[MOD] Improved Interior Lighting [October 2020 - v1.0.3]

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King of Worms
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Re: [MOD] Improved Interior Lighting

Post by King of Worms »

Ill add up to the praises, its really nice mod, I like it.

The handheld torch light changes things a lot, I might experiment with the colors to match em to my prefference, but since this option is included, its all just great!

Ive added it to the recomended mods for a DREAM

Thank you!

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Re: [MOD] Improved Interior Lighting

Post by Mummelpuffin »

This looks beautiful, but I have two little issues / questions.

The light in the next hallway should not be present. It only appears when I'm positioned within a lit area, it's brightness is directly tied to the brightness of where I'm standing. This seems like a pretty global thing. Might be hard to see without expanding the image.
Daggerfall.png (377.5 KiB) Viewed 6140 times

Vanilla for comparison.
DaggerfallVanilla.png (254.62 KiB) Viewed 6140 times

Admittedly this is probably only noticeable with ambient light down at zero, and I can just disable the mod in dungeons, so probably not a high priority thing if it's even fixable.

Also, just out of curiosity, why were flickering player torch lights considered a bug? Did the script just not work properly? It would be a perfect option when combined with item-based torchlight.

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Re: [MOD] Improved Interior Lighting

Post by ShortBeard »

Mummelpuffin wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2019 4:51 am This looks beautiful, but I have two little issues / questions.
Also, just out of curiosity, why were flickering player torch lights considered a bug? Did the script just not work properly? It would be a perfect option when combined with item-based torchlight.
Hey, thanks a lot for pointing that out! I've tracked down the problem, but unfortunately I'm not sure if there's much I can do about it. Basically, because of either the Unity engine itself, or how the Daggerfall Meshes are combined, the light is leaking through from another nearby floor into that hallway - you can see the what's going on in this pic here:
LightingBug.png (510.3 KiB) Viewed 6118 times

As for the player torch flickering - I originally intended to have it, but the way flickering code works is it fluctuates the intensity level of the light. The problem here is that the light intensity is already being used in calculations by Hazelnut's player torch implementation, and how it gutters and gets weaker the longer the player has their torch burning. Basically before I add any kind of flickering to the torch, I would need to first make sure it worked in harmony with Hazelnut's player torch and not mess with any of the intended intensity levels.

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Re: [MOD] Improved Interior Lighting

Post by Opcero »

How do the DFU advanced lighting settings interact with the mod settings? Ex. If I enable shadows in the mod but turn them off in the advanced settings or vis a versa which setting takes precedence?

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Re: [MOD] Improved Interior Lighting

Post by King of Worms »

Just a observation - IMO its quite good to make the player torch default (as this mods gives us the option to do it) - having the player torch orange changes the game too much. While in theory, the orange player torch should look better than a white one (and I requested the orange torch be4 this mod even existed) - in praxis, its not good IMO. So.. my recomendation is to switch this particular option to default to get best visuals.

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Re: [MOD] Improved Interior Lighting

Post by King of Worms »

I dont know why, but in recent DFu update, this mod causes black screen after I load into the dungeon.
When I disable this mod, it always solves the problem.

Not sure if its this mod or its interaction with other mods I use :X

And its not even all the time, sometimes it works, other times I get black screen...

Does this mod work reliably to you ppl?

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Re: [MOD] Improved Interior Lighting

Post by greenlight »

For me the mod is working just fine. I am using a few of the released mods, all in their most recent version (DREAM, Enhanced Sky, ...). I have not messed with any post-processing effects.

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Re: [MOD] Improved Interior Lighting

Post by srk:. »

Played for a couple of hours and no problems.

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Dagoth Reigns
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Re: [MOD] Improved Interior Lighting

Post by Dagoth Reigns »

I'm actually running this on a lower end/non gaming pc. At first I was worried it would make my game run a little slower but it doesn't seem to affect it all. At first I thought it actually made it run a little smoother but that's probably in my head. :shock:

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Re: [MOD] Improved Interior Lighting

Post by King of Worms »

I hate to be THAT person but..

Im 100% certain this mod with a dream combined is causing me a bug. EDIT: I even found the solution to this, its described bellow

I tryed no mods - no bug.

Only dream mod - no bug.

Than I enabled Improved light as well and BAMM I got the bug immediately.


How the bug looks like?

To reproduce. I 1st load a save somewhere outside. Than I load a save in a dungeon. And this results in a black screen. A can turn around, I see the compass moving. When I press ESC I can see the options tab and I can suddenly also see the 3d view in the background. The game works, sound works, I just cant see anything untill I press ESC.

I had one save in the dungeon by the exit. So I managed to click the exit and I appeared outside and I was able to see...

It also messes up the saves. And when this bug appears, you can no longer load.

So its a bit complex situation :X

I will add these two saves:

1st is outside in the winter - load it
(205.26 KiB) Downloaded 193 times
Than load the 2nd one in the dungeon:
(249.56 KiB) Downloaded 192 times
Maybe try it few times...

No idea what is happening

Ive created 2 logs

1st is called WITH BUG. Thats DREAM and Lights mods.
I start the game, load 1st save outside, 2nd save inside, get black screen and exit the game¨

2nd is called WITHOUT BUG. Thats just a DREAM mod
I do the same - start game, load game outside, than inside, all ok, exit

I hope this might help?
(11.75 KiB) Downloaded 179 times

I think this part is describing the bug:

UnityException: Transform child out of bounds
at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Transform:GetChild (int)
at ImprovedInteriorLighting.ImproveFireplaces.AddLightsToFireplaces (DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.TransitionEventArgs args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.PlayerEnterExit/OnTransitionDungeonInteriorEventHandler:invoke_void__this___PlayerEnterExit/TransitionEventArgs (DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.PlayerEnterExit/TransitionEventArgs)
at DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.PlayerEnterExit.RaiseOnTransitionDungeonInteriorEvent (StaticDoor staticDoor, DaggerfallWorkshop.DaggerfallDungeon daggerfallDungeon) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.PlayerEnterExit.StartDungeonInterior (DFLocation location, Boolean preferEnterMarker, Boolean importEnemies) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at DaggerfallWorkshop.Game.PlayerEnterExit+<Respawner>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

So.. I understand jack about what is written there but I see "improve fireplaces, add light to fireplaces" etc... so I went to options of the mod, disabled adding the light to fireplaces in dungeons and... the bug is gone.

Lol... so there it is. Im quite proud of myself now :D
Now I can finally rest assured its not something on my side of modding...
Last edited by King of Worms on Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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