinter loop so it isn't so right-heavy in the stereo field. I think I can mess around with the fog loop to make it more "still", although a lot of that will be provided by the eerie lack of ambient effects in fog. I'll add more to the NightForest loop; it needs some foliage rustle and a little wind.

I "tested" these by going through the current mod showcase with the different loops playing, and seeing how it felt. So in that context, each loop should "feel" appropriate, although in a lot of cases they're probably interchangeable.