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Re: Custom quest support

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:37 am
by Kamer
I'm having an issue where when the quest checks for when the player casts a spell.

There are two checks for spells, One for a Fireball, and one for Levitate:
-Levitate works fine and activates itself task no problem.
-Fireball, however, will trigger both itself and the Levitate cast check.

They are both in the startup like so:

Code: Select all

cast Levitate spell do magiccheck
cast Fireball spell do magiccheck2
The quest fire is here if you want to take a look.

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Re: Custom quest support

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:49 am
by Jay_H
I'll upload a save game with the spells in hand, to facilitate testing. ... sp=sharing

Re: Custom quest support

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 4:39 am
by Interkarma
Thanks for quest and save. Have isolated fault with logic and fixed now in next round of builds.

Re: Custom quest support

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 2:11 am
by Jay_H
I've made some quests where completing it would mean a rep decrease for another faction: ie, + Fighters Guild, - Thieves Guild, and so on.

I've wanted to make a few that reduce Knightly Order rep, but the problem is that I don't know how to make it apply. Is there one single faction I can apply a rep change to, that'll affect all Knightly Orders in the game? Or would I have to list every single knightly order and apply the rep change to all of them in such a quest?

Re: Custom quest support

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 2:18 am
by Interkarma
Looking at FACTION.TXT, each of the knightly orders are parented to various factions rather than a common root. For example, Knights of the Dragon are a child of Lord Bridwell individual NPC and Knights of the Owl are a child of Glenpoint region.

I think you'd have to apply the negative rep individually per knightly faction.

Re: Custom quest support

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 2:20 am
by Jay_H
It's all right. If that's necessary it's not a huge problem; it's a matter of writing it once and copying it where it's needed :) Thanks for looking at that Interkarma.

Re: Custom quest support

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:55 am
by Jay_H
Kamer put in some work to narrow down an obscure, but somewhat common, bug with "pc exits anywhere." Several players have commented that this quest condition will fire upon teleporting, which for Warm Ashes means provoking wilderness events inside guild halls, shops, and so forth.

He relayed to me his tests and came to one conclusion: "Recalling [into] buildings that aren't capitol cities causes the exit trigger." So teleporting into the knightly hall in Wayrest or in Daggerfall City will not cause it, and teleporting into buildings in Gothway Garden or Warmore (in Wayrest region) will cause it.
When you say recalling inside of buildings, you mean into them, right? Or does the teleport spell trigger it with both anchor and teleport?

Yes, when you teleport inside of them
If you are already inside it won't do "Pc exits anywhere"
But if you are anywhere but the place where you put the anchor it will trigger the exit action
I guess a simple way of saying it, anchoring wont trigger if you teleport within the same building/dungeon as the anchor
If possible, preferable behavior would be to disable this quest condition when teleporting. That would prevent a lot of these odd situations.

Re: Custom quest support

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 2:09 am
by Kamer
Jay_H wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:55 am Kamer put in some work to narrow down an obscure, but somewhat common, bug with "pc exits anywhere." Several players have commented that this quest condition will fire upon teleporting, which for Warm Ashes means provoking wilderness events inside guild halls, shops, and so forth.

He relayed to me his tests and came to one conclusion: "Recalling [into] buildings that aren't capitol cities causes the exit trigger." So teleporting into the knightly hall in Wayrest or in Daggerfall City will not cause it, and teleporting into buildings in Gothway Garden or Warmore (in Wayrest region) will cause it.
When you say recalling inside of buildings, you mean into them, right? Or does the teleport spell trigger it with both anchor and teleport?

Yes, when you teleport inside of them
If you are already inside it won't do "Pc exits anywhere"
But if you are anywhere but the place where you put the anchor it will trigger the exit action
I guess a simple way of saying it, anchoring wont trigger if you teleport within the same building/dungeon as the anchor
If possible, preferable behavior would be to disable this quest condition when teleporting. That would prevent a lot of these odd situations.
This would also include teleporting inside of dungeons from outside. I need to do more test but teleporting the player using quest functions to inside of buildings/dungeons could also cause this. Someone mentioned they started having issues with WA when they got a quest that teleported them inside of a dungeon. I'd like tot test that but I think I'll just rest for the remainder of today.

Re: Custom quest support

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 10:50 pm
by Jay_H
Is there a way to alter reputation among the allied/enemy factions to a faction? The quest system does that naturally upon quest success/fail, but I don't know if there's a way to replicate that effect using "change repute with ___".

Re: Custom quest support

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 11:42 pm
by Interkarma
No way at this time. Perhaps an easy change would be to use "change repute with ___ propagate", where the "propagate" tag at end would trigger rep propagation logic similar to handing in a quest.